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    @JoeCFD Yes, I figured that out.
    I tried to set the environment variable QT_MEDIA_BACKEND to gstreamer and managed to have a glimpse of video stream in Qt 6.
    However I had a lot of lost packets, lantency issues and network errors (that I don't have in Qt 5).
    Another problem of Qt 6 is that I need a QCamera object to be able to record thorugh QMediaCaptureSession and QMediaRecorder and I don't know how to set a QCamera with a remote IP camera.
    So I decided to go back to Qt 5 (where I can at least successfully see the video stream).
    For now I'm trying to record the video stream via a QProcess that executes the Linux command

    ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://<user>:<password>@<IP>:<port> -acodec copy -vcodec mpeg4 videotest.mp4

    It seems that it works this way, but it's only going to work on Linux machines.

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    I'm very aware of signals and slots. IMO JS-like promises solve a slightly different problem. Qt signals are shared among all subscribers. Promises are specific to a single function call.

    In my lib I implemented promises using signal and slots. The difference is that there is a new QObject for each function call. In my experience this prevents potential issues with clients connecting to the same signal in the same object and then receiving multiple signals or having to manually disconnect after the first signal...

    Also signals and slots are scattered in the class header and in many functions, while the promise approach is more self-contained.

  • Everything related to designing and design tools

    95 Topics
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    True TableView and TreeView tooling is missing - create a report that you expect it at

  • Everything related to the QA Tools

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    and the program stay at the front, and he don't flick to the button where my wish object what i need to go into is

  • Everything related to learning Qt.

    363 Topics
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    Thanks @Emilia_Qt ! If it's planned to happen this year then in it's all fine.

  • 2k Topics
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    The attached snippet of code has three tasks, performed in sequence
    close QMdiSubwindow
    Cascade all QMdiSubwindows
    Tile all QMdiSubwindows

    I can observe, in real time,
    event->accept(); - subwindow closes
    if I skip processAction(3,"actionTile");
    by commenting it out
    I can also observe

    if I uncomment
    I can observe


    it is NOT what I expect
    it still have place of the original closed subwindow.
    At thus point I do not know why the result is not what was expected
    and need an easier way to debug the process.

    My questions
    is there a SIMPLE way to let the running code display each step as it happen?
    Ideally adding a delay between each step - for debugging purpose.

    Adding this delay just delays the entire code completion

    What I like to have is this

    // Accept the event to allow the window to close
    event->accept(); // TOK
    delay /show the above
    processAction(3,"actionCascade"); // TOK
    delay /show the above
    // debug real time
    // QObject().thread()->usleep(100010005);
    processAction(3,"actionTile"); // ???
    delay /show the above

    I suspect QProcess is the answer, but that is not what I would call a simple solution. I am open to reasonable suggestions. Thanks '``` // Accept the event to allow the window to close event->accept(); // TOK processAction(3,"actionCascade"); // TOK // debug real time QObject().thread()->usleep(1000*1000*5); processAction(3,"actionTile"); // ???
  • 4k Topics
    17k Posts

    Buenas tardes,
    He visto que en un tablewidget se puede filtrar por columan colocando unos lineedit en los headers

    aun no lo logro

    alguien lo a hecho o de que otra forma sugieren hacer el filtro por multiples columnas?


  • This is where all the posts related to the Qt web services go. Including severe sillyness.
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    We will have a maintenance break for the Qt Design Viewer ( on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, starting at approximately 9:00 CET. This break is necessary to enhance data security and perform a system update.

    The maintenance is expected to last a few hours, with the service anticipated to be back online around 14:00 CET. We will keep you updated on our progress.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.