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Shih Tzu Information


This is Your 1-Stop Shih Tzu Information Center

Welcome to AllShihTzu, your informational resource for the Shih Tzu, a breed steeped in history and cherished for centuries as an ideal companion and lap dog.

Friendly, outgoing and amusing, Shih Tzu dogs are clever companions and often form very strong bonds with their humans.

Despite their classification as a toy breed, they possess a sturdy build, weighing between 9 to 16 pounds, making them a versatile fit for various living environments. 

As brachycephalic dogs, the Shih Tzu has a short snout and compressed breathing passages, requiring careful attention to respiratory health. With a range of coat colors and styles, from short to long, the Shih Tzu's beauty is captivating. Join us for all things related to Shih Tzu puppies and dogs.

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"A dash of Lion, several teaspoons of Rabbit, a couple ounces of wise Chinese men, a bit of Beggar, a tablespoon of Monkey, one part Baby Seal, and a dash of Teddy Bear." ~ Dr. James E. Mumford, talking about the Shih Tzu

New and Recent Articles:

Dangerous Things a Shih Tzu Should Never Lick - See the top 5 things that are incredibly dangerous for a Shih Tzu to lick. These outdoor elements do not need to be ingested; merely licking them is enough to cause serious issues. 

Top 10 Shih Tzu Essentials Under Ten - The best Shih Tzu care items under 10 dollars. Affordable, helpful products to keep your puppy or adult dog happy and healthy without breaking the bank.

Top 5 Flower-Themed Shih Tzu Care Items - Our pick of the top 5 most wonderful flower-based essentials. From engaging toys for independent play to immune-boosting treats packed with antioxidants, you'll love the benefits of these floral delights.

What Shih Tzu Dogs Require: 5 Upgrades for Healthier Choices - Easy ways to optimize your Shih Tzu's health with strategic product selections. Learn what truly benefits your companion for a thriving life. 

The 5 Best Fish-Based Treats for a Shih Tzu - Discover the many benefits of omega fatty acids, via fish oil, to enrich a Shih Tzu's diet.

Lovely Fragrances for a Shih Tzu - Have your Shih Tzu smelling absolutely fantastic while keeping their coat protected, soft and shiny. Have a look at these 5 splendid scents for your little guy or gal. 

The Best Toys for a Shih Tzu - Updated - This section has just been completely updated and revised. Take a look at the awesomely fun toys we've discovered and how they can help your Shih Tzu.

Breed Stats:

  • Pronunciation:ˈSHē ˈdzo͞o (She Dzoo)
  • Original Pronunciation: Sure-ds
  • Current Translation: Lion dog, Lion son
  • Original Meaning: Lion
  • Common Misspellings: Shihtzu, Shihju, Sheetzu, Shitzu, Sheetzo
  • Origin of the Shih Tzu: Tibet & China
  • Date of Origin: Arguably the Shih Tzu dates back to the 17th century
  • Weight: 9-16 lbs (4.08-7.26 kg)
  • Height: 8-11 inches(20.3-27.9 cm)
  • Group: AKC Toy Class
  • Recognized: In 1969
  • Life Expectancy:10 to 16 years
  • Purpose: Companion dog and Show dog
  • Popularity: 20th most registered dog, 3rd most registered toy breed (AKC)
  • Litter size: 1 to 5
  • Maturity: Adult at 1 year old

Unique Grooming:

Shih Tzu Grooming Main Image
Shih Tzu Grooming Main Image

This breed is quite versatile in regard to coat; having hair as opposed to fur allows for everything from a shaved to a long show coat. Regular grooming, including baths, brushing, nail care, face wiping, and touch-ups, is essential regardless of coat length. Staying informed about grooming techniques and having the right tools and products is key. You may also need to address tear stains, odors, coat issues and dry skin occasionally.

Explore these essential articles related to grooming:
This is the main grooming page and is a great overview of all the tasks that need to be done, following a schedule and helpful tips to keep your Shih Tzu looking spiffy. 

Toy breeds and brachycephalic breeds tend to be prone to tooth decay, so dental hygiene is very important with Shih Tzu dogs. Read how to maintain your dog's oral health. 

Bathing on time and using the right methods and products will ensure that each bath is successful and leads to good skin and coat health.  

Body oil accumulation and skin issues are to blame for most odor problems. Read why this happens, how to prevent it and exact steps to resolve issues. 

There are several conditions that can cause thinning or balding hair. Top causes and treatments, including some at-home remedies. 

A fun look at some cute hair cuts that can be done with this breed for both puppies and adults. Includes summitted photos by site Members. 

Discolored hairs under or around the eyes should not be ignored. The key to fixing these for good are to rule out the triggers and use the right remover. 

It's vital to use the right brushes, combs, and other grooming tools for ease of use and excellent results. Some tools meant for dogs with fur can ruin the coat.

This often rambunctious breed can get messy and stinky in between baths. If this applies to your Shih Tzu, see these helpful tips for keeping your little guy or gal looking tidy and smelling nice.

Proper eye care and cleaning are crucial for the Shih Tzu, especially due to their brachycephalic features, which can lead to eye issues. Understand the importance of regular eye maintenance to prevent infections and maintain  ocular health.

Common Shih Tzu Behavioral Issues:

Shih Tzu Chewing on Shoe
Shih Tzu Chewing on Shoe

Shih Tzu dogs are the perfect combination. You get a relatively small package (9 to 16 lbs.), and a lively, active dog with a friendly disposition. The majority of Shih Tzus are non-barkers (only being vocal if there's trigger), get along very well with children, and do great with other dogs (though they may be a bit wary).

A Shih Tzu will want to be engaged with the family and enjoy your daily walks together. This breed is incredibly loving and fits in well in just about any type of household.

This said, despite their charming nature, there can sometimes be certain behavioral challenges. These can include stubbornness, separation anxiety, and food-related antics. Addressing these issues requires understanding their unique personality traits and employing consistent, positive reinforcement training.

Check out these helpful behavioral articles:
This is the main behavior page. It covers normal vs abnormal behaviors in puppies and adults and leads to other detailed articles. Note: All 20+ behavioral topics are found in this section.

This is a very common problem with lots of Shih Tzu dogs characterized by distress when left alone. Learn effective strategies to help your little guy or gal cope with this challenge.

Often picky eaters, Shih Tzu pups and dogs may show disinterest in meals or favor certain foods. Explore finicky dietary preferences and tips for managing selective eating habits.

This article covers the unpleasant behavior of eating dog poop (their own or that belonging to other dogs), aka coprophagia. Discover why this happens and learn effective ways to address it.

Shih Tzu dogs may engage in rolling in feces, a behavior seen in canines for several reasons. Learn about this habit, appropriate responses to it, and ways to discourage it.

Shih Tzu dogs may have a bad habit of eating things off the ground, which can pose risks. Find out how to curb this behavior for their safety.

Humping behavior in Shih Tzus, a common canine action, can be managed effectively. Explore the reasons behind it and, if it is excessive, find helpful strategies to control it.

Some Shih Tzu dogs are set in their ways, refusing to listen, walk on a leash, and more. Discover common headstrong behaviors and solutions.

Food Related Topics:

Tzu Food Feeding Main Image
Shih Tzu Food Feeding Main Image

The Shih Tzu breed tends to have a sensitive stomach, along with a propensity for fussy eating. While contending with that, it's vital to choose foods that promote good health and steer clear of artificial additives and other ingredients that can be detrimental.

 See these informative food related articles:

This is the main feeding page and offers a detailed guide to many feeding aspects including scheduling, recommended brands, dry vs wet, grain vs grain free and more.

Details on training treats, snacks and edible chews, along with exact recommendations for both Shih Tzu puppies and adults.

See our newest collaboration, 21 fantastic homemade meals and 19 mouth-watering treats, with full-color step-by-step photos. Let's cook something healthy and wholesome today. 

The 7 most important supplements for Shih Tzu dogs. You may be surprised at the critical importance of #5, yet how easy it is to offer this. Includes supplements for issues including dry skin.

Optimal Shih Tzu Well-being:

Shih Tzu Walking with Beautiful Flowers
Shih Tzu Walking with Beautiful Flowers

There are many varied aspects to keeping a Shih Tzu healthy, happy, comfortable, well-socialized and safe. And it is certainly a balancing act. Below are some super-helpful articles that will get you on the right track.

 Explore these articles related to well-being:

This is the main care page that covers a wide-range of topics and branches out to more detailed articles for specific advice applicable to puppies, adults and senior Shih Tzu dogs. If you're looking to provide optimal care, this is a great place to start.

A great summary of the 3 most important 'dos' and the 3 most vital 'don'ts' for optimal health, happiness and well-being. It's always a good idea to reassess these elements as your Shih Tzu grows and matures.

Most Shih Tzu dogs are little engines of activity. It's important to focus their energy in a positive manner while staying cognizant of their limitations as a brachycephalic breed. This section includes instructions and ideas for fun activities.

There are a wide range of reasons dogs can suffer from chronic stress. Help your little guy or gal feel calm and more content with these tips. This is relevant for rescues and Shih Tzu of all ages that struggle with anxiety.

There are lots of ways that a Shih Tzu will communicate their feelings and emotions to you. This is a great guide on body language to help you understand what your little guy or gal is saying.

As your Shih Tzu matures, it's vital to address their changing needs, in order to help them be as mobile, happy and comfortable as possible. See our top tips for making changes regarding feeding, exercise and more for a senior.

Canines have such short lifespans compared to us humans, but there are many things you can do, starting today, to help your little guy or gal live as long as possible with quality of life.

If your Shih Tzu accompanies you in the car, you'll find this information to be helpful. Tips to prevent motion sickness and how to buckle your sweet guy or gal up for safety.

Shih Tzu Supplies:

Shih Tzu Dog with Lots of Supplies
Shih Tzu Dog with Lots of Supplies

There are some core items and products to have in order to take excellent care of a Shih Tzu puppy or dog. Some are directly related to this breed's specific needs such as supplies to prevent or address skin and coat issues, as well as those related to this breed's status as a brachycephalic breed, such as harnesses. Others address age-related requirements, for example teething toys for pups or proper bedding for older dogs with joint issues. Additionally, certain supplies are based on individual circumstance, for instance an indoor pen and companion toys for dogs that stay home alone or slow-feeder bowls for fast eaters.

 Check out these helpful supply related articles:

This is the main supplies page and offers a complete list of the 18 items to have at home for your Shih Tzu, as well as details regarding each item or product. For new pet parents or those reevaluating their adult dog's needs, this is the place to start.

This is a very handy article that covers specific recommendations for 'stay busy' toys, chew toys, teething toys, companion toys, puzzle toys, fetch toys and more. If your Shih Tzu is bored, lonely or needs motivation to get moving, this covers it all.

Having the wrong accessories (like a collar when on leash) can have dire consequences with this breed. We encourage you to read the differences between a collar and a harness. See updated tips and exact recommendations. Cute photos too!

Did you know that bowls can be linked to level of eating enthusiasm, nose discoloration, tummy aches, and facial stains, among other things? The top 5 elements to keep in mind, recommendations based on age and specific needs, and reader Q&A.

Health Topics:

Shih Tzu with Flowers and Heart
Shih Tzu with Flowers and Heart

The Shih Tzu is a relatively healthy breed, but there are some health concerns, both those associated with their brachycephalic anatomy, such as breathing-related issues, and their tendency to have both a sensitive stomach and sensitive skin. If your Shih Tzu has a suspected or known health issue, chances are we have written about it.

 Read further with these health related articles:

This is the main health page that covers signs of a healthy Shih Tzu vs signs of a possible issue. And this offers details on 15+ common and serious health conditions that affect this breed including brachycephalic airway syndrome, eye issues, hip dysplasia and more.

About 20% of canines suffer one at least one type and while there are some common symptoms, each dog is unique in their reactions. A Shih Tzu may have one, some, or all signs. These may come and go or remain constant. Learn how to reduce allergens and see treatment options to get your puppy or dog feeling better fast. 

This is one to bookmark. This article covers every single type of itch, all top possible causes, and exact steps to take to quickly resolve the issue including home remedies and products that can offer immediate relief. For acute, chronic, minor, severe, known and unknown.

Related to itchiness, dry skin is deserving of an article all its own, since this is such a common issue with Shih Tzu dogs. This covers signs and symptoms, home remedies for fast relief and specific products for moisturized, healthier skin going forward.

Geared toward Puppies:

If you have a new Shih Tzu puppy, you may be feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension, wanting to provide the best of care, but knowing there's a lot to juggle. The following articles are a great place to start.

Shih Tzu puppy, playing with colorful toys, illustrated
Shih Tzu puppy, playing with colorful toys, illustrated
Find help in these puppy related articles:

This is the main puppy care page, serving as a gateway to all other puppy-related topics of interest. This article offers a comprehensive overview and top tips for optimal well-being, making it an excellent starting point.

How a Shih Tzu ages, developmental stages and milestones and an age equivalency chart to see how old your sweetie-pie is in human years. This article leads to age progression photos showing the transformation from puppy to adult. 

House training can be a challenging task, but much of its success hinges on how effectively you pre-plan and maintain consistency with the regimen. For a smooth training experience, these step-by-step instructions are designed to guide you towards rapid success.

This can be a challenging time for both your puppy and you. Learn how long this stage lasts, the best responses to non-toy chewing, and how to keep a teething puppy happy. Our guide provides insights and strategies for managing this phase.

Seasonal Care:

Shih Tzu Both Weather Seasons

Summer Care - The Shih Tzu is a breed that requires tailored care during different weather seasons. This is particularly true due to being a brachycephalic breed with a short snout and compressed breathing passages. So, when the sun is bright and the temperature starts to rise, you'll want to implement these specialized care tips to keep your little guy or gal healthy, happy and comfortable.

Winter Care - Winter can be a challenging time to have a canine family member like the Shih Tzu that is a small indoor dog. Important aspects are staying warm and paw and nose care. So, when the weather starts to get chilly and there's snowstorms on the way, these are the specialized cold-weather care tips you'll want to implement for optimal health, happiness and well-being.


Shih Tzu with flowers and butterflies , illustrated

Shih Tzu Heat Cycle - Grasping the intricacies of the female Shih Tzu heat cycle is crucial, especially for owners of un-spayed females. We delve into the various stages of the heat cycle. This includes identifying signs and symptoms, along with providing appropriate care and considerations. Our aim is to equip you with the knowledge to confidently manage your little gal's reproductive health.

Shih Tzu Pregnancy - This article covers the key aspects of pregnancy in Shih Tzu dogs, such as gestation period, signs of pregnancy, changes to make in the diet during different stages, and essential care during this special time. Whether you're a pet parent of a gal with a possible unexpected pregnancy or are simply looking to expand your knowledge, this provides you with a solid overview. 


Shih Tzu dog difference sizes, illustrated

Shih Tzu Colors- One of the wonderful aspects about the Shih Tzu breed is the many gorgeous colors that can be found. Lovely solid AKC accepted colors include black, brindle (technically a pattern), gold, blue, liver, silver and red. There are also double colors which include black & white, brindle & white, gold & white, red & white, silver & white and liver & white. Triple colors include black, gold & silver, black, white & silver, silver, gold & white, and black, gold & white. See pretty photos and details of each color.

Shih Tzu Weight Comparisons - An informative article with the results of a weight survey, breed standard weight vs actual weight seen with pet Shih Tzu dogs, the reason for such a large weight variance, photos of Shih Tzu at various weights, and more.

Shih Tzu care book icon
The Most Comprehensive Shih Tzu Care Book That Exists

Paperback (8.5x11", 360 pg) or ebook

Whether you have a new puppy or an adult, let’s get started on a wonderful, fulfilling, fun, and healthy road for your Shih Tzu!

Resources  - A list of selective pet-related online partners.  
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