Celtic Cowboys Domain An Irishman from Indiana on music, gaming, and life in general

Web Name: Celtic Cowboys Domain An Irishman from Indiana on music, gaming, and life in general

WebSite: http://celticcowboy54.wordpress.com





description:An Irishman from Indiana on music, gaming, and life in general
Bent Spines

Now, when the title of this post came to me, it took a few minutes for me to realize well, that sounds really bad and more than a bit misleading.

So please, dear reader, allow me too explain.

So, I got a Christmas gift from one of the players in my CthulhuTech game (which yes, it IS still slowly consuming MY ENTIRE LIFE).

This gift was a book series called Temeraire. To sum it up succinctly, Temeraire takes the Napoleonic Era and stays pretty close to actual history.  Except for the dragons, of course. Theres still the same major events and such like. But, you know, now there dragons in the mix. Ive read the first two, His Majestys Dragon and Throne of Jade, and have already started on the third, Black Powder War, and these books are seriously so rad. They are on par with Mistborn in my book (PUN MOSTLY INTENDED.) Those of you who have followed me are most likely aware of my ridiculous love of Mistborn, so that should give you an idea.

The books came in a set of the first three in a cool little box that lets you see the backs of them. After reading the first two and looking at the third I noticed something that really didnt seem super important at first. The third books spine was completely flat and pristine. Meanwhile, the spines of the first two were bent slightly, arcing inward toward the pages. 

As a reader, youll never have that effect on the book again. It will go from flat to bent after that first reading. Maybe it will increase with any subsequent readings, but the fact of the matter is youve changed that book forever.

On the flip side, you will never be affected by that book the same way you were during that first reading. Youll have favorite scenes that make you laugh or cry again, but youll never again be so truly influenced by those pages ever again in your entire life.

Now heres where I get philosophical. Youll meet lots of people. Youll have all sorts of interactions with them. A lot of times, your first conversation, your first meeting, your first whatever whatever list extending into foreveryour first anything with a person is going to define a part of you to them in a way youll never be able to accomplish again, no matter how hard you try.

Now, back to wondering how weirded out people will be by the title of this post before reading it. Random awesome song!

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Walk Him Along

Im not going to postulate on here as to the underlying causes and problems that were behind the shooting at Purdue yesterday. There are so many things I cant possibly know.

I met Andrew Boldt in passing, the young man who passed away here at Purdue during the shooting. I played HvZ with him, fairly certain Ive never even spoken to him, however. His death saddens me, of course, as it should. Its a tragedy. 

Its strange, really. In most minor things in life, I feel like I tend toward over thinking and philosophical inclinations. However, when something like this happens, much like with my roommate a year ago, I just sort of accept it. I dont see a grand scheme behind it, I dont think on the reasons much or dwell on the greater picture stuff for long. I just send out prayers to those who need them. Thats about all we can do at the end of the day.

So, lets stay strong moving forward, Purdue, and lets not be afraid to give a prayer or two where theyre due.

1 Comment Posted in Uncategorized Tagged andrew boldt, general taylor, great big sea, purduestrong
FINALLY (A Tombstone forTombstone)

So, break is over, school is back in session, and I now find myself able to once again post here with reliability and regularity. THANKthe ancestor spirits.

Now, you may be asking yourself, heya, self, why do the voices not go away when I wake up in the morning? Then, once you realize that question has nothing to do with me, youll ask yourself a new question, has anything cool happened in the ongoing epic that is CthulhuTech- A Murders Plight?

Well, my game took a turn for the FEELS once more the other day.

Riastradh, the best and brightest pack the Eldritch Society has to offer, was sent to eliminate the enemys best; The Four Horsemen. We all knew it wasnt going to be easy. We just didnt know it would turn out like it didnt

Riastradh set up an ambush in an alley just as four spooky looking dudes with knives to the throats of someemployees from the Red Light District. Ceph, controlled by my main dude Sarge, tosses a grenade at them because what is collateral damage?

Imagine Riastradhs surprise when the spooky dudes fall on the grenade, shielding the hostages from the blast. Thats when the four ladies started to change.


The four ladies were, in fact, the Four Horsemen. War was an 11ft. tall Zabuth, complete with spiky tail, laser eye, and claws. Pestilence was a Derebith, a strange cross between a lizard and a rat, bearing a debilitating disease that affects only mundane mortals, not Tagers. Famine was a 13ft. long slug creature with a razor maw; a Patul. Finally, we had Death, a 6ft. tall orb shaped creature with a giant maw and acid spit.

So the battle began with Ghost, played by none other than Shepherd, leaped from a window and, Assassins Creed style, stabs War in the chest. War was rather angry about that. Those two would go toe to toe for the rest of the fight.

Riptide (played by the Laney lass) bite some pieces out of each other. Riptide makes short work of the poser, however, and Famine was the first to fall.

Meanwhile, Mad Hatter (the wee Jynx lass), our caster and only mortal, was hit by some nasty plague business, taking stat penalties. Pestilence closed for the kill. Tombstone (the Fort man) tried to stop him, but to no avail, taking a spray of acid from Death. Pestilence, Kukri in hand, slices a piece of Mad Hatter and Tombstone. Mad Hatter uses a med kit on Tombstone, healing him, but provoking an Attack of Opportunity from Pestilence.

Hatters jugular is cut, and she falls for good.

Tombstone has no chance to retaliate as Death descends from the sky and bites a piece out of him, an attack he would not survive either.

The rest of Riastradh LOSES THEIR ABILITY TO DO ANYTHING OTHER THAN KILL and quickly dispatches the remaining enemies. But the feels were unavoidable. And though we will never truly replace Mad Hatter and Tombstone, their spots on the team were filled by:

Azrael (Azzy)- A little lass that plays the violina violin that turns into a scythea scythe that also is a rail gunI let this get away from me.

Thanatos (Thane)- A big fellow who specializes in improvised weaponry.

Interested in keeping up with the game? Click here to check out our board!

Want to get your own CthulhuTech game started? Head to their website!

Want to hear the feelsy song played at the funeral for Tombstone and Mad Hatter? No? Too bad!

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2013 and SuchLike

A year in review is always a good source of reflection and, indeed, embarrassment. What an interesting year, indeed

Bought my first car. A 2000 Kia Sephia with 85,000 miles on it for $1800. It has no CD deck and whines quite loudly when she starts up. I couldnt decide between Shadowfax and Jack as a name, so she became Shadowjacks.

-I continued my work as a delivery driver for Hot Box pizza and have, dare I say, NAY A REGRET for it.

-Yet another semester has been completed, and only one more remains. Im about to become people in the near future and suppose theres no way around it.Eh, such is life.

-I joined a new Pathfinder RPG campaign where I play a basically an anthropomorphic samurai otter paladin. Straight up Redwall style. Tenshu Omote-Onaka, the Unpursued of the North. Its pretty metal, I cannot lie.

-I started my first ever RPG that Ive been the one running it as opposed to playing. Set in the CthulhuTech universe and system, it has been one of the most fun and rewarding experiences Ive been a part of. To collaboratively come up with such a deep story hitting all the emotional highs and lows is the best.

-Starting said RPG was prompted by going to my first ever GenCon in August. And THAT was the most fun I had in years, getting to meet so many people that are just as passionate about the same things I am. There was singing, cosplaying, some horrible dancing at one point, and shenanigan type occurrences abound. I cant wait for it to come back around this year.

There were many other bits of life, love, and loss that occurred. Im happy with last year, and am looking forward to the one to come.

See You Space Cowboy

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The Importance ofSevens

Sevens (verb)- To post an update on my CthulhuTech game.

Near the start of this game of mine, my players and I were wondering what exactly is the best way to make it known that we have posted an update in a non traditional way.

My silly little hedgehog para-psychic lass just thought it would be SO FUNNY to say sevens.

Why? Why sevens?! What did it mean? Why did you contrive that words/number of all the words, numbers, and word/numbers in existence?

Sevens has taken many forms now:









To this day it baffles me. To this day the confusion takes my brain by a slightly smaller brain inside my normal brain and refuses to let go of either. Its as if a thousand jimmies cried out at once, and then were just as suddenly rustled.

In other news, I rediscovered an awesome song. Here! Take some semblance of sanity and have a happy holiday season!

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And my second to last semester in college was over. As long as my grades pan out, that is (which, mother, if youre reading this, THEYRE TOTALLY GOING TO PAN OUT, PROMISE).

Once more, I offer apologies at the delay, but finals week had taken up much more of my time than anticipated. But all is well now, and Im free from the shackles of academia for a month. So huzzah!

So, recently, I cancelled my Dark Souls 2 Xbox 360 pre-order, hoping to get the money back to put toward a gaming PC. Well, turns out, I made the pre-order entirely with store credit, so had $60 of Gamestop store credit to work with. Went home with used copies of Warhammer 40k: SPEHSS MAHREEN, Rage, Dishonored, and Lost Odyssey.

SPEHSS MAHREEN- So, I figured this game was going to be ridiculous. The entire concept of the SPEHSS MAHREEN is a little silly. They try to have a serious conversation but it is constantly using the words Space Marine, and I cant take it seriously. But then the game was just so incredibly rad. I mean 9 THROWING UP THE HORNS out of 10, would smash Orks with a Thunder Hammer again. The story isnt super deep, but its actually not bad, which surprised me. And, according to my 40k lore fanatic buddy, this game is truly what being a Spehss Mahreen would be like. And the ending was so incredibly reminiscent of forget it Jake, its Chinatown, that I actually liked it even though it wasnt really happy at all.

Rage- Id played Rage before. I was embarrassingly good at the online multiplayer. I got on there, lost my first match, then won ten in a row. I think my all time record was like 37 wins and 4 losses. Legitimately, it was that crazy. Two of those losses were against the same guy (curse you, xXABN THUGXx!) But, I digress. The campaign was sadly short, which is unfortunate, because I thoroughly enjoyed the universe and the rich environments. The combat was pretty good, though I feel they beefed up the later enemies a bit more than necessary. The ending was absolute shite, and I know they were trying to set up for a sequel, but it was way too abrupt and THERE WONT BE A SEQUEL *cries*

Dishonored- I initially discounted this game as an Assassins Creed/Thief knock off. Little did I know it was going to truly set itself apart from the other two games. The magic system was pretty cool, its not often youre straight up given the ability to teleport. Id comment on the combat, but admittedly, I didnt get into the combat much. See, Dishonored has Chaos system. Killing guards and things of that nature increases chaos, while bypassing them or dealing with them non-lethally decreases it. Chaos affects if the ending is good or bad. Being Light Side/Paragon til the day I die, I went low Chaos, killing only the guards I absolutely had no choice but to kill. The nonlethal play through was a challenge, but really rewarding.

Lost Odyssey- I started this game last nightand realized it has four discs. Ive been told it has 40+ hours of gameplay. That baffles me, but at least were on Xmas break now. Its a Final Fantasy style game as far as combat goes, which I dont normally go for, but Im willing to give Lost Odyssey a chance. Its an interesting universe; very unique. It IS basically a J-RPG, another genre I dont usually give the time of day. But heres to keeping an open mind, I suppose.

So yes, its been a busy time of school and gaming. I shall keep you updated on Lost Odyssey, should it prove good enough to be worth talking about. Beyond that, godspeed, and have a wonderful holiday season! YOU SHALL HEAR FROM ME SOON, MORTALS.

Leave a comment Posted in Gaming Tagged 40K, Dishonored, gaming, Lost Odyssey, Rage, Space Marines, SPEHSS MAHREENS, Warhammer
Snow Way butOK

I lead with an apology for my absence. A rather large amount of academic activity and  work-work-working at the Hot Box had my time occupied and thus, these posts were neglected. You have my sincerest, and dare I say, STRONGEST of apologies. Therefore, a few updates.

-The first snow has struck here. And thats basically the only reason the post is named that. I am not creative enough otherwise, and I am not sorry for it.

-Meanwhile my RPG comrades just went to space a.k.a. SPEHSS. It was kind of awesome. They flew through SPEHSS and summoned the avatar of a elder god on Mars. They also had to hunt and kill a group of their comrades, which was significantly less awesome, but epic in its own special way.

-I got an original Xbox. I can now once again play Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2. Its good. ITS GOOD. SO GOOD. It had been so long, and I am the happiest of not Sith/not Jedi Force user person.

-I have continued a bit of work on my noire story set in the Mass Effect universe. To give you an idea of just how this story is going to be, the main character is Ayson Spader, aka Spades. And I am, indeed, still not sorry.

That is all I have for you, and I assure you your regularly scheduled posts SHALL RETURN SOON.

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Thankful for the Small Things (The RandomThings)

I am, indeed, thankful for the family, friends, and grace of the good Lord that have all brought me this far in the world. Incredibly and distinctly so am I grateful for them. The small things in life, though, those are something not to be overlooked:

-Im thankful that, 9 times out of 10, my favorite spots in both Greyhouse Coffee Supply Co. and Nine Irish Brothers are open.

-The fact that, in Knights of the Old Republic II, they added more in depth weapons customization and party interaction.

-And that Knights of the Old Republic I is THE BEST game ever made.

-My window in my room in my apartment is placed in the perfect spot that the sun wont shine in and wake me up.

-Steam. I dont know why I hadnt used this program before. Steam is so awesome and its given me back Rome: Total War.

-I have a car and its under my name and it runs. Thats a pretty major one*shrug* oh well.

-The phrase, though it may not have been your intention, youve become a passenger aboard my Ruse Cruise.

-CthulhuTech, Pathfinder, DD, Mistborn Adventure Game, and all the other table tops out there that make such an activity possible.

-Mandalorian culture from Star Wars. Mandalorians are so rad.

-Shirts with no sleeves. Im not ripped and my skin is less than great, but forget sleeves.

-Hoodies. I understand that is quite the opposite of no sleeves. I also understand youre just going to have to deal with it.

-My favorite flat cap, the hat that has lasted through college.

-Finally, fiddles. Cant play one, but theyre great.

The list could go on forever and ever, but Im sure you dont have time to read that much. Or maybe you do. I wouldnt know, I dont stalk you

very often.

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Have you ever had one of those days when you just eat and eat and eat and cant stop eating? (and to my friend Jason, if you read this, I know, thats your everyday. This is normal people were talking about here).

First things first, I am grateful that I can afford to eat whenever I need or want to. Granted, I do work to make that so, but nonetheless, Ive been given the opportunity and its nice. 

Point Im getting to is, though, that there are those strange, strange days. Example, a few days ago, I woke up with super intense hunger. 

Ah, verily shall I sate this urge! I said, eating a turkey sandwich before class. As I went to get coffee, however, the pangs returned with a vengeance.

Lo, but is this not a most dreadful inconvenience! So I partook in a delicious breakfast crepe from Greyhouse Coffee and Supply Co. Assured that I would no longer be suffering until lunch time, I pressed on to learn about writing for mass media in COM 252, a two hour class.

We were 45 minutes in when the horrors once more invaded my tummy. Sacrebleu! I thought, quite aghast at the strange goings on. The hungry feelings got almost to the point of being painful before I managed to get out of that no food or beverages allowed classroom and devour a peanut butter sandwich I had brought from home. It wasnt enough. The pangs were there, on the edges of consciousness, waitingwatching

A helping of biscuits and gravy from Pappys Sweet Shop on campus put a stop to that foolishness!

at least until the brief period of time between my next two classes. With no sustenance available to me, I suffered through my next class, wondering to the ancestor spirits as to just what exactly was happening. Immediately upon my release, I returned to the Union building, hoping tomato soup and grilled cheese would be my salvation. It was for a time. Not wanting to make my wallet feel the same emptiness as my stomach, I powered on through.

Work was next, but a brief stint at home allowed for another peanut butter sandwich to stem the invasion of ravenous urges. Through half of my shift, I managed to hold on, but eventually the need to feed was too great. A large pizza with chicken, broccoli, and mozzarella over red sauce was my next victim, and I ate it. All of it.

Finally, at home, the feeling hadnt returned for quite a while. I was certain I had triumphed. I went to bed, knowing I had a 7:30am class the next day, at an earlier than usual hour. 

2:00 am struck, as once more did the hunger. At a loss and sleepy, I put Loaded Baked Potato Pringles between two slices of bread and threw that down with some milk. The urges left and havent returned.


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The Shantiest

Sincerest apologies for the delay in posting, comrades. Work and school and foitin round the world have a way of eating up time. But, I digest.

As some of you may or may not know, I wrote and sang a Mistborn rendition of Black Velvet Band at GenCon.

The madness has not stopped there. But first, some background:

On the Southern Seas of Scadriel, there is a ship. The Damned Patriot is her name, and she is well on her way to becoming the most feared vessel of the South Isles. Her crew?

Gentleman Ger, the man with the hats, Captain of the Damned Patriot and Brass Burner.

Bloody Jem Flint, Gers right hand manwomanperson. Archer, Soother, and social situation assassin.

Celler Sandcrowne, half-finished Steel Inquisitor. Expert Coin Shot, deadly warrior, and the Patriots librarian.

Silas Hastings, former assassin. Iron puller, pickpocket, and king of the skeletons.

Our newest member, Wallberga (Wally) Conrad. A fledgling Mistborn, burner of all the metals, and a poor little lass who has no idea what shes gotten herself into.

Finallyof coursewe have Varrus. At 64, he towers over most people in the Final Empire. Hes a Pewterarm, also known as a Thug. Its a life that he didnt choose, but instead chose him. He used to be a miner, enslaved by one Tanniker Conrad. However, through a very long and rather complicated series of events, the Damned Patriot now works for Lord Tanniker for the betterment of Varrus people.

Poor Varrus has done a lot of life taking to get to where they are now. Its gotten pretty far under his skin. So, to reflect this new attitude of everybodys favorite Pewterarm/Public Relations specialist, Varrus wrote a song (and so did I, strangely enough).

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Recent Posts Bent Spines Walk Him Along FINALLY (A Tombstone forTombstone) 2013 and SuchLike The Importance ofSevens
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