United for a Fair Economy

Web Name: United for a Fair Economy

WebSite: http://www.faireconomy.org





After your register, you will recieve news and action alerts. We won't ever sell your information.Take a deep breath with us. Inhale... Exhale...This is a hard moment we are in. Not only are we being called to acknowledge the violence and racism woven into the very fabric of this country’s founding, we are being called by all those who have been targeted to imagine a just world.Imagine with us... UFE is supporting national and local work to lift up, strengthen, and coordinate immigrant community-based struggles for dignity and well-being, and helping to keep that work alive in virtual spaces. Alianza Americas is a national coalition shaping new narratives about Latin American immigrants and the systemic problems that force thousands of people to flee their countries of origin. We are supporting Alianza as they transition their leadership development online in response to COVID-19. Our support is enabling them to connect with local leaders who are mobilizing immigrant essential service workers to demand dignity and protections now. UFE’s first fully online training of trainers for Alianza took place in early May, and we will provide ongoing online workshops through the remainder of 2020. All people deserve the kind of economic security wealth provides, but numerous practices and policies have worked to limit the accumulation of wealth for women, and particularly women of color. Considering the historical barriers that block building wealth, individual actions and the "free market" will never be able to sufficiently address gender and racial wealth inequality. The only way to end this outrageous inequality is to attack the gendered and racialized rules that drive it.State of the Dream 2020: Building a Fair Economy at the Intersections makes it abundantly clear that entrenched racism and sexism that is fostering and sustaining deep and yawning economic inequities in the U.S. This well-rounded report features research, stories, interviews and a practical resource through a popular education workshop exercise that helps us fight for a fair economy and ensures all of us can thrive. Order a copy Download the Report Register now for our upcoming online event series Getting Through Economic Downturns Together. During previous crisis, people from different walks of life gathered in solidarity to create real solutions for themselves and their communities. From organizing and advocacy, to mutual aid networks and worker cooperatives, people around the globe have formed lasting solutions at great odds. What can today’s movements learn from how our ancestors built and resisted? We're excited to release the cover illustration for our upcoming report, State of the Dream 2020: Building a Fair Economy at the Intersections. This year, our State of the Dream report will focus on the significance of gender and race in the fight for a fair economy, and will be released late this month (April) to concide with Coretta Scott King’s birthday. Feelings Zoomed out? Here’s a list of 25 practices to make online meetings/trainings more engaging, equitable, effective. Not comprehensive. We're still learning. What would you add? Earned wages are going down, but the cost of living continues to climb. This is the sad reality for the majority of Americans. But at UFE’s Training of Trainers, we hold space for liberatory conversations to be born between the majority and the minority.Our second ever cohort of trainers in our new NC Training Network came to Charlotte from cities and towns all across North Carolina, representing 8 different organizations. These included the Fight for Fifteen/NC Raise Up, Communication Workers of America (CWA), Carolina Jews for Justice, Just Economics of WNC, and Power Up NC. Our current economy and government is not set up to support the health and well-being of all people. This reality is starkly reflected in the disproportionate fallout from COVID-19, which while affecting us all, impacts some of us more than others because of systemic inequality and structural racism. However, if you have more than you need right now, we encourage you to join the #ShareMyCheck campaign and pledge to redistribute your checks in solidarity with those hit hardest. We're so appreciative of the amazing year we had in 2019... from celebrating our organization's 25th year, to launching a new training network in North Carolina... thank you to all those who collaborated with us, supported us, and otherwise made the work we do possible!We're proud to share with you our 2019 impact report --as an infographic! We at United for a Fair Economy recognize that we are in the midst of a disaster, a world-wide public health and economic crisis not witnessed in living memory.Building a more fair economy capable of better responding to crises requires a more equitable allocation of resources to communities that have been historically disadvantaged or exploited. As we’ve seen with natural disasters in places like New Orleans and Puerto Rico, crises compound already existent inequalities, causing devastation for people of color in particular, while generating opportunities for a powerful few. Uplifting these marginalized voices is the best way to move forward and ensure lasting, economic change that benefits everyone, not just the wealthy. On March 16, 2020, thirty-five members of Responsible Wealth – all in the top 1% of income and/or wealth – sent a letter to New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo and the Legislature advocating for higher taxes on ultra-wealthy individuals like themselves to help fill New York’s pressing and unmet budget needs. Responsible Wealth, a project of United for a Fair Economy, is a national network of investors and other wealthy individuals who are concerned about growing economic inequality and working to change it. Just a month before quarantine our Director of Cultural Organizing, Eroc Arroyo-Montano had the opportunity to be a co-facilitator and advisor in collaboration with the Educators Healing Gathering hosted by "Our Fire Collective." Combining healing justice and popular education, Eroc moved educators through different practices and helped to advise the group on next steps.

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