
Web Name: OpenSketch






OpenSketch is a full service education development group capable of helping you reach your learners in all the ways you ve ever imagined and hopefully a few you haven t thought of yet. We ve served millions of learners in the healthcare, retail, sales and circus performing* industries, just to name a few. * Actual resume may include less circus performer work than described. Build Whether you would like to leverage existing systems, build something entirely unique or anything in between we ve got your back. Maintain The world is a dynamic place, which often impacts existing content. After deployment, we remain engaged to ensure that your content is always working and current. Interoperability We strive to maintain interoperability with the latest platforms to ensure stability and compliance. Flexibility Whether your content needs an update or you re starting from scratch, we ll work to make sure your content gets the presentation it deserves. Process New to eLearning? Not to worry, we ve picked up a few tricks along the way and we ll be happy to share. Process New to eLearning? Not to worry, we ve picked up a few tricks along the way and we ll be happy to share. Team The gang s all here. We ve got in-house instructional designers, artists, programmers, video specialists and more than a few pet enthusiasts. Whatever you need, we have someone. Data We comply with the latest SCORM, AICC, and Tin Can standards to get your data in and have comprehensive dashboards for you to get it back out. Data We comply with the latest SCORM, AICC, and Tin Can standards to get your data in and have comprehensive dashboards for you to get it back out. Platform Ubiquity Our content is optimized to work on all major browsers, devices and platforms. Diverse Offerings We teach through courses, assessments, labs/simulators, videos, games, apps and more. Variety keeps users engaged. Diverse Offerings We teach through courses, assessments, labs/simulators, videos, games, apps and more. Variety keeps users engaged.


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Having developed technology and an infrastructure that has served millions of learners worldwide, OpenSketch is a full service education development group capable of helping companies reach their learners. We offer a variety of learning tools including simulators, quizzes, interactive games, activities and tools, supporting both elearning and mobile learning (mlearning). OpenSketch develops engaging eLearning tools that facilitate learner navigation, comprehension of materials, and makes certain that your business has a successful implementation of new systems and/or process through cutting-edge educational methods. With thousands of courses already created, OpenSketch has honed a process that simplifies everything for the learner and manager.

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