HOME | MokSana Yoga

Web Name: HOME | MokSana Yoga

WebSite: http://moksanayoga.com





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Class sizes are limited to 8 students and we will continue live-streaming so you can practice in the studio or at home (please note that students practicing in the studio will not be visible to students practicing at home).Scroll down to see today s schedule or to print a PDF of the June weekly schedule. Please visit the Prices page on this website for step-by-step instructions of how to join live-streamed classes and please visitthe Studio Etiquette page under About Us for new procedures for attending in studio classes. Thank you for your support!MokSana Yoga Healing Center was founded in December 2001 with a mandate to provide inspiring yoga classes in a variety of styles. Ourcenter offers drop-in yoga classes, a Yoga-Alliance certified 250-hour Yoga Teacher Training course, continuing education workshops for yoga teachers and students, healing arts practitioners, yoga retreats, and retail.​At ourfacility, freedom or moksha is experienced through the practices of traditional and contemporary approaches to yoga, meditation, and holistic health. Ourstudio is located in a two-story heritage building in Victoria s Old Town. With its high ceilings, natural light, and peaceful atmosphere, MokSana is a wonderful place to experience the vital connection of body, breath, mind, and spirit.​MokSana is committed to providing a safe and welcoming space for all people regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, profession, nationality, disability or religion. Yoga means union and the practice of yogic techniques help us to connect to the part of us that transcends these labels, ultimately leaving us with a deeper appreciation of each other s essence . Our change rooms, washrooms and showers are not gender specific. The first flooris wheelchair accessible and the second floor is accessible by chair lift forthose who cannot negotiate stairs. The first floor studio features a beautiful mural and infrared heating and the second floor studio features underfloor heating and large windows facing Pandora Avenue.​Moksana Yoga Healing Centre is grateful to be working on the traditional territories of the Lekwungen (Songhees) First Nation and to have the Songhees Nation Investment Corporation lease their building to us. We gather here as a community to practice the teachings of yoga that have been passed down from generation to generation in a safe and nurturing environment where students can explore body, breath, mind and spirit to the benefit of us all. Class ScheduleIntroductory Offer For New Members $50 + gst for One Month of Unlimited Live-streamed Classes

TAGS:HOME MokSana Yoga 

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