Quitting Smoking Timeline

Web Name: Quitting Smoking Timeline

WebSite: http://www.quitsmokingonline.com





Home Page Quitting Smoking Timeline : Enjoying it. Millions will tell you thatit CANNOT BE done .but our world-famous, Free Online Course will show you How to Enjoy Quitting Smoking! Yes, it Need NOT be Hard and Difficult..! Yes, YOU can Stop Smoking .and still FULLY ENJOY Life! We have shown over 100,000 people how to do this since 1996 ..yet millionsstill swear quitting smokingmust be hell on earth ! The Internet s most popular Free Quit Smoking Course! This course is WONDERFUL. It forces us to examine all our most precious root assumptions about smoking and then tears them apart. The RESULT: Quiting smoking naturally can be easy and permanent! Dr. D. Dell Olio, Health Review News This breakthrough course is destined to become a classic reference on how to stop smoking simple wisdom that will blow your mind away. Just spend under one hour reading it, exploring the quitting smoking timeline and it will change the way you view smoking for ever Times Health Supplement, October 2004 This is by far one ofthe best Free Quit Smoking course on the Internet. Sir Richard Branson Our websiteis the most recommended free Quit Smoking site in the leading Quit Smoking Forums like Quitnet and About smoking Stopping Smoking does NOT have to be HARD or DIFFICULT You can ENJOY doing it! Yes, I mean this! You can enjoy the process of becoming a non-smoker. All these people did.Click Here I know it will be so hard to convince you of this. But before I try, please consider this: Since the late seventies, over 120 million Americans, not to mention all the millions of people in the UKand Ireland have successfully quit smoking. Yes, 120 million in America alone! People who were convinced they would never really succeed. But we all did. And, at that time we felt like you do now. Doubtful. And Unsure. And here at quitsmokingonline.com We are all ex-smokers. From myself to Emma, Dave, Michael, Susan, Clare Some of us were successful the first time, other s the second time. I was successful after my fifth attempt but now 20 years later, it is one of the best things I ve ever done. TIME OUT Again and again I want to make the point ..: You can enjoy the whole process of quit smoking. Millions will tell you that CANNOT BE done. In fact, millions will swear quitting smokingis hell on earth . But they are wrong. It can be ..but itNEED NOT BE. The truth is: Qitting smoking need NOT be hard or difficult. There is NO law that says it should be. Yes, if you quit in the same oldway like 99% of smokers,using willpower alone TO FORCE themselves to stop. .., yes, it will be a horrible, miserable experience for you. But .it need not be. There is ANOTHER WAY. It is POSSIBLE to quit ANDENJOY IT! I know most smokers won t be able to accept this at the moment but can t you, at least ALLOW yourself to consider that it MIGHT be a possibility. What can you lose? You don thave to believea word Isay. You can NOW prove it for yourself! Our entire 10 day course is free and online now. Now . Can I explain how YOU CAN quit smoking AND NOT FIND IT DIFFICULT? Again, I really mean this. Quit smoking DOES NOT HAVE TO BE DIFFICULT. And it does NOT mean you have to gain weight, when you stop. Can YOU face this truth? If you are honest right now, you believe 100% no, 1 BILLION % that : Even now, I bet even the mere thought of not being able to smoke fills you with dread: .you are probably TOTALLY, ABSOLUTELY, 1,000% convincedthat you could not get through the day OR really be HAPPY if you could not smoke. Like most smokers, you like to smoke. You look forward to your cigarette. You genuinely BELIEVE that smoking is ENJOYABLE. That it is essential ..: Then, after a while you feel an unconscious urge to smoke . but you remember you have given up so you fight it .. And fight it .and fight it. And after a little while, a full scale civil war is RAGING within you. One part of you doesn t want to smoke while another part of you, desperately wants to smoke. Both parts are now FIGHTING each other. You are being torn apart, internally and it FEELS terrible. .And after a little while, you start to feel tired and tense as this internal battle continues to rage. And you curse the day that you decided to stop smoking! And after a while you either keep on resisting the temptation to smoke or you give in, have a smoke and promise to start again next Monday .. But whatever choice you make, there is one thing we will all remember: How horrible and terrible this giving up smoking is . And yet . You could not be more wrong! Yes, I know most smokers whoquit smoking in the pastexperienced this horror and frustration. Millionshave found quitting smokinga terrible experience. But it need not be It was a terrible experience in the past for most smokers because 99.9% of smokers who tried to quit tried to do it through brute WILLPOWER alone, they go through each day of the quitting smoking timeline, day by draining day on willpower alone. And most smokers TODAY are still doingthe SAME THING! They will try and FORCE THEMSELVES to stop. But most of them won t.. Allthey will end up experiencing is ..PAIN and MISERY, and the horrible fear that they ALWAYS feel like this ifthey can t smoke. The pain and misery that you experience when you can t smoke is not caused by the FACT that you can t smoke. I know we all believe it is, but in fact .. The cigarette is irrelevant. Here s why . When you quit smoking and become a non-smokeryou will naturally feel theCRAVINGto smoke. We all know that feeling I must have a cigarette . But here is the IMPORTANT thing: THAT desire or craving to smoke in itself is not bad or painful. It is just a feeling, a sensation we feel in our body. That s all! However ..this is what 99% of smokersmiss .. It is only when you start toFEARor HATEthat craving .or try to push it away or use willpower to REPRESS it .that, that craving .THEN becomes painful, annoying and frustrating! Butthis is exactly what 99% of smokers do. When theygetthe craving to smoke, theyget frightenend ., anxious .and afraid OF THE CRAVING .and they start to hate it, fight it or use willpower to repress or destroy the craving. Butit is THIS fearful, anxious, nervousRESISTANCEthat actually makes quitting smoking sohard,so difficult and so painful for most smokers. Again and again, remember : There is nothing wrong with the craving to smoke. it is normal and natural. Itis just a temporary feeling or sensation in your belly. The pain, the HORROR comes from HOW you decide to deal with this desire to smoke moment-by-moment WHEN you quitsmoking. Now What if we could show you how you could actuallyTRANSFORM this craving to smoke so that it wasactually enjoyable to experience? If you couldlearn how to do that what would there beto fear fromquitting smoking? Isn t that true? Then, when you quit -if you get the craving to smoke,or hundreds of cravings to smoke -you simply wouldn tcare! You djust welcome itas another greatOPPORTUNITY to transform itso that it was enjoyableto experience! And the wayto do thatis to do something you have probably never done before Yes, wait for it The secret is: BE happy when you get the CRAVING to smoke during theday. No, I m not mad! The secretreally is to be happywhen you get the CRAVING to smoke during theday. Let me explain The Madness or Genius of Zen Monks ! A Zen monk has his vital signs measured as he prepares to enter an advanced state of meditation in Normandy, France. During meditation, the monk s body produces enough heat to dry cold, wet sheets put over his shoulders in a frigid room (Photo courtesy of Herbert Benson In fact, it probably explains the secret of the incredible bodily feats they are able to carry out. In fact, in a recent TV documentary I saw, two Zen practitioners were filmed as they sat happily and without-a-care-in-the-world in FREEZING, ICE-cold water for hours? Not only were they able to handle this terrible discomfort .. Imagine getting up tomorrow morning and having to jump into an ice-cold bath! and stay in it!) they were able to ENJOY it! Actually E-N-J-O-Y it! It didn t bother them! It definitely puts the temporary discomfort of not been able to smokeinto perspective And here s how they do it The Secret Although it seems incredible, the secret of the Zen monks is actually very simple. The secretlies in HOW they RESPOND to what they feel moment-by-moment. If they are feeling a sensation they don t like, i.e. like ice-cold water they don t automatically BELIEVEthat this feeling or sensationis bad , or wrong . They don t automatically resist the feeling. Or start to hate it. Instead, using simple techniques, they simply ALLOW themselves to OPEN up to whether sensation is present. .and train themselves to WELCOME it. Yes, they welcome this so-called unpleasant feeling. They MAKE FRIENDS WITH IT. That s the great secret: They MAKE FRIENDS WITH IT. They allow themselves to stay with the feeling moment-by-moment, simply, WITHOUT judgment noticing it s movement,it s progress and it sintensity. They allow themselves to get comfortable with their discomfort and when they do that an extraordinary thing HAPPENS .. They DISCOVER and thenEXPERIENCE the joy, the bliss and the incredible PLEASUREthat lies at the center of every feeling, of every craving if you will ALLOW yourself to experience it without resistance. The exact same thing I will show younow when you quit smoking. But none of us, when we quit smokingever do this because we are too BUSY hating or being afraid of this craving to smoke .there we all are .. sitting on ourcouch, WISHING, praying, beggingit would go away We are all too busy WANTING it to go away ..instead of welcoming it and TRANSFORMINGit. The earth-shattering truth is: The craving to smoke can be a JOY to feel!! In our famous, free online course , Iwill show you exactly how to do this so that this time when you quit you will actually enjoy it! You can NOW access our complete 10 step online course, with its free information on how to quit smoking. You can also e-mail our team of Advisors if you need any help with our course. Remember, all our advisors are ex-smokers who have successfullyquit smoking so they will understand exactly what you are going through! Click here to continue with our free Online QUIT SMOKING COURSE Citation Online Excel CoursesShare this:FacebookGoogleTwitterLinkedInPinterestRedditTumblrEmailPrint

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