Bixby Chocolate: Craft Confectionery

Web Name: Bixby Chocolate: Craft Confectionery






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We ship nationwide. The Rockland Maine Store is curbside only.

Bixby Chocolates

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" style="; max-height: px; " /> Bon Bons " style="; max-height: px; " /> Bars " style="; max-height: px; " /> Toffee " style="; max-height: px; " /> Baking
" style="; max-height: 250px; width: calc(480 / 600 * 250px); " /> Dark Chocolate Maine Sea Salted Caramels Gift Box from $9.07 USD " style="; max-height: 250px; width: calc(1700 / 2200 * 250px); " /> Needhams Out of Stock " style="; max-height: 250px; width: calc(1700 / 2200 * 250px); " /> Milk Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels from $5.99 USD " style="; max-height: 250px; width: calc(1500 / 1875 * 250px); " /> Peanut Butter Lobster Claws from $5.94 USD " style="; max-height: 250px; width: calc(1365 / 2048 * 250px); " /> Chocolate Hearts $8.80 USD
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