Life Is Messy Bootcamp – with Mayi Carles

Web Name: Life Is Messy Bootcamp – with Mayi Carles






BEING A GIRL BOSS IS AWESOME, SPECIALLY THE WORKING FROM HOME IN YOUR STRETCHY PANTS PART. The thing is, somewhere along the ride, stuff gets in the way. It starts getting harder. It stops being fun. You start comparing yourself to strangers on the internet. All the sudden, it feels like all your colleagues are having money fights on their yachts, while you re struggling to scrape by. And you find yourself asking if your dreams are even worth the hassle. If I had to guess, I d bet you re over there juggling 600 things at a time + house looks like you lost at a game of Jumanji + head is sore from overthinking + your favorite stretchy pants have a hole in the butt area. Feeling like a hot mess? You’ve come to the right place. + Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the incompletes in your checklist.+ Maybe you’re freaking out because the rent is due, and so is that other bill you’ve got.+ Maybe you’re looking for a smarter way to get where you want to go.+ Maybe you’ve hit a plateau and feel stuck.+ Or maaaybe you simply need of a friend who gets it cause they've been there and done that.If so, I VOLUNTEER, I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE to be your Captain Messy Pajama Pants and get you out of that hole you’re in. We’re gonna transform all those hiccups into a success story. And we’re gonna have fun doing it! + Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the incompletes in your checklist.+ Maybe you’re freaking out because the rent is due, and so is that other bill you’ve got.+ Maybe you’re looking for a smarter way to get where you want to go.+ Maybe you’ve hit a plateau and feel stuck.+ Or maaaybe you simply need of a friend who gets it cause they've been there and done that.If so, I VOLUNTEER, I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE to be your Captain Messy Pajama Pants and get you out of that hole you’re in. We’re gonna transform all those hiccups into a success story. And we’re gonna have fun doing it! what exactly is this? Life is Messy Bootcamp® is a “let’s get our sh*t together” kinda training playground, but really more like a slumber party for girl bosses. Let’s cut through all those hype-y fantasies around being your own CEO, like working 4-hour weeks while dipping your feet in warm sand and making one million dollars on your next launch. Instead, let’s unlearn how to be Miss Perfect so we can embrace our gifts of imperfection + perceived flaws + weird quirks to design a life we love + make an impact + build a profitable creative empire - that’s the jist of it. LIFE IS MESSY BOOTCAMP® IS CLOSING IT'S DOORS AFTER 10 YEARS, AND I WANT TO CELEBRATE IT BY DOING ONE LAST FAREWELL RUN WITH YOU AND THE MESSY GANG! LAST RUN JOIN BEFORE IT’S GONE FOR GOOD CART IS CLOSED PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLYAFTER A DECADE OF MESSY WORK, LIFE IS MESSY BOOTCAMP® IS SAYING GOODBYE. BE A PART OF THIS BELOVED PROGRAM'S LAST RUN AS WE CLOSE THINGS OFF WITH A GRAND FINALE.Everything will be business-as-usual for the entirety of 2019. This means, all our scheduled monthly Messy Hours + Planning Workshops + Feedback Sessions are ON. Starting 2020, the membership site will remain up for one more year to give folks plenty of time to copy/paste + save + watch and replay anything. The only difference is there will be no updates to the content and I won't be hosting any new calls.NEED HELP WITH YOUR ORDER? HAVE QUESTIONS OR HESITATIONS? PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER HAPPINESS ELVES AT HELPDESK@MAYICARLES.COM PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLYAFTER A DECADE OF MESSY WORK, LIFE IS MESSY BOOTCAMP® IS SAYING GOODBYE. BE A PART OF THIS BELOVED PROGRAM'S LAST RUN AS WE CLOSE THINGS OFF WITH A GRAND FINALE.Everything will be business-as-usual for the entirety of 2019. This means, all our scheduled monthly Messy Hours + Planning Workshops + Feedback Sessions are ON. Starting 2020, the membership site will remain up for one more year to give folks plenty of time to copy/paste + save + watch and replay anything. The only difference is there will be no updates to the content and I won't be hosting any new calls.NEED HELP WITH YOUR ORDER? HAVE QUESTIONS OR HESITATIONS? PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER HAPPINESS ELVES AT HELPDESK@MAYICARLES.COM I can truly say that finding Life is Messy Bootcamp totally change my messy life. I am still (and will be) a messy person but now I have a plan, a road map and I have self-confidence, I found my super power and I feel confident that I can achieve what I set my mind to achieve. And of course, you can not resist Mayi's planners with the cutest illustrations ever, that will make you want to write everything down.I love the Facebook group, I have meet people from around the globe. -Karen Lema Life is Messy Bootcamp is like an interactive role playing game of messy mayhem and Mayi, the online drill-sergeant/ pixie cheerleader, guides you through the maze step-by-step with a Fairy Wand of Joy through color, laughter, acceptance, support, and astonishingly effective organization. Mayi’s artistic planners give my unruly lists a truly workable and whimsical home that magically express how I actual feel when I am using them.But all this glittery goodness is not just for young hip beauties. As a 50+ hermit curmugdeon, I found this entire journey reaches in where you need it most and stands with you as you do the work to invest in your life whatever it looks like and wherever you live. Sheer brilliance…even for grumpy old people. -Allison Dey Malacaria This program is about time management, habit formation, productivity and many of the other big ticket “soft-skills” that we hear about all the time – but all of these words, in my world, are about becoming my best self for the people I love and for the work I do. Mayi’s approach to it is gentle, full of whimsy and appeals to the happy little kid inside me, so it doesn’t feel daunting. The honest truth is, change is a life-long process, nobody is going to attain self+time+task-mastery in one year. That is why this program is for LIFE. For the price, I think Mayi puts in so much care and hard work every year to renew it, make it flow along with the ups and downs of our lives. Can’t wait to dive in again next year! -Aparna R. Nambiar The live calls really have been amazing. I can't even begin to express how wonderful this group is and what an enormous treat it is to get to be a part of such a genuine circle of messy entrepreneurs. I thank Mayi for being 100% herself and holding a space for us to be authentic and embrace all that we are! There really is no other group that holds a light to the one Mayi has created with Life is Messy Bootcamp. -Sherri Calosso I can truly say that finding Life is Messy Bootcamp totally change my messy life. I am still (and will be) a messy person but now I have a plan, a road map and I have self-confidence, I found my super power and I feel confident that I can achieve what I set my mind to achieve. And of course, you can not resist Mayi's planners with the cutest illustrations ever, that will make you want to write everything down.I love the Facebook group, I have meet people from around the globe. -Karen Lema Life is Messy Bootcamp is like an interactive role playing game of messy mayhem and Mayi, the online drill-sergeant/ pixie cheerleader, guides you through the maze step-by-step with a Fairy Wand of Joy through color, laughter, acceptance, support, and astonishingly effective organization. Mayi’s artistic planners give my unruly lists a truly workable and whimsical home that magically express how I actual feel when I am using them.But all this glittery goodness is not just for young hip beauties. As a 50+ hermit curmugdeon, I found this entire journey reaches in where you need it most and stands with you as you do the work to invest in your life whatever it looks like and wherever you live. Sheer brilliance…even for grumpy old people. -Allison Dey Malacaria This program is about time management, habit formation, productivity and many of the other big ticket “soft-skills” that we hear about all the time – but all of these words, in my world, are about becoming my best self for the people I love and for the work I do. Mayi’s approach to it is gentle, full of whimsy and appeals to the happy little kid inside me, so it doesn’t feel daunting. The honest truth is, change is a life-long process, nobody is going to attain self+time+task-mastery in one year. That is why this program is for LIFE. For the price, I think Mayi puts in so much care and hard work every year to renew it, make it flow along with the ups and downs of our lives. Can’t wait to dive in again next year! -Aparna R. Nambiar The live calls really have been amazing. I can't even begin to express how wonderful this group is and what an enormous treat it is to get to be a part of such a genuine circle of messy entrepreneurs. I thank Mayi for being 100% herself and holding a space for us to be authentic and embrace all that we are! There really is no other group that holds a light to the one Mayi has created with Life is Messy Bootcamp. -Sherri Calosso INSIDE PEEK 01. START HERE AREA Are you one of those people that buys one too many online courses, and never gets around to actually sticking with it? I feel ya’. Happened to me all the freaking time. That’s why I created a kickstarter area, to show you where to begin and how to reach your metaphorical Mount Everest like a champ. 02. MASTER CLASSES The Life is Messy Bootcamp® core curriculum is overly simple, on purpose. It’s been thoughtfully curated to teach you how to plan your best life ever without pulling your hair out. Each lesson comes with an assignment + fun sheet to bring it all home. 03. MONTHLY MESSY HOUR A place to ask the instructor anything + talk about the sticky stuff that gets in the way. You’re bound to leave each session feeling empowered + most certainly loved. Access to the recordings will also be available in case you’re having a baby or sipping mojitos in the Bahamas. 04. FEEDBACK SESSIONS Each month, you'll get a chance to have your idea + project + website + sales page + logo + Instagram account (or whatever you'd like), constructively critiqued by me. A unique opportunity to get my eyes on your stuff and know exactly how the world sees your creation. It’s a cool program perk that I’m so excited to offer. 05. PLANNING WORKSHOPS Opt out of the pressure to nail down “the perfect masterplan for the entire year”. Instead, let's meet every quarter to tap into our wildest dreams + set intentional goals + create a strategic roadmap for the coming months, one that’s deeply rooted to your calling and makes you feel instantly immortal. 06. CAPTAIN MAYI TO THE RESCUE The unique success of this program lays in my dedication to being there. A shoulder to lean on. A warm virtual hug when things get scary. A pep talk when Sunday anxiety strikes. A hand to drag you to the finish line if it comes down to it. Think of me as your personal biz genie with million dollar ideas + ku-ra-zy cheerleading skills. 07. BONUSES Extra extra extra goodies, because playing Santa Claus feels A-MA-ZING. Yeap, I’m giving away some of my favorite tools to accelerate your success + boost your happiness. You’re welcome. MY GOAL IS QUITE SIMPLE. I WANT TO HELP YOU: 01. Clarify the journey ahead + stay focused. In other words, windshield-whip the shiny objects + negative brain chatters + haters that obstruct your vision to the top of your North Star. Do I hear a Hallelujah? 02. Centralize everything in one place. Let me say that again ladies: ONE PLACE to store to-dos + tasks + appointments + notes + doodles + journal entries + goals… you name it, there’s a place for it. Keep it all together. No more hunting down Post-Its like a crazy person. 03. Turn “I should do that” into superstar habits you can actually stick to + automate + make you happy. Heroic 007 stunts are great for Bond, James Bond, but in real life it’s all about the tiny day-to-day calls that pay off big time. 04. Declutter your mind + declutter your world, so you can spend less time looking for sh*t + more time doing work that matters. 05. Checkmark your bucket list, minus the overwhelmed + mental constipation + insomnia typically associated with military-like productivity systems. Yuck! 06. Fatten your piggy bank so money can finally stop being a crap excuse as to why you can’t live more or pursue your passion projects in your Buzz Lightyear jammies with a sense of worthiness. 07. Laugh more, because what’s the point of alphabetizing your entire spice cabinet if you’re a Grumpy Grinch? Life is Messy Bootcamp rocks. I printed out all the planners and worksheets and they’re all so amazingly designed and well thought out because they help you bring your genius to the world.Mayi is also amazing at bringing together a band of whip-smart and dedicated people who are up to big things in the world. The interaction of the group is amazing.The changes that are taking place are truly profound. Being able to make progress even with the mess is truly priceless. -Nathalie Lussier Mayi is a motivational rockstar who knows how to get creative women organized. Life is Messy Bootcamp is a robust yet simplified way that I used to get my act together. It is absolutely crucial that I have a PLAN to grow my business, and not only did I get my business organized…but I got my life back. From meal planning to goal setting, I conquered 2015!The changes that are taking place are truly profound. Being able to make progress even with the mess is truly priceless. -Krytal Butherus Personally and professionally, Mayi and Life is Messy Bootcamp guided me to a place of empowerment and understanding within my business and the way my business fits into my life because really they are inseparable. I accomplished this with the help of Mayi’s cheerful expertise, the depth of the modules, the informative and festive live hours, and of course, the amazing planners and printables that make organizing any day or activity way more fun!!Life is Messy Bootcamp has become an integral part of the way I run my business and life. I am so happy I am a part of it! -Kelly Johnson I would highly recommend this program, even for an "organized" person like me. Life is Messy Bootcamp helped me organize my thoughts and clarify ideas for my existing landscape design business, as well as my art/photo/travel blog. -Desiree East Life is Messy Bootcamp rocks. I printed out all the planners and worksheets and they’re all so amazingly designed and well thought out because they help you bring your genius to the world.Mayi is also amazing at bringing together a band of whip-smart and dedicated people who are up to big things in the world. The interaction of the group is amazing.The changes that are taking place are truly profound. Being able to make progress even with the mess is truly priceless. -Nathalie Lussier Mayi is a motivational rockstar who knows how to get creative women organized. Life is Messy Bootcamp is a robust yet simplified way that I used to get my act together. It is absolutely crucial that I have a PLAN to grow my business, and not only did I get my business organized…but I got my life back. From meal planning to goal setting, I conquered 2015!The changes that are taking place are truly profound. Being able to make progress even with the mess is truly priceless. -Krytal Butherus Personally and professionally, Mayi and Life is Messy Bootcamp guided me to a place of empowerment and understanding within my business and the way my business fits into my life because really they are inseparable. I accomplished this with the help of Mayi’s cheerful expertise, the depth of the modules, the informative and festive live hours, and of course, the amazing planners and printables that make organizing any day or activity way more fun!!Life is Messy Bootcamp has become an integral part of the way I run my business and life. I am so happy I am a part of it! -Kelly Johnson I would highly recommend this program, even for an "organized" person like me. Life is Messy Bootcamp helped me organize my thoughts and clarify ideas for my existing landscape design business, as well as my art/photo/travel blog. -Desiree East LOGISTICS STAGED ONLINE Beat mess on the go. Life is Messy Bootcamp® is fully staged online, allowing you to access the material anytime, anywhere, 24/7. It’s as easy as entering your unique username + password. FULLY DIGITAL No physical product is sent. Everything you need is on the internet, so you can be sitting at your kitchen counter, in your undies, eating a bowl of Captain Crunch while learning. Not gonna judge. SELF-PACED Rip through it all or take your time. The choice is yours. There are no drips + no delays + no scheduling constraints + no “I’m running behind” crap in Life is Messy Bootcamp®. You pick the rhythm that feels best for your natural flow. IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE No waiting for lessons to unlock. No waiting for anyone to deem you worthy of redeeming your bonuses. The entire training program is up for grabs the moment you complete your registration. ANY BROWSER Watch + listen + learnfrom any modern browser. HAND-HOLDING This is not one of those courses you grab n’ go, and you’re on your own. I’ve built in several components into the program to make myself available regularly. You are not alone. I am really really here. LAST RUN JOIN BEFORE IT’S GONE FOR GOOD CART IS CLOSED PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLYAFTER A DECADE OF MESSY WORK, LIFE IS MESSY BOOTCAMP® IS SAYING GOODBYE. BE A PART OF THIS BELOVED PROGRAM'S LAST RUN AS WE CLOSE THINGS OFF WITH A GRAND FINALE.Everything will be business-as-usual for the entirety of 2019. This means, all our scheduled monthly Messy Hours + Planning Workshops + Feedback Sessions are ON. Starting 2020, the membership site will remain up for one more year to give folks plenty of time to copy/paste + save + watch and replay anything. The only difference is there will be no updates to the content and I won't be hosting any new calls.NEED HELP WITH YOUR ORDER? HAVE QUESTIONS OR HESITATIONS? PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER HAPPINESS ELVES AT HELPDESK@MAYICARLES.COM PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLYAFTER A DECADE OF MESSY WORK, LIFE IS MESSY BOOTCAMP® IS SAYING GOODBYE. BE A PART OF THIS BELOVED PROGRAM'S LAST RUN AS WE CLOSE THINGS OFF WITH A GRAND FINALE.Everything will be business-as-usual for the entirety of 2019. This means, all our scheduled monthly Messy Hours + Planning Workshops + Feedback Sessions are ON. Starting 2020, the membership site will remain up for one more year to give folks plenty of time to copy/paste + save + watch and replay anything. The only difference is there will be no updates to the content and I won't be hosting any new calls.NEED HELP WITH YOUR ORDER? HAVE QUESTIONS OR HESITATIONS? PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER HAPPINESS ELVES AT HELPDESK@MAYICARLES.COM frequently asked questions WHO IS THIS COURSE RIGHT FOR? The girl boss with more ideas in her head then she could ever fit inside a Moleskin. The magic maker who doesn’t want to be a slave to a to-do list. The messy artist who often lacks the confidence to show the world what she created. The game shaker who can’t pick just one passion project to work on. The world shifter who is trying so hard to do something grand, but stuff always gets in the way. Is that you Pinky? Need a hand with the gremlins? WHO IS IT NOT FOR? Lawyers (sorry Mom) + sailors + people who blame the economy for everything + supervillains + parents of supervillains + boys + bankers + most certainly not for people who don’t like Harry Potter. Nothing personal. Really. WILL THERE BE A CHANCE TO ASK QUESTIONS + GET FEEDBACK? Absolutely. If you need support, you can (and should) raise your hand to ask questions during our live monthly Messy Hours. And our help desk is always just an e-mail away. WILL THE INSTRUCTOR PROVIDE ONE-ON-ONE REVIEWS? While the DNA of this program is not set up as a 1-on-1 jam, I will be actively answering questions + providing feedback + sharing personal anecdotes that I couldn’t possibly spill in public, during our Messy Hours. The rise together as a family. WHAT DO I NEED? There are no pre-requirements to take this course or obligatory assignments. All you need is YOU + your willingness to expand beyond your comfort zone + a good Internet signal. A printer + notepad + pen are optional. ANY CHANCES YOU WILL MAKE THIS COURSE IN SPANISH, POR FAVOR? It would be cool, but it’s not on the top of my to-do list right now. BUT WHAT IF I’M ON VACATION/ GETTING MARRIED/ HAVING A BABY/ MOVING TO ANOTHER HOUSE/ BUSIER THAN SANTA CLAUS? I’ve intentionally staged this program online so you can access it any time + learn at your own pace. No one is chasing no one to get to the finish line in record time. As a matter of fact, taking snack breaks + napping in between lessons is encouraged + rewarded with virtual hugs. DO I NEED A BUSINESS TO JOIN? This course can help anyone who’s messy get organized, but the material was created with creative entrepreneurs in mind and assumes that you have a business or aspire to have one. If you feel called to be your own boss + are willing to work extra hard to get your biz up and running, then come on board! WHAT IF I’M NOT SATISFIED WITH THE COURSE? If you’ve done the work and honestly feel you didn’t get value from the experience, submit your completed exercises + fun sheets within 30 days of purchase, we’ll promptly issue a refund. I CAN’T AFFORD IT. This is a career investment... heck a life investment that will not only save you time + spare you dead ends but will make you money. How much is that worth to you? Erase “I can’t afford it” from your vocabulary. Swap it for “it’s just not a priority” and set yourself free. I HAVE A QUESTION. WHO DO I CONTACT? Me. Put my service to the test Mademoiselle. Send your question to and I’ll get back to you quicker than Speedy Gonzalez. With Mayi's help, I'm learning to ignore my doubts, so I can use my super powers to set the world ablaze with fireworks, angels singing, confetti flying, and champagne bottles exploding everywhere. I'm learning to focus on that amazing excitement inside that has the power to do incredible things!An extra bonus is all the amazing connections I've made, tools I've learned. Joining Life is Messy Bootcamp was the best thing I have done for my personal self and for my new baby of a business. -Gina Ratkind Since childhood, I didn’t have the best connection with people who understood me. I feel at home here without ever having to explain my geeky self.Very glad to have Mayi in my life. She’s a trailblazing phenomenon. -Marbel Canseco They say creatives need chaos, that they function better in a pile of mess. If that’s the case, then I must not be very creative at all because if I see a shoe out of place, I can’t work. My brain shuts down. Something that has really helped my organization turn into play is Mayi’s Life is Messy Bootcamp. Seeing everything so tidy gives me an unstoppable urge to create new things. -Jackie Rueda Life is Messy Bootcamp have been very important to me in my personal life and also in my business. Is a very complete program, covering all areas and not only help to plan strategies and make action plans but also help to clarify and define my own goals according to my own talents or superpowers. -Luisa Silva With Mayi's help, I'm learning to ignore my doubts, so I can use my super powers to set the world ablaze with fireworks, angels singing, confetti flying, and champagne bottles exploding everywhere. I'm learning to focus on that amazing excitement inside that has the power to do incredible things!An extra bonus is all the amazing connections I've made, tools I've learned. Joining Life is Messy Bootcamp was the best thing I have done for my personal self and for my new baby of a business. -Gina Ratkind Since childhood, I didn’t have the best connection with people who understood me. I feel at home here without ever having to explain my geeky self.Very glad to have Mayi in my life. She’s a trailblazing phenomenon. -Marbel Canseco They say creatives need chaos, that they function better in a pile of mess. If that’s the case, then I must not be very creative at all because if I see a shoe out of place, I can’t work. My brain shuts down. Something that has really helped my organization turn into play is Mayi’s Life is Messy Bootcamp. Seeing everything so tidy gives me an unstoppable urge to create new things. -Jackie Rueda Life is Messy Bootcamp have been very important to me in my personal life and also in my business. Is a very complete program, covering all areas and not only help to plan strategies and make action plans but also help to clarify and define my own goals according to my own talents or superpowers. -Luisa Silva MEET YOUR CAPTAIN Mayi Carles is a tiny Panamanian artist with a T-Rex heart making a living on the Internet by being herself, owning her weird and sharing all the lessons she’s learned along the way, including the messy middle.My flagship course Life is Messy Bootcamp has helped 7,000+ save-the-world-in-pajamas types take their brilliant ideas from lightbulb to done, reclaim their neglected bucket lists and turn their multiple curiosities into a healthy money-making business.Studied Art in Scuola Lorenzo de Medici in Florence, Italy.Received a dual Bachelor degree in Communication Studies + Art Theory and Practice with a minor in Art History from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Completed a Masters in Art in Visual and Critical Studies from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago in Illinois.She’s been featured on the cover of HOLA Magazine, U.S News, Huffington Post, Artful Blogging and almost all predominant local publications. Has also collaborated with world-renowned brands like Adidas, Kate Spade NY, Polo Ralph Lauren, Roxy and Kielh's.Currently lives in tropical paradise with the love of her life David and beautiful baby girl Olivia, and works in a lil' nook of a studio filled with children's books, bunting flags, vintage toys and party props.(By the way, this is Mayi. I sound so busy and important in third person, don’t I?) I’ve always been a fan of planning, and checklists, and calendars. But I met my organizing soulmate when I found Mayi.  Mayi’s materials are adorable, but she also has practical explanations on how to implement them, and this bootcamp is full of the videos her fans know and love. But here’s where it gets even cooler. She has video calls with her Messies, to check in with us, and see how we’re doing, and if there’s anything she can help us with. This is not of those courses, that’s put on autoplay, and then the leader walks away. Mayi is elbows deep in the messy trenches of life, right there alongside you, and somehow she helps you turn the messy into beauty. -Amanda Sue Howell When I first signed up I was a bit worried about being a "non-creative type", amongst a family of creatives, but now I am taking photos like a demon. I've realized that my detox program and e-mail campaigns are getting better and better now that I have the force of so many artists behind me. I feel like a powerhouse of excellence. Life is Messy Bootcamp is AMAZING in so many ways. -Claire Stone Working with Mayi helped me to dream big and her Life is Messy Planner gave me the tools to execute those dreams step by step. Now I’ve created a business that is 100% me. I realized that rather than trying to fit into someone else’s box I could follow my unique passions. -Sarah Shotts Life is Messy Bootcamp changed my life in more ways that I can describe. I joined at a time of major life challenges, and Mayi and the messies (with their beautiful, loving energy) became the lighthouse that kept me afloat and showed me the new path. On a personal level, LIMB reminded me to keep my heart wide open, to choose work that brings me joy and to never lose hope. On a professional level, it brought me clarity, direction and courage to start and embrace a new career. It gave me faith that, yes, it can be done and the tools to make my dreams a reality. Everything Mayi creates is cute and practical and of great quality, which is why, 3 years after I joined,  I still use the planners and I still go back to the material. -Marcela Macias I’ve always been a fan of planning, and checklists, and calendars. But I met my organizing soulmate when I found Mayi.  Mayi’s materials are adorable, but she also has practical explanations on how to implement them, and this bootcamp is full of the videos her fans know and love. But here’s where it gets even cooler. She has video calls with her Messies, to check in with us, and see how we’re doing, and if there’s anything she can help us with. This is not of those courses, that’s put on autoplay, and then the leader walks away. Mayi is elbows deep in the messy trenches of life, right there alongside you, and somehow she helps you turn the messy into beauty. -Amanda Sue Howell When I first signed up I was a bit worried about being a "non-creative type", amongst a family of creatives, but now I am taking photos like a demon. I've realized that my detox program and e-mail campaigns are getting better and better now that I have the force of so many artists behind me. I feel like a powerhouse of excellence. Life is Messy Bootcamp is AMAZING in so many ways. -Claire Stone Working with Mayi helped me to dream big and her Life is Messy Planner gave me the tools to execute those dreams step by step. Now I’ve created a business that is 100% me. I realized that rather than trying to fit into someone else’s box I could follow my unique passions. -Sarah Shotts Life is Messy Bootcamp changed my life in more ways that I can describe. I joined at a time of major life challenges, and Mayi and the messies (with their beautiful, loving energy) became the lighthouse that kept me afloat and showed me the new path. On a personal level, LIMB reminded me to keep my heart wide open, to choose work that brings me joy and to never lose hope. On a professional level, it brought me clarity, direction and courage to start and embrace a new career. It gave me faith that, yes, it can be done and the tools to make my dreams a reality. Everything Mayi creates is cute and practical and of great quality, which is why, 3 years after I joined,  I still use the planners and I still go back to the material. -Marcela Macias BONUSES 01. LIFE IS MESSY PLANNERS® They let you plan, and they let you wing it because genius work is a mad balance between discipline + play. They are interactive, so you can fill them up straight from your computer. Or, if doodling n’ scribbling is more of your thing, you can print as many copies as you’d like and go nutz. 02. LIFE IS MESSY CALENDAR® This signature calendar features monthly whimsical scenes, a collection of original hand-painted illustrations. Print + pin it to your bulletin board or studio wall. Also makes the cutest bookmark. You can later frame it as a pretty art print. 03. LIFE IS MESSY KITCHEN® A quirky digital guide to sane + happy + clean eating featuring a treasure trove of 115 whole food lovin’ recipes. This art/cookbook is for the messies of the world. Real people with hungry loved ones + a tight kitchen + not every cooking appliance known to mankind. Real people who struggle to make healthy eating a priority because they are too busy changing the world. Pinky, is that you? No way, I spilled pancake syrup on my pajamas too! 04. THE MESSY ENTREPRENEUR SURVIVAL KIT For the really sucky days when you feel like: (a) pursuing cubicle work licking envelopes would have been a better career move + (b) a little black cloud is following you around (c) staying in your pajamas forever + (d) banging your head on brick walls + (d) all of the above. The Messy Entrepreneur Survival Kit has you covered. Whip it out anytime your Energizer Bunny is running on low battery. Life is Messy is...+ An attitude. The difference between an ordeal + an epic voyage.+ An invitation to reset your intention + find your purpose + trust the mess + leave your mark, so everyone will know you were here.+ A lighthouse when dream-chasing gets foggy.+ An opportunity to unleash your unique gifts + give your life more meaning + transcend beyond success, into significance.+ A structured roadmap to take your brilliant ideas from lightbulb to done while still honoring your most valued forms of currency – freedom + happiness.+ A source of support + accountability to keep you honest and focused + develop effective strategies to move through barriers and cultivate resilience.+ A practical manual to turn your multiple curiosities into a healthy money-making business.+ How I personally captain my destiny + make room for my big ideas + build my legacy. I believe life is messy. I really do.That is why, unlike other planning systems out there that solely rely on willpower + hustle, Life is Messy Bootcamp® isn’t raising an army of Robocop-woman, it’s a movement of the flawed and fabulous. LAST RUN JOIN BEFORE IT’S GONE FOR GOOD CART IS CLOSED PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLYAFTER A DECADE OF MESSY WORK, LIFE IS MESSY BOOTCAMP® IS SAYING GOODBYE. BE A PART OF THIS BELOVED PROGRAM'S LAST RUN AS WE CLOSE THINGS OFF WITH A GRAND FINALE.Everything will be business-as-usual for the entirety of 2019. This means, all our scheduled monthly Messy Hours + Planning Workshops + Feedback Sessions are ON. Starting 2020, the membership site will remain up for one more year to give folks plenty of time to copy/paste + save + watch and replay anything. The only difference is there will be no updates to the content and I won't be hosting any new calls.NEED HELP WITH YOUR ORDER? HAVE QUESTIONS OR HESITATIONS? PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER HAPPINESS ELVES AT HELPDESK@MAYICARLES.COM PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLYAFTER A DECADE OF MESSY WORK, LIFE IS MESSY BOOTCAMP® IS SAYING GOODBYE. BE A PART OF THIS BELOVED PROGRAM'S LAST RUN AS WE CLOSE THINGS OFF WITH A GRAND FINALE.Everything will be business-as-usual for the entirety of 2019. This means, all our scheduled monthly Messy Hours + Planning Workshops + Feedback Sessions are ON. Starting 2020, the membership site will remain up for one more year to give folks plenty of time to copy/paste + save + watch and replay anything. The only difference is there will be no updates to the content and I won't be hosting any new calls.NEED HELP WITH YOUR ORDER? HAVE QUESTIONS OR HESITATIONS? PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER HAPPINESS ELVES AT HELPDESK@MAYICARLES.COM  COPYRIGHT © 2019 MAYI CARLES | COOKIE POLICY  |  TERMS CONDITIONS

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