Featured Filipinos All Over The World

There isnt any country in the entire world where you wouldnt find one Filipino. Most of the time, Filipinos travel for work. They give up the comfort of being with their families in exchange of a more stable financial future. Small percentage of us Filipinos, travel for the sake of leisure.

Can you imagine, if there is a site that could showcase the beauty of the entire world by using entries and photos from fellow Filipinos all over the world. A place where we can showcase the beauty of nature wherever we are.

I am a digital nomad, living in several places across the country to explore the beauty of it but I must admit I havent been outside the Philippines YET. That is why I started this site, to see the world from a fellow Filipinos eyes.

“The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are.” – Samuel Johnson

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Down Syndrome Life Expectancy Treatments for Health Problems

Down Syndrome is a genetic condition that is caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21 in a fertilized egg. When the resulting fetus only has the extra copy in some of its cells, the condition is called Mosaic Down Syndrome. In some cases, the extra copy is attached to another pair of chromosomes. When this happens, it is called Translocation Down Syndrome. In all cases, the extra chromosome 21 increases the risk for certain health conditions.

Down Syndrome Risks to Health

Down Syndrome risks include hypothyroidism, heart defects, seizure disorders, hearing difficulties and vision problems. These conditions are more likely to occur in babies with Trisomy 21, and can often be diagnosed at birth.

Congenital Hypothyroidism This birth defect can be diagnosed by blood testing.Heart Birth Defects Congenital heart disease and pulmonary hypertension affect about one-half of Down Syndrome children.Seizure Disorders Much more common in Down Syndrome children, seizure disorders can be caused by infection or complications from the birth.Hearing Vision Problems Cataracts affect the vision of about 3% of Down Syndrome Children, and up to 89% of children with Trisomy 21 have hearing loss.Congenital Heart Defects Treatments

Congenital heart defects can be treated most effectively when they are found early. Doctors use echocardiography, which creates a moving picture of the heart with sound waves, to diagnose heart disease. An echocardiogram uses no radiation, and can show doctors the beating of the heart, to illustrate any problems with the hearts function.

When heart disease is diagnosed prior to the onset of pulmonary hypertension, pediatric heart surgery can often correct the condition. Pulmonary hypertension, which is high blood pressure in the lungs of the patient, forces the heart to work harder, and can lead to an enlargement on the right side of the heart.

Down Syndrome Life Expectancy

With advances in medical technology available to reduce seizures, remove cataracts, and treat heart disease, those afflicted with Down Syndrome are living longer than ever. According to the National Association for Down Syndrome, the average life expectancy for people with Down Syndrome is 55 years, with some individuals living decades longer, thanks to contemporary medical treatments.

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Everything You Need to Know About Robin McGraw’s Plastic Surgery

Robin McGraw is known to most as the wife of Dr. Phil. In the past years, she and her husband, faced numerous controversies and lawsuits. She is also continuously probed about the cosmetic procedures she uses to achieve her youthful glow. Despite the number of people who believes that the Robin McGraw plastic surgery is real, she denies undergoing any cosmetic surgery.

Robin has published quite a number self-help books, including “Whats Age Got to Do with It?: Living Your Healthiest and Happiest Life”.

Robin’s looks have made a lot of people guessing, whether she really had cosmetic procedures done or not. For a woman her age, having a firm and glowing skin is too good to be true.

Robin McGraw doesn’t look she’s 63 years old. Critics strongly believe that she had a little help from a trusty cosmetic surgeon.

Many claim that she got rid of her wrinkles through Botox injections. Beauty experts believe that it’s unlikely for women beyond 50s to have a smooth skin without the surgical intervention.

In addition to her firm skin, people point out that a Robin McGraw plastic surgery helped her improve the shape of her ace as well as her nasal bridge.

Robin says to her critics that she has never tried any cosmetic procedures, and she will never resort to using such just to maintain her looks.

While she tries to deny the undergoing any cosmetic procedure, her pictures through the years tell us otherwise. Her lips, nose, skin, jawline, and even her breasts have significantly improved.

While layers of foundation, highlight and contour products can help hide all those skin imperfections brought by aging, we are 100 percent sure that she needs more to look this young.

Robin claims that she never fights with her husband, so she feels less stressed about her life. However, not even a happy marriage can hide away all the visible effects of aging.

Whatever surgical procedure, treatment or cosmetic products Robin McGraw uses, they are surely working out well for her.

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Former Alaska Governor’s Daughter Bristol Palin Pregnant with Third Baby

Bristol Palin is the eldest daughter of Sarah Palin, the Governor of Alaska from 2006 to 2009. Bristol has been featured countless of times on tabloids because of her personal life. In 2008, when her mother was campaigning for the vice governor position, Bristol Palin pregnant articles came out. Her mother admitted to the news and said that her 17-year-old daughter will marry Levi Johnston, the father of the child.

Bristol gave birth to her first child, Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston on December 2008. Levi expressed his excitement to marry Bristol and to grow their family together.

Three months after giving birth, Bristol and Levi broke up. In an interview, Levi revealed that their split was caused by a big fight.

Months after their split, Levi filed for joint custody because he claimed that the Palins made it hard for him to meet his son.

In 2010, the ex-couple surprised everyone when they announced that they’re engaged again. Unsurprisingly, they called off the engagement a few weeks later.

Levi allegedly dated Sunny Oglesby that same year, which had critics speculating caused the split. Two years after, they got married and had their first child, Breeze Beretta.

According to sources, Bristol is okay with Levi’s marriage with Sunny because of his improved relationship with their son Tripp.

After all the drama with her ex-boyfriend, Palin met US Marine Corps veteran Dakota Meyers. They had Sailor Grace, their first child in 2015.

According to a Bristol Palin pregnant rumor, Bristol faked her daughter’s real birth date to prevent people from speculating that Sailor was a result of a one-night stand.

Despite all the controversies about Bristol’s first pregnancy with Dakota and the custody cased he filed against Bristol, they married in 2016. Sarah welcomed Myers to her family with open arms.

Dakota, Bristol and the kids spend a lot of fun time together. For sure, Dakota, Bristol, Sarah and the rest of the Palins can’t wait to meet the third baby.

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