worldwide peace,white peace dove, peace

Fast and effective project funding!

We forward 80% of the membership fees to the projects!

Top projects

Alternative energy, solar panel, solar powerplant
environmental pollution
starvation, malnutrition, hand with rice
war, nuclear bomb, bomb, explosion


We will fund the project or startup
with the most votes. Here you can track its process.

Advantages of Votefunding

  • Higher financing amounts

    Bundling all resources allows financing high capital requirement. If needed the money can be saved as long as the project is financed.

  • Fast return value

    The project with at least 50% of all votes will be financed. If the budget is not used up, the project with the second most votes will then be financed and so on. This increases the probability of project realisation.

  • No financing deadlines

    There is no need of deadlines, as the votes take place monthly. After the voting every project has the same chance to get fincanced.

  • No stringent requirements

    As you decide, who to support, we want to keep finacing requirements as simple as possible. We want to move something, so nothing should stand in the way.

  • Small investment

    Only 1€ a month to support sustainable meaningfull aid projects and to make the world a better place.