download the toolkit

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Download the toolkit


Skate to the Polls began as an initiative to share nonpartisan election information as it relates to skaters, with a focus on building community nationally. As we all skated to the polls and made our voices heard, we realized that there is so much more that we can do together.

We are dedicated to making our cities safer, more skateable places to live through these three primary pillars:



Cultivating a skate community that is warm and welcoming to people of all backgrounds, and setting an example for the world at large of the possibilities of a diverse and resilient future.



 This happens in two parts.

1) Providing helpful resources to empower skaters to enact changes that make their cities and parks safer and more skateable.

2) Facilitating positive relationships between skaters and cities, recognizing that skateboarders have a unique knowledge of the streets that can be useful for elected officials and urban planners.



To act on this information, we design and support campaigns, activations, meetings, and events globally to make sure that the voices of skaters of all backgrounds are being heard, and the right people are being connected to create lasting positive changes that address some of the issues we see on our streets and at local parks.

skaters are a valuable resource to cities, not a burden. 


In fall 2020, we built routes and supported Skate To The Polls events nationally. If you are working on a project at your local park or city, let us know and we will add it to the map!

Find a skateable route to a polling place near you!

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