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NISCORT JOURNAL OF MEDIA, COMMUNICATIONS AND RESEARCH (NJMCR), is an interdisciplinary communications and media-oriented journal published by NISCORT Media College, Delhi-NCR. The research papers that are published in this journal are the selected papers from the National Media Conference (NMC) that NISCORT Media College organizes every year. The NMC focus on research papers from academicians, educators, researchers, professionals and experts in the field of Social Sciences, Cultural Studies, Mass Communications, Film, and Social Activists.

The journal will from time to time discuss, analyze and study how media and communication are being used, both as tools and ways of articulating processes of development and social change, improving and empowering people to influence their own lives and those of their fellow community members. It will also provide a comprehensive analysis of emerging cultural practices and the underlying rationale of new media forms as well as the technological innovations and their impact. NJMCR will also deal with issues related to media ethics and dwell upon the challenges media present before society.

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