Service Dog Supplies

"Its Not About Our Products" It's About What Our Products Can Do For You!

At MrPAWS we have put together and developed a unique collection of products and information for people who want to know about service dogs, need service dogs or have service dogs. Service dogs are very special to people with disabilities - they make their lives doable and bearable, and allow them to travel life's highway with confidence. Our company designs, develops and manufactures 90% of our products. This site provides products and resources for the various handicaps to which service dogs are able to give aid. To know more about service dogs, navigate through our site.


Our Products


An assistance dog should:
  1. Lie quietly while the handler is dining without grooming itself or scratching.
  2. Be allowed to toilet only in areas where people do not sit or walk, and the handler should have a method for cleaning up and disposing of droppings immediately.
  3. Move purposefully next to its handler while working, staying between 12-18 inches from the handler's side unless it has been cued to perform another task.
  4. Work comfortably and reliably, giving its handler focus when necessary.
Service Dog Access video
An assistance dog should not:
  1. Be allowed to wander in public.
  2. Initiate social contact without its handler's permission.
  3. Sniff, beg, or eat from the floor in a resturant or public setting.
  4. Bite, snap, bark, whine, or growl, causing a disruption or danger to the public.
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