Author Playlists

Matthew Daddona’s playlist for his novel “The Longitude of Grief”

“I don’t listen to music when I write, which is a ridiculous thing to say. Who doesn’t have something that triggers them like a song? “

Author Playlists

Serkan Görkemli’s playlist for his story collection “Sweet Tooth and Other Stories”

“…much like the collection—which is set in Turkey, the crossroads of the East and the West—the playlist presents a rich mixture of cross-cultural influences.”

Author Playlists

Wendy Chen’s playlist for her novel “Their Divine Fires”

“Music serves as a soundtrack to the scenes I imagine in my mind.”

Author Playlists

Carolyn Kuebler’s playlist for her novel “Liquid, Fragile, Perishable”

“If Liquid, Fragile, Perishable were a play, it would call for an ensemble cast of ten and a few important but smaller roles.”

Author Playlists

Veronica Roth’s playlist for her novella “When Among Crows”

“The book is an all-in-one-night adventure through a Chicago underworld populated by creatures of Slavic folklore that touches on complicity, inherited burdens, and a dash of Polish diaspora. “

Author Playlists

Myriam Lacroix’s playlist for her novel “How It Works Out”

“My first novel, How It Works Out, tells the story of Myriam and Allison, a queer couple whose relationship plays out through a series of surreal hypotheticals.”

Author Playlists

Fiona Warnick’s playlist for her novel “The Skunks”

“I’m very literal about my playlists.”

Author Playlists

Nina Sharma’s playlist for her essay collection “The Way You Make Me Feel”

“.A child born of the cassette generation, mixtapes and the music I’ve laid on them are just as formative to my identity as anything else. I think they were my first essayistic practice, stitching a story through them, hoping to invoke a feeling across them all.”

Author Playlists

Juli Min’s playlist for her novel “Shanghailanders”

“I have organized the list into songs that represent the book’s various characters. Some songs make actual cameos in the novel, while others capture something essential about a character.”

Author Playlists

Heather Frese’s playlist for her novel “The Saddest Girl on the Beach”

“…it’s about embracing and celebrating all of this as life, all of this as part of our collectively gorgeous, terribly difficult journey on this precarious planet—these songs capture that same soaring bittersweetness.”