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"Yellow is a light which has been dampened by the darkness; blue is a darkness which has been weakened by the light."
-- "Goethe's World View" by Rudolf Steiner

Famous Philosopher's Democracy Maxims

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*) "The ideal economic policy, both for today and tomorrow, is very simple. Government should protect and defend against domestic and foreign aggression the lives and property of the persons under its jurisdiction, settle disputes that arise, and leave the people otherwise free to pursue their various goals and ends in life. This is a radical idea in our interventionist age. Governments today are often asked to regulate and control production**, to raise the prices of some goods and services and to lower the prices of others, to fix wages, to help some businesses get started and to keep others from failing, to encourage or hamper imports and exports, to care for the sick and the elderly, to support the profligate, and so on and on and on. Ideally government should be a sort of caretaker, not of the people themselves, but of the conditions which will allow individuals, producers, traders, workers, entrepreneurs, savers, and consumers to pursue their own goals in peace. If government does that, and no more, the people will be able to provide for themselves much better than the government possibly could. This in essence is the message of Professor Ludwig von Mises in this small volume."
-- quote from the introduction of "ECONOMIC POLICY - Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow" by Ludwig von Mises, 1995 (Lecture in Argentina, 1958)

**) "[the Marxians failed to see, that] ... those who are already wealthy capitalists and entrepreneurs, are in their capacity as bourgeois not selfishly interested in the preservation of laissez faire. Under laissez faire their eminent position is daily threatened anew by the ambitions of impecunious newcomers. Laws that put obstacles in the way of talented upstarts are detrimental to the interests of the consumers but they protect those who have already established their position in business against the competition of intruders. In making it more difficult for a businessman to reap profit and in taxing away the greater part of the profits made, they prevent the accumulation of capital by newcomers and thus remove the inducement that impels old firms toward the utmost exertion in serving the customers."
-- quote from p145, "THEORY AND HISTORY - An Interpretation of Social and Economic Evolution" by Ludwig von Mises, 1957

To me this doesn't sound like the expropriation of the expropriators.***

***) see "SOCIALISM: An Economic and Sociological Analysis" by Ludwig von Mises, 1922.

****) L. v. Mises est peu connu, mais il est un des plus grand economist scientifique, non-polemique. Parce qu'il n'a jamais fait un compromis dans sa vie, il n'a pas eu le prix nobel pour l'economie. (son disciple F. Hayek - qui est a mon avis un socialist! - l'a eu, une fois L. v. Mises etait mort. Les ecrits de Mises n'ont pas perdu de l'actualite! Les six leçons qui ont eu lieu en Argentine en 1958, ne sont pas trop long et ils expliquent l'essentiell (Inflation, protectionisme, interventionisme, securité sociale, ...).