F.C. Bloxom Company

Seattle, Washington

We are your produce distributor

F.C. Bloxom Company began selling produce in Seattle in 1934. Fred C. Bloxom had Yakima relatives involved in agriculture who needed a representative in the terminal market on Western Avenue in Seattle, Washington . Today F.C. Bloxom Company has a 22,000 square foot location in the heart of industrial Seattle. We are your single call for all your fruit, vegetable, and speciality produce needs.

F.C. Bloxom Company can facilitate your entry and establishment into a marketplace, domestic or foreign. F.C. Bloxom Company exports over fifty commodities of fresh fruit, vegetables, and nuts to over twenty countries worldwide. With almost 30 years of combined experience, our export staff has enabled us to meet the challenging demands of our diverse clientele in South America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, from Brazil to Hong Kong.

F.C. Bloxom Company's long-term relationships with growers, shippers, packers, and shipping lines as well as our receivers smooth what can be a complex process of determining the right product for the right market and getting it there timely.

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A single call for your fruit, vegetable, and speciality produce needs.

A single call for all your fruit, vegetable, and speciality produce needs.
