Directly from the creators

DuckDB Labs provides services for the DuckDB data management system directly from its creators.

Commercial Support

DuckDB Labs provides commercial support, including a private issue tracker with guaranteed response times.

Support Options
DuckDB Labs Office


DuckDB Labs is a small artisanal data processing company based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Our legal entity's name is "DuckDB Engineering B.V.", registration number 83657150.

We can be reached through our contact form or directly at


Hannes Mühleisen Co-Founder & CEO
Mark Raasveldt Co-Founder & CTO
Pedro Holanda Software Engineer
Richard Wesley Software Engineer
Laurens Kuiper Software Engineer
Sam Ansmink Software Engineer
Tania Bogatsch Software Engineer
Thijs Bruineman Software Engineer
Elliana May Software Engineer
Tom Ebergen Software Engineer
Max Gabrielsson Software Engineer
Carlo Piovesan Software Engineer
Christina Sioula Software Engineer
Maia de Graaf Software Engineer
Nick Gerrets Software Engineer
Gábor Szárnyas Developer Relations Advocate
Alex Monahan Training & Documentation


As a DuckDB employee, you will be working in Amsterdam with a small team of database experts in one of the most exciting, fastest-growing open-source database systems in the world.

At the moment there are no open positions at DuckDB Labs.