'Deepistan National Park(let)

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

This is from last year, but still a good read!

Thoughts about Vandals & the Giants Victory & the Deeplet

Lots of questions & comments from lots of folks about my incident last night*. Thanks y'all. I really am fine, as is the parklet**, and my truly fortunate life continues much as it did yesterday, albeit very slightly bruised. I myself am contemplative (you’ve been warned!)…

There’s a lot of complexity in what happened last night and a lot of ugliness amidst a lot of joy. I’m a big fan of joy, and sports is a pretty good place to get it from (and better than many). So to most of my Giants friends who took to the streets, I salute you - I know how fun that can be**. To those Giants fans who took to the streets and used it as cover for stupid-to-horrible behavior, I wish your life wasn’t so small. And for the mob I encountered (who may have been fans or may have just been using the chaos for cover), I hope there comes a time when you think it through & are ashamed. You accomplished nothing but making the world a little worse for your time in it.

I also noticed a few people trying to help me last night, a few people picking up knocked over trash cans & cleaning up, and even a woman who tried to explain to someone why he shouldn’t be putting stickers on the parklet because it was so awesome. Did it balance it all out? Of course not - but to ignore those people wouldn’t be quite right either.

* see below for details.
** I’m a sports fan myself (just not baseball) & so I get raucous jubilation. I both create and participate in revelatory throngs of people and so I get those too. I know a lot of people for whom the Giants’ win meant a lot and was an amazing run & that’s awesome!


The short version:
So the Giants won the World Series & the Mission (my neighborhood) started getting louder & drunker. I figured I should sit out front on the stoop to dissuade people from tagging my parklet (www.deeplet.org if you’re wondering what a parklet is). And I grabbed my laptop so I could get some work done. I actually stopped two different sets of taggers and cleaned off the tags immediately.

A little before midnight, the police sirens were getting heavy & a large crowd was walking down the middle of the street. A smallish woman ran out of that crowd and started spray painting the side of my parklet. I jumped up & ran towards her before I realized that she was part of a mob & before I put my laptop down (yes - dumb & dumb). I grabbed her and yanked her off and was immediately grabbed by a couple of folks who punched me a few times & grabbed my phone & laptop out of my grasp. Several other folks tried to separate us & also tried to tell people to give me my stuff back - but it was too late. I’m totally fine & not really roughed up at all, so please don’t worry.