(via wreck)

“ Allen Hughes


Allen Hughes

“ Escárnios | via Facebook on We Heart It.


Escárnios | via Facebook on We Heart It.

(via smoothens)

“ black and white blog


black and white blog

(Source: melisica, via melisica)

“ 美女が水中を華麗に舞う芸術的フォトグラフィー | VIVA!Wマガジン on We Heart It. http://weheartit.com/entry/25297722/via/Jellypig


美女が水中を華麗に舞う芸術的フォトグラフィー | VIVA!Wマガジン on We Heart It. http://weheartit.com/entry/25297722/via/Jellypig

“ www.lotus-blooming.tumblr.com

Here's to underwater photography: Oceanids, nereids and water nymphs are calling...

The beauty of subaquatic imagery speaks to many of us. Don't we all want to feel again what it was like when there was nothing but peace - every now and then at least?

I focus on staged photography with humans in it, but if the photo is beautiful and it's underwater as well - I'll consider posting it.

Submissions are very welcome!

For your information:
I 'reblog' many images in tumblr. Sadly, not all of them are properly credited to the original artist. If you happen to have an idea who shot an uncredited photo- please let me know. I will complete the information immediately!

Also, if you wish me to remove your own work for copyright reasons - contact me via Ninibaseema@gmail.com.

If interested, my other tumblr-blogs are:
The Form of Beauty
Same Face But Different
The Bunnyheaded Humanoid
One Selfportrait a Day for a Year - Nini 2011

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