Harry the pooped pooch!


We waz under the impression that this thing our Meowmy calls ‘Christmas’ was supposed be a holiday. This implies, cat naps, relaxing, lack of stress – but certainly not intruders!

But for the second year in a row, our cousin Harry came to visit. She is Meowmy’s Dad’s dog, and she is around 13, but she is smaller than us! Princess Jet as usual is the brave one, and because she ignores Princess Harry, Harry pretty much ignores her too. But Prince of Pusses Babe is not so lucky, as he is an anxious little fella and behaves like a skittish kittish and so of course, Harry takes the bait, and chases him right back under the bed!

Harry is a good girl (apparently), and knows exactly which is our apartment out of 34 apartments every time she visits (around once a year). She runs right past all the others and sniffs at our door, waiting for her daddy to let her in. What a good girl. She also is a clever girl – she knows that she has to be good to us because we are important to Meowmy – so she is usually very well behaved when she is with us 🙂

What a pooped pooch!

Wordless Wednesday: Cat in the Mailbox



Mr Fuzzle: Cat in a Tunnel

Mr Fuzzle loves his cat tunnel. Well, he loves to think about getting in it, but not enough to actually go THROUGH it.  See the little black fuzzy fuzzball?  That’s about as close as he gets.  I’ve tried throwing his favourite chase toy through it, but being the smart cat he is, he just goes AROUND the tunnel.  That’s mummy’s good little man!

031He is also difficult to photograph in his little tunnel, as he is a skittish-kittish!  So I had to take these photos with my zoom incase he well, zoomed off.

Of course, being the big cuddle bum that he is, his favourite position is to have his head in the tunnel and his cat butt sticking out.  Cute little man!


The Orange Mancat loves to travel

021When Meowmy came home from work she was greeted by the Orange Mancat who is cared for by her and her neighbours.  He is such a friendly fluffball – and he decided he needed to give Meowmy’s car a thorough inspection, as only a cat can!


Have itch, must scratch – with full viewing capabilities!


He sure is a cute fellow, isn’t he!


Then he decided to go for the darker, smaller space of the floor, showing his floofy behind as he went.


There goes the tail swish!


Ah, that’s the spot!


Meowmy says she’s never seen a cat more comfortable in a car – especially with us as we howl every time she needs to take us somewhere!



Can I nest here now?

Fluffiness overload!

Check it out – maximum fluff alert! Meowmy found this video on the interwebs and thought mew might need some fluffing to brighten your day. So here it is – 18 kittens and some duckies! Mew will especially love when all the kitties start getting all sleepy and nesting at the end, and the ducklings want to play!

Credit for the video goes to ScrumptiousRagdolls on YouTube 🙂

Much love and fluff,

The Fuzzles

Black Cat Halloween Cupcakes!

Meowmy says that one day she will learn how to cook. We say fuzzles might fly. However, here is one of her recipies for when we do take off.

Credit goes to the wonderful Renee G on Youtube for sharing her genius idea with the meowniverse!

Wordless Wednesday


Guest Fuzzle Bernard!

A very unexpected event in the house of Fuzzle occurred on Sunday evening – ANOTHER CAT ENTERED OUR TERRITORY! Meowmy says she did forewarn us of this event however we don’t remember her saying anything about it – do mew?


Bernard with tail of great fluffiness


Guest Fuzzle Bernard arrived with his purrrsons who will be away holidaying for six nights, and Meowmy in her infinite generosity (in other meows, not ours!) offered for him to stay with us. She was thinking the more the merrier when it comes to fluffballs (apparently!), plus we are quite friendly fuzzles, and very cuddly and snuggly!

Miss Jet Fuzzle came and greeted our furry visitor while his purrrrsons were still there – they had a very cute nosetap and it would seem that curiosity overcame shyness, with Jet and Bernard following each other around the house having the occasional sniff. Mr Babe Fuzzle on the other hand didn’t come out from under the bed until Bernard’s people had left (as purr usual, he has an innate ability to know exactly when new and strange people are leaving the house!) and came out just as they were pulling out of the driveway. Understandably, Meowmy thought that since Jet was the braver of the two, if she accepted Bernard, Babe would have no problems, as he is truly a ‘pussy cat’!

However, when Babe cautiously crept out to the loungeroom, Bernard was busy sniffing at one of our scratching posts as he had already concluded there must only be one other cat present. But when he turned around, there was Mr Fuzzle! He didn’t approach, however he silently arranged himself in a menacing position and, with no noise whatsoever coming out of his mouth, gave a silent hiss!


Needless to say, Meowmy was most displeased! This from a cat that almost NEVER meows, and curls up under the blankies with Meowmy every night, purring like an engine! She separated us from Bernard (there is a door that separates the apartment into two halves) however we still wanted to sniff and explore! So she let us sniff and carry on, only separating us when the hissing got to a level that she called ‘outrageous’. Whatever that means.

Well. What a night THAT turned out to be! Meowmy tried to encourage us to come to bed and snuggle, but we wouldn’t have a bar of it! She thought she heard a strange noise that was perhaps coming from outside, but when she turned the TV off she realised it was a growl, coming from Mr Fuzzle! Unfortunately for all of us, that sound continued well into the night, with Meowmy having to come and check on us at periodic intervals until around 2am, when she woke up to find us (Mr & Miss Fuzzle) on the end of her bed. Poor Bernard – she went to check on him and he was wide awake with those big goggle eyes of his. Meowmy hopes that he gets some more rest tonight.

The next morning, we seemed to be settling down a bit which pleased Meowmy immensely. The growling and hissing has decreased to a ‘semi-acceptable level’ and Bernard even managed to boot Meowmy off the couch – what an imposter! He sure is cute though – if we can get near enough to him to pat him – he looks like a little lion! Mr Fuzzle however was extremely displeased when he came trotting over to take his prized position on the couch with Meowmy only to find it had been usurped!

The man does know a good couch when he sees one

Cats have really soft underbellies!

Well that’s stating the obvious, we suppose, but we couldn’t resist sharing this one with you – view of a cat’s belly from the underside of a glass coffee table!


The Fuzzles xxx


The importance of being warm, soft and furry at all times

Mr Fuzzle snuggles with the laundry

We all know dogs are more co-dependent creatures than cats, right? They like to cuddle up to their humans, lick their humans (ewww – but Mr Fuzzle has been known to do this on occasion!) and are in constant need of attention.

No so with cats. We are much more independent creatures, constant demand for food notwithstanding. However there are benefits to both fuzzle and human from being a little sooky – even if it is only pretend (we can’t have them thinking we NEED them, can we?)

Don’t get us wrong, humans are useful creatures – they provide us with food, warm blankies, and scratchies!!! But as most felines will know already, once our basic needs have been met, often our humans need us more than we need them.

Our softness can calm an anxious purrrson.

Our purring can relax a stressed purrrson.

Our cat-like aroma is extremely relaxing for one’s people.

Patting a cat’s furry tum-tum is very theraputic.

So for the sake of our humans, who need us, it is important that we are warm, soft and furry at all times. As demonstrated above by Mr Fuzzle – fresh laundry is a great medium for doing so!

The Fuzzles xxx