mirrors.n-ix.net is a mirror-service of the Nuremberg Internet eXchange. We are mirroring important open source software so that all regional ISPs have low-latency high-bandwidth availability for their customers.
We are open to suggestions on what to mirror, as well as making almost anything available that might benefit from regional availability.

list of currently mirrored sites:

Distribution Repo apx. size update cycle source
Debian main 1.7T nightly ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de
CD-images 210G ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de
security 230G source.rfc822.org
Ubuntu main 1.7T 4-6hrs rsync.archive.ubuntu.com
ports 2.1T rsync.ports.ubuntu.com
releases 28G rsync.releases.ubuntu.com
Gentoo Linux main 5502G 2 hrs rsync15.de.gentoo.org / ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de
portage 1G rsync.de.gentoo.org
Fedora linux 2.4T3hrs dl.fedoraproject.org
epel (empty)
raspbian main 550G 12 hrs archive.raspbian.org
Arch Linux main 80G hourly ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de
Alpine Linux main 3.2T daily rsync.alpinelinux.org
Grml main20G4 hrsftp-master.grml.org
CentOS main 450G 4-6hrs ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de
NetBSD main560G12 hrs rsync.fr.netbsd.org
FreeBSD main 650G 6 hrs ftp1.de.freebsd.org
(the) foreman deb 80G 4hrs web02.theforeman.org
yum 50G
kernel.org main1.0Tnightlyrsync.osuosl.org
MariaDBmain700G3 hrs rsync.osuosl.org
puppet packages1.2T4 hrsrsync.puppet.com
ELRepo main 8G 4hrs elrepo.reloumirrors.net
Jenkins (CI) main 150G 4hrs ftp-chi.osuosl.org
saltstack main 64G nightly repo.saltstack.com

mirrors.n-ix.net is sponsored by contact: mirrors @ n-ix . net     [Impressum]