Welcome to Intuition and Your Inner Knower

‘Your inner way of knowing’

There are problems lurking within a strange paradox.

Paradox: Everyone is doing the best they can and yet, for most,
things are not going well.

(Some of the things that show that things are not going well):
– not making enough money.
– wondering what is the right career path.
– feeling stuck.
– seeing or realizing that you are not moving ahead or perhaps even moving  backwards.
– feeling frustrated.
– not knowing how to improve or correct any of the problem areas; having anxiety or feeling down; etc.
– a sense of feeling separated and disconnected from yourself and others.

Bigger Problem:
Being numb to the problems or ignoring the problems.

Question: Can the use of Intuition help to relieve or solve problem areas?
Does intuition aid in identifying and then provide motivation to work on problem areas?

Answer: Yes & Yes.

Hello and welcome to a potential breakthrough in your understanding and development of yourself, your intuition and inner knowing.

Nirup Sedona Spiriutal GgNBMy name is Nirup and I have been working with people and their problems for some time.

In fact, I have worked for over 23 years with thousands of clients on resolving every type of difficulty and problem. Along the way things came to light and out of all that I developed a unique method which guides others to finding answers and solutions within themselves. This has resulted in this Intuition Inner Knower product. Using your intuition with the help of my Intuition Inner Knower training you can have dramatic insights which could lead not only to answers and solutions, but also real breakthroughs.

Why do I say that?

I say that because I have seen and received feedback from my clients about the self-development breakthroughs they have experienced. Breakthrough Wall

What kind of breakthroughs?

First, a little background. I have helped thousands of people over the course of all my years in personal breakthroughs in two ways:

  1. I use my intuitive/psychic ability to provide an individual with answers, insights, or solutions to problems which they have not been able to resolve.
  2. I guide them to tap into their own intuitive center and discover the insight or solution they need for their bothersome or troubling issue.

In other words, I share intuitive/psychic information, either from me or from them, to solve their concerns or problems. What kinds of concerns or problems? The frequent ones are:

  1. Feeling stuck or the feeling of being in a rut.
  2. Not able to be creative or being blocked to new and beneficial ideas.
  3. Money problems
  4. Career problems.
  5. Relationship worries or heartache issues.
  6. Not having enough energy to handle work or relationship issues.
  7. Having and hanging on to negative feelings of low esteem, guilt, anger, fear, betrayal, shame, or unworthiness. 
  8. Not knowing what to do next.

So, what have I seen and what have I learned about all these
irksome and troubling problems?

Lost Confused Sign Post It is that people have lost or ignored their connection with their intuition and the core of their intuition, which I call the ‘inner knower.’ You could also refer to it as your inner guide, or inner wisdom, or inner knowing. The point is we have an untapped or greatly underutilized resource that we are not using…our intuitive inner knower.

Wondrous and amazing breakthroughs in problem solving or creativity are just waiting for us to discover within us.

But, there is even a greater problem. What is it?

We don’t believe that we have intuition or we don’t know how to
access our intuition.

I have found and created a solution to this greater problem around the understanding and use of intuition and the inner knower. What is the solution? It is my Intuitive Development Training on 9 digital video downloads and accompanying course manual known as ‘Intuition and Your Inner Knower’. Intuition Brain

“Intuition is a part of your intelligence.” – Nirup

What you get:

The Videos Video 1: Introduction Video
2: Nirup with client – on Creativity Video
3: Nirup with client – on Motivation Video
4: Nirup with client – on Business decisions Video
5: Nirup with client – on Family Issues Video
6: Nirup – on The ‘Clairs’ (the ways and qualities of Intuition) Video
7: Guided Meditation (to help facilitate the development and use of your Intuition) Video
8: The Keys and Triggers of Intuition Video
9: Nirup – Summary of Intuition and Your Inner Knower

The Manual – the Manual Chapters
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: What we want out of life.
Chapter 3: What is Intuition?
Chapter 4: Benefits of Intuition and your Inner Knower.
Chapter 5: Intuition Inner Knower – Key Word Phrases.
Chapter 6: Clearing Self-Defeating & Self-Limiting Beliefs (necessary step to stop blocking your Intuition).
Chapter 7: The ‘Clairs’ – (the ways and qualities of Intuition).
Chapter 8: The Keys and Triggers of Intuition.
Chapter 9: Steps to Developing your Intuition.
Chapter 10: Developing your Intuition with Awareness Techniques
Chapter 11: Facilitate your Intuition – Meditation Basics (watching the breath, watching the mind)
Chapter 12: Further Facilitate your Intuition – Meditation Tong-Lin Practice
Chapter 13: EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique
Chapter 14: Summary (a quote I love is included at end of this summary)


What can you expect to learn with this training?

You will learn the 5 step process on how to discover and harness your ‘inner knower’
(core of your intuition).

  • You will learn how to discover and use your primary intuitive type.
  • You will learn how intuition can help you discover and develop your creativity.
  • Learn about the “Clairs” – In other words, come to know about the types or ways of intuition.
  • Discover how intuition enhances and increases your intelligence.
  • Learn how intuition can act as an inner directional guide to free you from feeling stuck or “in a rut.”
  • Learn how intuition can lead you to knowing and making the right choices and decisions from the simplest things in every day life, to major life changing events.
  • Learn about how to overcome self-limiting and self-defeating beliefs with your inner knower.
  • And much more.

Woman Looking At Map

With this information and practice you can begin to picture yourself handling and solving problems better. You can be more creative and productive with your career. You will be able to find and enhance meaningful relationships. For any concern or topic you can gain more answers, insights and solutions. So, please take advantage of my years of working with thousands of people and the development of this Intuition and Your Inner Knower training.

“Nirup I just can’t thank you enough, wanted to let you know that since we had our session with the Inner Knower technique, I have finally been able to focus on my readings and PhD work. In fact, the past 5 days have been my most productive ones this summer.  I have plowed through some long papers, summarized them and worked actively on the draft of a publication for a scientific journal in addiction. Much less stress and a lot more focus. It is easier to see myself write my comprehensive successfully now! Of all people supporting me through this PhD journey and personal development, I am particularly thankful for your presence and help these days! I will contact you in a near future to set up another (or a few more) sessions before my comprehensive.”  – Leela, Washington DC

What is the cost?

Actually, it is an investment in you. For a short time, it is not going to be . Not even  Take advantage of this special
low price of $39.95 for the online viewing, and download version of videos and manual.

If you’re not satisfied then neither am I, and that’s way I provide a
30 day money back guarantee.

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It all comes down to being able to live a more satisfying and beneficial life.