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Monday 20 May 2024


Ken Clark has always been a smug, bullying boor.

The Inquiry into the infected blood scandal concludes that whilst health secretary he misled the public in an 'indefensible way' over the risks from transfusions. 

Because of the very avoidable blunders over 3000 people have died from HIV or Hepatitis.

Clarke claimed there was "no conclusive proof" AIDS/Hepatitis could be spread from infected blood.

The Inquiry also attacked him for his claim campaigners focused on him because he was a 'celebrity'.

Another of Clarke's excuses was that this wa“the unavoidable adverse effects which can unhappily arise from many medical procedures”.

What is incredible is that the blood plasma was acquired from groups in the US known to be high-risk.

These were young, vulnerable children who were being experimented on.

Clarke? Do the right thing and give up your seat in the HoL and whilst you're at it apologise for your gross manners.

Sunday 19 May 2024



Brown canopy marks site

Dear Dame 

Thanks for posting the news on this planning proposal in March 2023 (PP/23/00916)  
With over 100 objections the application was rejected by the planning committee.
Despite a rejection, the applicant appealed to the  Planning Inspectorate.

This week, the applicant submitted a NEW application (PP/24/02813) for the proposed restaurant. The only major change is moving the 5-storey high extraction flue a meter or two away from homes in Chepstow Villas with the bizarre idea of  bricking up the flue to look like a chimney!

This time the applicant omits the detailed mechanical design report and many drawings on the proposed restaurant in a crafty attempt to play down the full impact of this 3000 sq ft mega restaurant! 
We are frustrated and angry at being forced through the same laborious objection process as the applicants try to wear us down. 
Nothing has changed from last year’s application as it is still applying for the installation of flue and serious mechanical plants to facilitate the 3000 sq ft restaurant. The only sop is the flue being bricked! All amenities and living conditions issues to local residents still stay the same. 

The public appeal consultation process for PP/23/00916 just ended last month and now another new application coming in May! 
....we will continue to fight and object.

It is worth noting that the application for the same site requests to have 76 Kensington Park Road as residential units (while keeping 65/7 Portobello Road as a shop) was approved last Oct 2023. The developer has an option on the site! 
They just want to get both residential and restaurant plans approved! 

As K&C residents we are all faced with developers disrupting our lives for profit. 

Please object by clicking HERE

Points to make include

  • The 5 storey flue will cause noise vibration and odour issues inside and outside people’s home 
  • Industrial plant and a massive flue are inappropriate for a residential street like Kensington Park Road 
  • AC and kitchen plant ventilation machinery underneath lightwell on Kensington Park Road with smoke, noise, rising temperature, causing all kinds of environmental pollution 
  • potential illegal parking for daily food supplies and rubbish collection on a narrow, heavily used part of the road with bus stop opposite 
  • patrons of restaurants entering in and out at night disturbing residents in a predominantly residential area 
  • a 3000 sq ft mega restaurant is not needed in this part of Kensington Park Road

Thank you.

Thursday 16 May 2024



Kiev Today

The Council is busy promoting homes for Ukrainians yet something puzzles the Dame.

A lawyer friend of the old thing was in Kyiv at the weekend. 

He asked the Dame what she thought conditions were like.

The Dame opined that the city must be living in terror. 

Quite the reverse said her friend. 

People were happily amusing themselves in sunlit cafes and the atmosphere was carefree and happy. 

Damage inflicted by Russian missiles was well outside the city limits.

Bentleys and Ferraris were everywhere: a little like Chelsea.

So, why are residents of this Borough expected to house refugees when the residents of non-violent parts of Ukraine doing nothing to help their compatriots?

Tuesday 14 May 2024


not a care in the world

Here is the most extraordinary sight. In broad daylight and with not a modicum of fear this piece of work has smashed the window of the Mercedes. You can watch the film in this link HELPED HIMSELF as he coolly helps himself to the contents. 

He wanders off, carefree, knowing if he gets caught he will be 'bailed to appear' and then disappear. 

The Council wastes money employing powerless community street wardens; an untidy-looking bunch who aimlessly wander the streets not knowing quite what their job is.

Instead, the Council should have approached Cadogan and other major landowners and suggested a joint funding of professional security patrols operating at all times of the day and night. Residents could even be invited to subscribe to such a service.

This is what one resident reported:

"Outside my flat in Pavilion Road there have been numerous violent robberies, people screaming as they are attacking for their valuables with machetes. I have been cycled at on the pavement by menacing hoody gangs, but I had nothing to steal as I carry nothing valuable with me."

Sunday 12 May 2024


up yours!
we've never had it so good!

Dear Dame,
A question?

Why should I vote for either Buchan or Hands rather than sitting on my backside at home?

Let’s run through why sitting at home reading a good book is more interesting and productive than wasting an hour to travel to vote Conservative.

OK, I may not vote for Powell but at least I know what I will get from a Labour Government.

14 years of Conservative governments and we are now like a third world country….foreign , violent gangs infest our city streets and no one is safe. We cannot even stop a Channel invasion.

The only beneficiaries are the likes of Cameron and pals like Osborne,Hancock and Johnson who are now multimillionaires. 

Even Hands was taking a vast monthly fee from some French bank.

I am not crazy about Reform UK but I will vote for them to shaft the corrupt, greedy and self serving Conservative Party.

  • Their party has never tried to abolish Inheritance Tax or at least set levels that reflect soaring house price inflation
  • Allowed Stamp Duty to rise to unprecedented levels. Young people cannot get on the housing ladder: older and more affluent people cannot afford to downsize.
  • Done nothing to reform Business Rates which are now at such a level that most businesses just cannot absorb them
  • Wasted tens of billions on a rail link that was never needed in the first place
  • Wasted billions during COVID
  • Used COVID to manipulate the population into servility.

Others can add more…what a record of wasted opportunity.


Name redacted

'SW3 3RP'

Sunday 5 May 2024


leader of men pose

Mayoral motor

Two charisma bypass lawyers now control the levers of power: one 'uman rights and the other criminal.

The Dame has nothing against lawyers: indeed she employs a team of lawyers to manage her vast investments but should they run a major city and a failing country?

In years gone by this breed was given minor portfolio jobs....now they have taken over our lives.

How the Dame yearns for the old days when clever, spirited and charismatic men like Ernie Bevin ran the country.

Ernie, an old friend of the Dame, would not have given house room to a couple of bleak and bone-dry lawyers.

Saturday 4 May 2024



Many of the Dame's rich friends are moving out. 

Were they just relying on idle capital to live it would not matter. They can buzz off to Italy Spain or elsewhere and would not be missed.

These though are big contributors to the economic life of the country. 

Their entrepreneurial flair and drive create and maintain employment. 

Losing them because they feel they will have a tax target on their backs will further endanger the economy.

Their big worry is that the property dealer, Angela Rayner, will not share the same business-friendly attitude as Starmer and Reeves.

Still, we can take comfort in Emma Dent Coad's view that the public sector will provide any lost jobs!

Thursday 2 May 2024


Dear Dame,

I wanted to reach out as a dedicated follower of your work and someone deeply interested in local politics. I must share my disappointment regarding the lack of coverage of the Norland by-election on your blog.

I am really surprised and upset that you claim to judge each councillor on their merits yet have said nothing about the outstanding Monica Press. Are you being partisan?

Over the years, there have been both effective and ineffective councillors from all political sides in RBKC.

Exemplary councillors widely known and respected all over the borough include Sof McVeigh, Linda Wade, Sarah Addenbrooke, David Lindsay Cem Kemahli, Ian Henderson and Monica Press. 

There are many others. I won't speak too much about the bad, but one of the worst was Mr Invisible Graham whom most residents had never heard or let alone met.  

As a lifelong Conservative, I'm deeply disappointed to see that in recent times the local Conservative Association has been taking us Norland residents and our votes for granted, so I have come to mind that it is time for a change. 

That view has only been reinforced after learning that the Labour Party have selected former councillor Monica Press for the Norland candidacy. 

Mrs Press was an outstanding local councillor and she impressed me on the doorstep with her knowledge, experience and willingness to take on challenging work, especially on housing.

By contrast, the local Conservative Association has selected a candidate who doesn't appear to wish to discuss much with residents other than what her favourite biscuit is.

Very disappointedly,

One-time Tory