Thursday, March 12, 2015

How to Use Rosemary Oil For Skin Care

Rosemary Rosemary is a relative to the mint family and the name is derived from its Latin origin to mean "dew of the sea." Rosemary is very common in Mediterranean cuisine and has somewhat of a bitter astringent taste to it. While that is true it compliments oily foods very nicely. A tisane can be made from the Rosemary leaves and that is also very popular when cooking. First it is burned and then added to a BBQ to flavor various foods. Sage, unlike many other herbs has a high nutritional value to it and is rich in iron, calcium, and vitamin B-6 and is more nutritional in its dried form rather than fresh. Rosemary should be harvested just as you are going to use it because it truly loses its flavor once dried. Gardner's swear that if you plant some Rosemary plants in and around your garden, the Rosemary will fend off moths, beetles, and carrot flies.

Older Europeans loved Rosemary and believed that it improved memory and also used it as a symbol of remembrance and was often tossed into fresh graves before they were buried over. Traditionally it has been said that Rosemary, left untrimmed, would grow for thirty three years where it will reach the height of Christ when he was crucified. Many would also place sprigs of Rosemary underneath their pillows to ward of evil and nightmares. Often the wood that comes from the stems of the Rosemary plant was used to make musical instruments. Remember that people back then liked to utilize every piece of something as not to waste. Today, many wreaths are made from Rosemary as a symbol of remembrance.


Known as the "herb of remembrance," Rosemary oil was considered sacred by ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Hebrews. It has been used as a natural remedy for centuries. Rosemary essential oil blends well with Thyme, Lemongrass, True Lavender and Peppermint oils, creating rich aromas and limitless applications.      

  Today, Rosemary is still used for many things besides cooking as it is in potpourris, air fresheners, shampoos, and cosmetics. There has also been scientific evidence that Rosemary works very well as a memory stimulant. Rosemary has also shown some cancer prevention properties in animals. But further Rosemary has shown a strong relationship in relaxing muscles, and to soothe stomach upset as well as menstrual cramps. The main thing to remember when using Rosemary for this purpose is that if you use too much it can actually cause a counter effect. When made into a tea it is ingested for calming nerves and anxiety and as an antiseptic. Rosemary when used as a tea many people find to taste very good. Making the tea from Rosemary is quite simple actually, just pour boiling water over the leaves and steep for 10-15 minutes. A little sugar can be added by you should not add any cream. A few sprigs can be added to oils and vinegars to flavor the products which add a nice taste for cooking. When used cosmetically it can lighten and tone human hair and when mixed with equal parts of shampoo it has been known to strengthen hair too. It also makes for a nice additive in hot bath water. Rosemary is still used quite commonly today however more so for cooking than anything else.

What Does Oregano Oil Do To The Body?

OregenoIf someone says Oregano, it is likely that you will think in terms of cuisine. You would be right as most people do think of Oregano is sauces and so forth. However, there are actual medicinal properties to Oregano as well. Oregano makes a luscious cup of savory tea that works well for gas, indigestion, bloating, coughs, urinary problems, bronchial problems, headaches, and swollen glands and to induce and regulate a woman's menstrual cycle. Others swear that is can cure fevers, diarrhea, vomiting, and same jaundice. In the capsule form the leaves are dried and then crushed and placed into the empty capsule shell. Further, even others use the dried leaves by crushing them and adding just enough water to create a paste like substance and use it for a cream to apply for arthritis, itchy skin, sore muscles, and swelling. For a relaxing and soothing bath use Oregano leaves in the bath water. Finally, some people make Oregano oil and claim it helps rid toothaches.

In Jamaica people burn Oregano scented incense to ward off coughs and other respiratory distresses. Oregano has been used in ancient Greece and many other places across the globe where people have found a different use for Oregano besides cooking. Oregano is a perennial herb that is relative to the mint family and it is a very important culinary herb that is used in a lot of Greek and Italian cuisines. For cooking purposes it is the leaves that are used and while some like nothing but a fresh Oregano sprig, most will agree that the dried Oregano is much more flavorful. Especially in Italian cooking you will notice a distinct relationship between the uses of Oregano in combination with Basil. The two always seem to create the perfect marriage especially in a tomato sauce. Oregano is also used on many vegetable dishes as well as a seasoning on various meats. The Greeks would never consider cooking with Oregano in their pantry. The famous Greek salad boasts its flavor of Oregano. No one could imagine eating a piece of pizza without a taste of Oregano added to it. Oregano is commonly mistaken for Marjoram as the plants look very similar. Outside of the kitchen Marjoram and Oregano are best friends and do a lot together. The pair has quite plentiful properties in the areas of antioxidants and antibacterial. Together they are not only a great combination for flavoring food but also for preserving it too. Because both of their oils are perfumery they are placed in many different soaps and lotions. They are also used in combination for many potpourris and home décor.

Oregeno Oil

Oregano—a member of the mint family—is a well-known culinary herb that can be found in kitchens around the world. Its name is derived from a Greek word that means "joy of the mountains." It takes 1,000 lbs. of flowering oregano herbs to produce just 1 lb. of Améo Oregano essential oil.


  There is no denying that Oregano has been around since ancient times both in and out of the kitchen. It had many medicinal properties then and it still does now. It was used in the kitchen and it is still used there now so those from ancient times started a tradition that is still followed to this day. Oregano's uniqueness is fully utilized in many different ways and will be for years to come.

Is Belladonna a Medicine or a Poison?

belladonna2 Belladonna is not an herb that you are going to want to stock your pantry with. While it has its benefits, this is an herb that can be very dangerous and sometimes even fatal. It has some medicinal properties to it and has an interesting history but it can be very dangerous. The nickname "deadly nightshade" is a good clue of its potency. There is however a tincture that comes from this plant that is used for medicinal purposes. Belladonna is a perennial herb that is native to Europe and Asia Minor but is now grown quite often in the United States, Europe, and India. When the plant is in full bloom the plant is harvested and then dried for use. The most important contribution from Belladonna is atropine which is an important agent that is useful in dilating the pupils of the eye. This has proven to be very beneficial. Even small doses of atropine can cause the heart rate to increase. Some cough syrups are known to contain atropine and are used for bronchitis and whooping cough. Further it is used to soothe the stomach lining prior to an anesthetic being administered and also for peptic ulcers. Belladonna goes by many different names but has been used for over 500 years. While growing in the wild, which belladonna commonly does, a slight dose can be fatal. In the earliest times when Belladonna was first used it was cosmetic purposes. Women felt that if they used it to dilate their pupils that they would look more sexy and alluring. That is why the name Belladonna means "beautiful lady" in Italian. Yet, it is still used in many eye doctors' offices across the country to this day..

belladonnaBelladonna also has other great benefits for purposes of what it is used for today as it has the ability to dry up bodily fluids such as breast milk, saliva, perspiration, and mucous. The alkaloids in Belladonna are used for many conditions such as gastrointestinal disorders such as colitis, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, colic, diarrhea, and peptic ulcer. It also works for asthma, excessive sweating, excessive nighttime urination and incontinence, headaches and migraines, muscle pains and spasms, motion sickness, Parkinson's disease, and biliary colic. Quite often Belladonna is used as homeopathic remedies such as the common cold, earaches, fever, menstrual cramps, sunstroke, toothaches, headaches, sore throats, and boils. How the patient ingests and how much they ingest is determined by a few various factors such as their symptoms, mood, and overall temperament. When Belladonna is administered for homeopathic use it is highly diluted because of the toxicity level of it. No one should ever use Belladonna as a self help measure and it should only be taken under the care of a qualified doctor. The doses given of Belladonna are always in very low doses. When Belladonna is prescribed it is either added to sugar pellets or mixed with other types of drugs and is available by prescription only. So while it is clear that Belladonna is an extremely dangerous herb it is also very beneficial when used correctly.

Growing, Harvesting and Using Thyme

ThymeThyme is a very popular and well known culinary herb. It is a very decorative plant while it is growing and is also very easy to grow as well but be prepared because bees just love Thyme. Many people use Thyme in stews, salads, meats, soups, and vegetables. Thyme is a very common household herb and is a member of the mint family. The plant is very aromatic and comes in many varieties. Thyme is a frequently used herb in many fish dishes. Oddly enough as much as honey bees love to suck the nectar from the Thyme plant is as much as other insects loathe it. Some people have been known to make a mist spray of Thyme and water and use it as a bug repellent. Various forms of Thyme are available year round but many people prefer to grow their own. Nothing beats the smell and taste of fresh Thyme as long as you know to pick it just as the flowers appear. Once fresh Thyme is harvested it should be stored in either a plastic bag in the crisper or stood straight up in a glass of water on the shelf in the refrigerator for easy access.
The bad news, fresh Thyme does not have a very long shelf life, you will be lucky if it last a week. If you have selected fresh Thyme and decide to dry it then simply hang it upside down in a warm and dry atmosphere for about a week to ten days. Then you can crumble it into a powdery form and stored in a sealed dark container for no more than six months. You want to eliminate the stems as they have a tendency to have a woody taste to them.

THYME - Thymus vulgaris

Thyme essential oil, which has a warm and spicy aroma, has been used for centuries by various cultures. Ancient Greeks would bathe in Thyme before battle to promote courage. Ancient Egyptians used Thyme oil for embalming. It also has a long history of use in cooking and aromatherapy.  

  Thyme has some medicinal purposes as well as an antiseptic, an expectorant, and deodorant properties as well. When combined with fatty meats Thyme has been known to aid in digestion too, especially with lamb, pork, and duck. Herbal medicine has used Thyme for various things such as extracts, teas, compresses, for baths, and for gargles. More modern medicine has chimed in and verified that Thyme just might strengthen the immune system. Distilled Thyme oils have been used for the commercial use of antiseptics, toothpaste, mouthwash, gargle, hair conditioner, dandruff shampoo, potpourri, and insect repellant. It is also used in the production of certain expectorants that are prescribed for whooping cough and bronchitis. Thyme has also been used in part as an aphrodisiac and in aromatherapy oils as well. If by some chance you are in the middle of cooking recipes that calls for Thyme and you find that you are out do not fret, it is said that you can use a pinch of oregano as a substitute if you have to. Thyme is very often used when cooking European cuisine but is essential for the correct preparation of French foods as it has that faint lemony taste to it. It has also been said that Thyme is one of the only herbs that a cook can not over season with because the flavor is so mild. Thyme is a primary spice that everyone should have stocked in their pantry.

Beautiful Skin Made Easy With This Simple Herbal Facial Scrub Recipe

Looking for that perfect skin product? One that will keep your skin looking great, smells great, is appealing to apply, has actual ‘therapeutic’ effects, and doesn’t break the bank? You can make an herbal facial scrub or use essential oils to have beautiful skin. Creating a wonderful blend just for your skin type with the magic of potent natural botanicals is fun and rewarding in more ways than one. Essential oils are widely used in natural medicine, and some are well-known for their skin rejuvenating effects.
While some of the most highly regarded therapeutic grade oils may seem expensive at first, they are effective in such small concentrations as to really make them worthwhile. And their efficacy is well-known; that’s why so many laboratory-made preparations use components of essential oils in their formulas. With a one or two ounce bottle to mix in, and an eye dropper, you can easily mix your own blend with the aroma and actions you desire most. There are a few essential oils most often used in skin care recipes – you can pick and choose from among these depending on your desired results. Other essential oils may be added to enhance the aroma of your blend; many oils used to do so are also are know to relieve tension or bring about a healthy state of mind – and most natural clinicians will tell you that beauty starts from the inside-out. So make something you love the smell of that also helps your skin glow! These few primary skin care oils include the following: Helichrysum italicum – the oil of this flower is one of the most highly regarded in aromatherapy for it’s great versatility. It has a pleasant aroma, it contains rare ‘di-ketones’ which stimulate the skin’s natural metabolism, and is a powerful anti-inflammatory (all tissue damage and aging is associated with inflammation on a cellular level). Lavender oil – ‘true’ or ‘French’ Lavender is the most used oil in aromatherapy today because of it’s great multitude of effects. Like Helichrysum, it contains regenerative ketones; it reduces inflammation; it speeds wound healing; AND it has an aroma very well known for its relaxing effects – easing tension while healing your skin – could you ask for more? Next up is Rosemary of the ‘verbenone’ type. It also contains ketones (that the cineol type does not) and is known as a circulatory and metabolism stimulant, increasing the flow of nutrients in, and waste products out, of your skin cells. Palmarosa essential oil is included in many blends for it’s gentle cleansing and antiseptic properties. And last but not least, Carrot Seed oil is the premier oil for regenerating tired, lifeless skin – often a result from too much stress or high levels of pollutant exposure. There are several other oils with positive effects on the skin (some will be mentioned in the blends below), these just happen to be the most often used. With research, you can find essential oils that will address particular skin conditions that are not covered here. Further, there are in fact hundreds of essential oils available, each with it’s own unique composition and aroma. Adding a little to your blends simply for their fragrance influence is highly recommended. A few drops of precious oils like S, Neroli, Sandalwood or Rose can create that aromatic combination you simply love, and will want to wear all the time. The essential oils are almost never applied to the skin undiluted (Lavender is a rare exception). Instead, they are added to what are known as ‘carrier’ or ‘base’ oils. Diluting the essential oil in carrier not only stretches your dollar, but the oils actually are more effective this way! Research has shown that most essential oils have the most dramatic therapeutic effects at concentrations of less than 5% of the total blend. And the carriers have their own positive effects; besides helping your skin absorb the essential oils, they provide nutrients such as essential fatty acids, and vitamin compounds which enhance the skin’s health. Some of the more commonly used carrier oils in skin care are as follows: First is Hazelnut oil – pressed from, obviously, Hazelnuts. This is considered the most gentle of the carrier oils, suitable for all skin types. It often serves as the primary base oil in blends, making up a majority of the mixture. Next is Rosehip seed oil, pressed from Rosehip seeds grown in the mountains of South America. This well researched oil not only has a wealth of essential fatty acids, but contains trans-retinoic acid, a compound similar to the active ingredient of Retin-A (a well known wrinkle cream), but without the drying side effects. Lastly we’ll mention Evening Primrose oil, often included in blends for aging skin and for eczema – it has one of the highest known concentrations of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid which may be crucial to optimal health. So there are the primary ingredients, and the reasons behind them. With these, and a few of your own personal touches, you can create a great variety of blends. To go ahead and start mixing, acquire a one or two ounce dark glass bottle to mix in, an eye dropper and a small funnel (you don’t NEED this, it just makes the whole process a lot less messy). For the first recipe, we’ll start with a blend that’s for daily use for all skin types. It’s created to give the skin health and vitality, while keeping it clean and beautiful: Pour one ounce of Hazelnut oil into your mixing bottle (double all the ingredients if you’d like to make two ounces). Add fifteen drops (about 2/3rds of a milliliter) Thyme essential oil of the Linalool chemotype (be sure to get this kind, as other types of Thyme are to strong to use on the skin). The add fifteen drops each of Rosemary, Neroli (or a high-quality Petitgrain – distilled from the same plant as Neroli with a lower cost), Spike Lavender (almost a cross between true lavender and sage – excellent for it’s antiseptic properties). While originally created as an acne-clearing blend, it did so well for so many folks it is now used as a basis for healthy ‘normal’ skin as well. For overly sensitive and damaged skin (from chemicals or other means) and for skin with weak capillaries (showing spider veins may be a symptom), start with a 5:1:1 ratio of Hazelnut, Rosehip Seed and Evening Primrose oils (3/5 ounce Hazelnut, and 1/5th each of the other oils). Add fifteen drops each of German Chamomile, Helichrysum italicum, True Lavender, and Roman Chamomile. This blend will enhance the regenerative capability of the skin through the action of the Helichrysum and Rosehip seed, provides nutrients through in the Rosehip seed and Evening Primrose, and reduces the inflammation which accompanies any type of damage and aging. For clearing excessively oily and acne-prone skin, to one oz. of Hazelnut oil, add fifteen drops each of Myrtle essential oil (use the green, rather than red, variety), Eucalyptus , Lavender, and Rosemary. The Myrtle is special in that it dissolves the sebum clogging skin pores, and the Eucalyptus calms the output of the sebaceous (oil-producing) glands. If your skin has no particular ‘condition’, but appears tired, lifeless, pallid, or ‘worn out’, try mixing one-fifth ounce of Rosehip Seed and four-fifths ounce Hazelnut oil. Then add 15 drops each of Carrot Seed essential oil (also known as Queen Anne’s Lace or Wild Carrot), Lemon verbena (which helps the skin detoxify), Niaouli (gently tightening the skin), and Rosemary – this creates an excellent restorative blend. For aging skin needing firming that can be used around the eyes – try this more gentle variety: Mix in five ounces of Hazelnut oil and one ounce of Rosehip seed oil, add fifteen drops of each of Myrtle essential oil (green), Cistus or Rock Rose and Rosemary. So there are a few tried-and-true aromatherapy skin care blends to use in your natural beauty regime. You can easily mix and match the oils described to create your own blend, and add any oils you really like the aroma of (be aware that a FEW essential oils are VERY strong, and should not be used on the skin – the more common of these include Cinnamon, Clove, Oregano, and Thyme – consult with a knowledgeable practitioner if you are unsure about the safety of any oil). A word about purchasing oils for your blends – do NOT use anything labeled as a ‘fragrance oil’ – these are synthetic reproductions of essential oils that will likely cause an allergic reaction. DO seek out a reputable source. And oils, like wine, do vary greatly from maker to maker. A higher price can mean a significantly nicer oil (though not always) – one that is sweeter, or more well-rounded – only a few oils should smell ‘medicinal’ – Spike Lavender is a little ‘camphorus’ in general – but a good Rosemary should have a very appealing scent . Despite the initial outlay, you are more likely to continue to use a blend that you really like the aroma of, and that has therapeutic effects. Though once you find the oils you adore, you’re more than likely to continue the practice of making your own blends for some time to come

How to Propagate Basil - Endless Supply from One Plant!

BasilOriginally, Basil was not the most popular herb in the bunch. Actually there were some who simply hated it, mainly the ancient people. The name basil means "be fragrant" but still various cultures battled with a love hate relationship over basil. Americans and Romans loved it while Hindus plant it in their homes as a sign of happiness. On the contrary it was the Greeks who despised it most but those from India and Persia were not too fond of it either. One place that took a special liking to Basil was Italy and to this day not many people prepare a classic pasta sauce without the Basil. To this day basil and tomato sauce have formed somewhat of a marriage almost globally. Basil is very easy to grow as long as the temperature does not fall below 50 degrees and is in full sunshine. It is popularly used both in the fresh form as well as the dried. A rare known fact about Basil is that the longer it simmers in a dish the more the flavor intensifies. This makes sense as to why people simmer their pasta sauces for so long, to bring out all of the rich herb flavors. Normally in pasta sauces Basil is used in combination with Oregano. However, Basil is not just used for pasta or tomato sauce, it is also used for flavoring fish, vegetables, meats, and soups.

 If you decide to grow an herb garden, you can thank the Basil plants for keeping the flies away as flies are also part of the group that does not care for Basil. Another interesting fact about Basil is that it was considered a royal herb with a strong association pertaining to love. Basil had a relationship with how men of a much earlier time planned on proposing to their fair maidens. The man would bring a branch of Basil and if the woman accepted his gift she silently agreed to love him and be faithful to him for eternity.

Sweet Basil Essential OilSWEET BASIL

Ocimum basilicum

With a sweet and spicy scent and flavor, Sweet Basil essential oil is used most often in cooking and as a dietary supplement; however, it also has many aromatic and topical applications. Sweet Basil oil is beneficial both physically and mentally, and has become a great go-to product that oil users should always have on hand.  

  Basil is related to the Mint family and just knowing that should give you a good idea that it will have many medicinal uses as well. Right away most people associate anything mint with aiding the digestive system and also for its anti gas properties. Herbalists use Basil quite commonly for health ailments such as stomach cramps, vomiting, constipation, headaches and anxiety. When Basil is used for these purposes it is generally made into a hot tea for drinking. Some also claim that a nice hot cup of Basil tea can contribute greatly to a good nights sleep. At herbal stores you can also purchase Basil capsules as well if you do not care for the taste of the tea. Basil is still one of the most common household herbs used today and in most areas of culinary art it is a necessity there too. When used in its freshest form, Basil is torn from the plant and then just minced up with a knife. Usually somewhere nearby the Basil you will find some olive oil, garlic, and someone getting ready to prepare a fantastic tomato sauce.

Essential Oils for Beginners with Kathi Keville: PART 3 Aromatherapy Using Natures Aroma To Cure

Aromatherapy makes use of the essential oils from the plants and other aromatic compounds to help soothe the human mind and cure certain illness. You can do it at home with the help of essential oils, perfume and cosmetics. When it becomes a part of pharmacology, it is known as clinical aromatherapy. Aromachology studies the effects of different aromas on human behavior. Certain aromas are believed to have relaxing effect on our mind and body. Aromatherapy includes not only the use of essential oils, but also absolutes, hydrosols, infusion, phytoncides, and carrier oils. The absolutes are oils extracted by superficial fluid extraction, like the rose absolute. Hydrosols, like the rose water, are aqueous by-products after distillation. Infusions are the aqueous solutions of plant material. Phytoncides are the natural volatile organic compounds extracted from plants. Sweet almond oil is an example of carrier oil, used to dilute essential oils. Aromatherapy can be done through inhalation. By taking baths, massages and compresses, the essential oils can be absorbed by the skin. Through oral rinses and gargles, they can be absorbed through the mucous membranes. Ingestion is another method of aromatherapy. Aromatherapy causes various therapeutic effects like the antiseptic effects, anesthetic effects, and psychological effects. Aromatherapy has its effects on the central nervous system and the metabolism. For home aromatherapy, you can blend eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, and peppermints in the base oils and add a few drops of basil in that mixture. For bathing purposes, you can add oils like lavender, and rose to the water. Aromatherapy can heal depression, insomnia, acne, joint pains, stress, cough, and other types of diseases. For the skin, aromatherapy best solves acne and dry skin problems. Aromatherapy helps to enhance the skin and makes it glow. It gives a pedicure and manicure effect, and prevents skin wrinkles. The common essential oils used for aromatherapy are sweet almond, avocado, cocoa butter, grape seed, jojoba, olive, peanut, rose hip, sesame, sunflower and more. Make sure not to use ajowan, almond, arnica, calamus, garlic, melilotus, onion, mustard, wormseed, and wormwood, without proper supervision from the aromatherapy practitioner.