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Elizabeth Irvine’s new release, Language of the Soul: Fifty-Two Affirmations to Guide You, is all about using positive affirmations for a better life. 52 affirmations filled with positive energy, encouragement and mindfulness to re-frame your thoughts and words. What is soul language? To think and speak differently. To use the power of your words to re-direct your energies, discern what is important to you and create a new positive vibration that will teach you how to weave the language of your soul into every day.

Her previous titles Healthy Mother Healthy Child, A Moment’s Peace and Meditations From the Earth all provide a calming and healing influence along with simple steps to bring peace, serenity and meaning to you and into the home.



Elizabeth’s teaching style shows you a myriad of ways to step into your own innate abilities— whether that’s how to create positive change with an affirmation, feel peace through meditation, create nourishing sacred space in your home or first steps on how to write a book.

For almost 30 years I have been tending to my soul. With over 10,000 hours of diligence, I spend time every day in quiet space. In a nutshell it’s a time and a place where you are with yourself. In this place you are re-birthed into the next moment. It’s like being re-aquatinted with your truewellbeing— the part of you that is confident, clear about things, at peace and feels driven by perhaps a deeper sense of truth.

