
lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

Los valores son muy importantes en la vida ya que los valores dicen lo que somos en realidad. la cantidad de valores que reconozcamos va decir nuestro comportamiento y nuestra educación. los valores  se aprenden en la casa y no en la escuela como muchos dicen es importante para una mejor sociedad que los niños aprendan los valores mas importantes. 

lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013

Los valores son principios de la vida, que nos orientan a vivir y actuar de una manera que nos traerá buenos resultados. Para mi los valores más importantes son el respeto y la honestidad, porque los humanos a pesar de nuestros defectos somos todos iguales y nos debemos respetar, aceptar de que somos diferentes y así convivir. 
Además la honestidad lleva a momentos reales, es decir, no me gusta vivir en una mentira, vivir una felicidad falsa, o un éxito de otro.  Daniela Perales

Why do kids don’t use positive expressions themselves?

Why do kids don’t use positive expressions themselves?

Children use bad words because it is something they think makes them look bigger age than they are or because they think that it is friendlier than others. is something that is occurring as a new fashion and have a lot of children and teenagers who sometimes speak bad words and do not even realize. Children you ask. Why do you use bad language? And they will answer "that the elders say bad words" This is another reason why kids use bad words devoid to listen to adults and children say it's repeated a word thinking it normal. The best thing to do for the children do not say these words is that adults say in front of them. But these words are somehow easier to learn in any language is Spanish, English, French, etc.making bad words are exported and learn much faster

Daniel Phelan

Values in the influence on the behavior of an individual

Values in the influence on the behavior of an individual

The Values are very important on the behavior of a person’s because one  person without values have a misbehavior , has not respect for the people. While a person with values would be  the opposite.

Values are not taught in school taught at home .The number of values can tell a lot about how the person behavior at home and teach him at home .
Values such are honesty, responsibility towards others respect the rules of good speaker and good listener sincerity, etc. They are values that are learned by example when we make a mistake or do not know wich family elders and not correct is part of that education
A simple might be a child see another many loses .a child without values takes money and return to you and if to you and if you fall for some causality cannot return a child he give to superiors.  This example and many more are those who see clarity in or school or anywhere ir our social life. 
Daniel Phelan

Pequeña descripción del Blog

Este Blog, es creado con el propósito de publicar nuestras producciones escritas en la materia ingles del colegio El Peñon 3er año A que ambas tienen un fondo que se relaciona con los valores, aunque diferentes temas. Por ejemplo la primera produccion escrita era de los valores en la influencia de la actitud de las personas, y la segunda hablamos sobre porque los jóvenes tendemos a decirnos entre nosostros palabras groseras, como un sobrenombre o apodo
El próposito de la profesora al mandarnos a hacer este trabajo fue que nosostros mismos tomaramos conciencia sobre el tema, ya que somos jovenes y somos los que estamos involucrados en el tema. Daniela Perales

Why do kids don’t use positive expressions themselves?

           Why do kids don’t use positive expressions themselves?

That’s actually a good question, the bad words or rudness, are a modality, it’s a generation problem.
When we started to be 12 years old, the society started to discover part of the world, the kids see that exist parties, alcohol, girlfriends/boyfriends, and all that kind of things, but they´re not in age to have that, the revolt of not being able to have it, it makes them want it, and part of that kind of things, it’s the feeling “Oh I’m old and I say bad words” even if they  don’t know the meaning, and they know that its not good to say that words.
So, there’s always a good kid that don’t talk that way, but in school, the other kids make fun of that. That’s what in finally makes that in our age we call us “bitch” like nothing were happening

When the time passes we all grow up and see that its stupid  to talk in that way and also we see that its sound horrible, we also see that it was a modality
There´s  some people that grow up but they still talk in that way, that´s the kind of person that don´t see the badness of that. And they not only talk that way, they  probably do other bad things. My conclusion of this, is that it´s important parents tell their kids that rudness it´s not good, and even if in some moment that kid say some bad word, that kid will be the one that grow up and see the true of all.
Daniela Perales

“Values us the influence on The Behavior of and Individual”
In our life we live with a lot of opportunities, chances, days, activities, etc. each one it´s a human activity that means that we have to act with values, like friendship, love, respect, honestly, acceptance, etc

For example if you compare a conversation or a relationship of a people without values between people with values you would see the second relationship will be better than the first one, why? Because in case of a problem or “fight” everything will be better because they will say their opinion but they will always keep the respect, love, honestly, and it´s going to be easier too.
Ok. Now imagine Oscar and Nicole, they don´t have values, and Nicole it´s angry because Oscar didn´t take a shower at 7:00pm and when se asks him, hi lies and said, that “Yes I did take a shower at 7:00 pm” 3 weeks later Nicole hearded Oscar talking with his friends and saying the truth, so she disappointed and she starts to scream, and insult him, bad words so the things were getting worst and worst, why? Because they don’t have values
Oscar can say “no, I didn’t take a shower at 7:00” and Nicole “Well that’s bad, promise me you will never do that” and everything is easier and peaceful
So in conclusion values are so important and it influence in people behavior, its everything
All the values comes from the criance parents, so its important that the parents always stay there for the kids
Daniela Perales