Tuesday 20 March 2018


To start off; This is definitely one of my favourite films I've seen in a long long time. Anyone who knows me is probably very aware that I'm a massive Saoirse Ronan fan and that my favourite genre of film is coming of age dramas. So, low and behold I am presented with Lady Bird- A film made for me.

  The film follows Saoirse who plays high school senior, Christine, more commonly known by her self given name of "Ladybird". The film explores themes of love, coming of age, friendship, individuality, and frustration- I feel in the most relatable ways. The film immediately starts by showing us the two characters most central to the film, Ladybird and her mother sharing some lovely moments before shortly being disrupted by one of their arguments. This is a real insight into their relationship even just within the first 30 seconds of the film. The next is shots of her school life, thrusting us into Ladybird's world. She is sat receiving a lecture from a sister of her school. It's interesting that although Ladybird's character is often extremely argumentative and stubborn especially in the first scene between her and her mother, the next glimpse we get of her is actually of the more understanding and respectful aspects of her personality which I think was clever of the film makers as that already cements in our minds that she isn't a troublesome child rather just a normal teenage girl with complex emotions. I feel like throughout the whole film the way that the film expresses peoples emotions is done really cleverly. There is always a laugh paired with emotional scenes to provide contrast but also so once the emotional part is done with, we jump right back into the story which I think allows for more ups and downs throughout the narrative whereas a typical film has maybe two longer emotional scenes, Ladybird has many which makes it feel like were seeing much more of her life than we normally would in a typical hollywood film.

The Aesthetics of the film in general are absolutely beautiful. It still has the small scale indie film look but with the benefit of a big budget. Some of the shots are truly beautiful some because of the cinematography and some because of the colouring- a perfect example of production and post production work complimenting each other. It's strange too because the film has a vintage feel and vibe to it but it was only set in 2002  and I think maybe because I lived through then, as well as going to Catholic school and essentially just being a female, the whole film has a lovely warmth and nostalgia to it both visually and through its vibes. I'm not sure if this is just me accidentally being able to relate a lot to this character or whether it was intentional of the film makers. I'm guessing the latter.

Overall this was a stunning film which portrayed the complexities of the teenage mind stuck where it doesn't want to be. It was so nice to see a film like this gain so much well deserved recognition. 10/10 must see.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Call me by Your Name

I'm sure I won't be the first person you've heard talk about this film. When I first heard of it and saw the trailer, I assumed it was a small budget art film type project as thats the sort of films I've been watching for years that no-one has ever heard or even cares for. But when I realised this was a massive worldwide release I was shook as I've never associated these type of films with mass audience appeal but it seems I have been proved wrong. Everyone is talking about it- from critics all the way to your great aunt. Anyone who has any interest in cinema has been talking about this film. Naturally, me being me, I was late getting round to watching. Nevertheless I finally did and boy I was not disappointed. 
 Set in 1983, the film, aesthetically, provides a nostalgia even to me, who has never been to Italy and wasn't even born yet. The whole feel of the film aesthetics wise and just generally due to the nature of the context and content make you feel extremely relaxed. The soft colour palette and soothing soundtrack really emerge you into the holiday home in the sun that the film is set in. The cinematography throughout the whole film is simply stunning contributing greatly to the 'put togetherness' of the film. From these two shots alone I'm sure you can grasp what I mean.

The narrative in general is another reason why I'm shocked it appealed to a mass market, unlike most mainstream films, Call me by Your Name lacks any real action or drama but instead is a beautifully natural telling of an equally beautiful story. I personally love these types of films but I genuinely didn't think mainstream audiences would, I'm very pleased to of been proved wrong I must say. The relationship between the two main characters Oliver and Elio is a little sudden, it seems to be all one sided until suddenly half way through the film where they both seem to be mad about each other, I do wish there was a little more of a build up from Oliver's side but honestly I can't be angry about it. Both actors gave incredible performances there wasn't a single moment I didn't believe what they were saying which is very very rare in a film which I think helped immensley with submerging you into the story and the characters lives which allow for a deeper connection which makes the ending of the film hurt just that little bit more.

The only real complaint I have about this film is some of the editing. While much of the film is well edited and not an issue there is one thing I just can't overlook...CROSSFADES. Anyone who knows me knows I hate crossfades with an absolute passion they make anything look like it was made in the late 90's early 2000's and not in a good way. Unfortunately, Call me by Your Name was littered with them. I understand that maybe it was to make the film look 'of its time' but honestly it just didn't work. It would've worked so much better if it was modernly edited with the 80's vibe sticking to the actual story not the editing. Despite this, It's only a minor blip of the film in my mind and considering the rest of the film is pretty much incredible, the crossfades I guess are something I can push to the back of my mind, as a tiny detail it would be unfair of me to judge the film based on this.

OverallI'd say Call me by Your Name is one of the best films I have seen in a long long time. A beautiful coming of age story with an incredible cast and soundtrack all creating an incredible piece of art. Honestly I haven't stopped thinking about this film since I saw it. If you're yet to watch it, please do I promise you won't regret it. 

Monday 5 March 2018

Wild We Roam

Youtube! I've been watching youtube since I was about 14 now. I started off watching silly videos made for no reason or make up tutorials. But as the website and I have simultaneously grown older, we have both matured. Youtube's content has now become so much more diverse and my interest for well made content has intensified. Fast forward 5 years to aged 19 me trying to learn how to shoot on a film camera and I stumble across a channel called "Plant Based Traveler" ( now Wild We Roam) and I was instantly hooked. It was very rare that I came across a channel that I would instantly subscribe to after seeing just one video but there I found my mouse hovering over that little red subscribe button. I was in awe of the way the video was shot and the storyline it followed. There was a vibe to it I'd never seen on another you tubers channel before. Of course,  I then continued to watch every single video they'd ever made.

  Wild we Roam is run by an American, vegan couple living in Berlin- Lou and Dana. Dana is more the face and voice of the channel whereas from what I can gather, Lou is the cameraman and editor. The two make videos about a variety of topics for example, the ones about shooting film i saw first, Vegan food videos and videos about their adventures together. This channel was so different from what I'd been seeing on youtube for years. Their videos are targeted toward a more mature audience, not the 15 year olds a lot of channels are produced for. The way their videos are made is so beautiful, lots of sound and picturesque cinematography combined with grand music or narration.

   When I first subscribed to them they were on 4,000 subscribers. Now, just a year and a bit later, they're currently on 40,000. I feel so proud of this channel and how it's grown and I hope it can keep growing and growing and I hope Dana and Lou can gain something amazing from it because they sure do deserve it.

Wednesday 28 February 2018

Post Production Stills Edit 2

Following on from my first stills edit post, It was extremely hard to find enough images to fill the time and a lot of photo series seemed to be hidden so instead of appearing when I typed "drag club 1960's" I'd have to type something like "gay club 1960s 1950s party drag" and search through a handful of websites to even be in with a chance of finding anything half decent. When I eventually had enough photographs I re edited so that in the upbeat sections of my songs, the photographs would appear and disappear faster to keep the flow the music provided. This also helped to provide some variation within the edit as to not bore the viewer and keep them interested. My main issue once everything was edited was that I thought it was very samey which could be boring to watch. I added in some close ups of the images to focus the viewers attention on important aspects of both the photos and the story I feel this worked well but still didn't make the edit much less boring. Honestly I really don't know what I could've done to transform it maybe if I had good photoshop skills or even better knowledge of how to work premiere pro I could've done something with it but with my limited knowledge and skills I feel I did an okay job. The finished product was average but I fulfilled the brief well and told a story clearly and in an interesting manner. Overall I'm fairly pleased.

Tuesday 27 February 2018

Breadwinner Music Video

Okay, so technically not a film...BUT music videos is what I want to get into in the future so still relevant to me I guess?
This music video breaks literally all the conventions of modern music videos...and I love it. Not only because Everything Everything are quite literally the best band in the world but because they always create the most entrancing videos to compliment their sound and aesthetic. This video I especially thought would fit within this blog as it is solely animation and post production.
The video is essentially, a computer generated version of the lead singer glitching out for a whole 3 minutes 18 seconds. Now, if you presented this concept to your manager they would probably thing you're mad but there's no denying it works so well. The animator has somehow made the man seem like he's glitching randomly but at the same time glitching in time to the music which is incredibly clever as it could of been so easy to fall into the trap of making it look like the guy is intentionally dancing to the music.
There were so many subtle additions to the video that make the video more personal to them. Rather than the man glitching on a plain black background he was on an abstract background made up of very muted versions of the colours that Everything Everything used for their most recent album. So although on the surface it could be a video for absolutely anyone, there are subtle little things that subliminally tell the viewer that this is Everything Everythings. 
Let's talk about lyrics. It's not often that the official music video to a song has the lyrics slap bang in the middle. Usually lyric videos come after the main video. But everything everything know that their fans like to learn the lyrics to these fast paced songs. And when everyone is going around singing their catchy tune, they'll be the ones laughing. I love how there is only one word on the screen at a time. With a song as fast as this, you'd think it'd be distracting or annoying but every single word is edited to the beat and I've said it before but I'll say it again...IT JUST WORKS.
Here is the video if you want to take a peek.

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Black Mirror

Black Mirror Season 4 just got released on netflix and if you didnt already know that, have you been living under a rock for the past few months? For those of you who haven't seen the series let me explain. Black mirror is a series of relatively unlinked episodes focussing on a different storyline and set of characters each time. The narrative usually revolves around technology we have now being furtherd to a point where it becomes dangerous (I'm doing it no justice I know).
 So I saw an article that rated the Black mirror season 4 episodes from worst to best and of course originality is dead so I'm going to do the same just with a much more brief description of each episode. NO SPOILERS

Episodes worst to best.

6. Metalhead.

Theres no denying it, this episode was boring. The black and white scale throughout didn't help its cause although I understand it fit the feel of the episode. The episode was interesting and tense in parts but generally predictable and lacking content. I feel some back story as to why the world was in such a state or why it was necessary to find the box wouldn't of gone a miss. I assume the producers had their reasons though.

 5. Crocodile.

 A generally entertaining episode. I could understand the main characters motive for the most part although from the very beginning I was screaming at my t.v. "JUST CALL THE POLICE" but then I guess if that had happened, there'd be no episode. Toward the end it felt as though the killing was unnecessary but again- that's the whole point of the episode. I feel as though I wouldn't be missing out if this episode wasn't in the series but it was interesting none the less.

4. USS Callister.

 Contrary to popular opinion, I didn't think this was such a great episode. I thought the actors all did a phenomenal job everybody  really played their parts perfectly especially the main actor (I really felt his creepiness from the off). But I'm afraid this wasn't enough for me to place it further up the list. I enjoyed the overall narrative but felt like there was a few parts that I found myself losing interest and thinking "this could of been cut out in the edit". The idea was an interesting one and I thought fitted with the main characters creepy nature and was executed well by getting around questions the audience would ask by announcing it's "not the Space fleet way". But I'm afraid none of this was enough to keep me interested for long enough not to get bored.

3. Arkangel.

 This was a genius idea, I'm sure every mother out there has wished there was a similar technology available at some point in their childs' life and I'm equally as sure that a lot of them would also love the control as much as the mother in this episode too. The storyline was simple but filled with enough drama to hold my attention. The only gripe I have with this episode is Saras costume designer really needs a little improvement. The ending really sold this episode for me how the trust built up over years suddenly crumbles. The irony being everything would of worked out fine if the mum hadn't of interfered when trying to 'help'. You can understand the story from both characters perspectives and in the end it's difficult to really know who you should be feeling sorry for. An emotional story which started off with such good intentions ended so bitterly.

2. Hang the DJ.

 Massive fan of this episode from the second it started. I loved the idea of dating apps extreme and the premise of the 'experiment' everyone had to abide by. The ending may be a little soppy but me being a little soppy myself couldn't resist this 'true love' story. Both main characters were extremely likeable and easy to sympathise with making it an easy watch in general. There were enough hints dropped throughout the episode to make you question what you're watching without revealing too much so you're still somewhat surprised by the revelations made towards the end of the episode. The end was slightly cringe but all in all they managed to avoid making it intolerably cringeworthy. A change to Black mirrors usual negative look on things and unhappy endings.

1. Black Museum.

 So at first I wasn't convinced I was going to like this episode for both the fact that surely there was some way to drive while the solar panel was on the back of the car rather than having to stay in the middle of nowhere for three hours and secondly because I thought I knew exactly how the episode was going to play out. Boy was I wrong. I loved the mini stories within the episode used almost as a distraction technique. All the stories interesting enough to be episodes of their own if called for. Of course all the hidden easter eggs relating back to past episodes fill me with joy. The subtle hints dropped throughout the episode all come together and make sense at the end but as I say, when you're concentrating on the mini eps you don't pick up on them- very clever. Even as there was 5 minutes left of the episode it was revelation after revelation after revelation that made it so clever. Some I predicted and others were a complete shock. A very simple idea with complex inner narratives which gave the episode its interest and edge.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Chase Scene

A small mini project given to us in class to create a chase scene using our mobile phones with a beginning, middle and an end. So I sat down with my group and my wrights salad to which I added my own mango chutney- a stunning combination. Then the idea came to us. We will start off our chase scene by someone stealing my beloved mango chutney. Naturally I stepped forward to act as I feel I could really funnel my own emotions into the part. George bravely stepped up to take the challenging role of the thief. We started by filming an indoors beginning scene of George stealing my chutney. Luckily these new fancy iPhones have a slow mo feature which comes in surprisingly handy when you need to have a dramatic drop of the fork once someones stole your mango chutney. This added an extra depth and drama to the film. So that, plus a few extra shots was out brilliant beginning.
 The middle: This was the bulk of the chase. We found creative locations to run around and film with a shaky hand-held style camera to give the false appearance that we were running a hell of a lot faster than we are fit enough to. This also helped with the pace of the film. Our downfall here, thanks to the feedback from peers, was that we used locations that we all recognised but in the edit we rearranged it so we were running out of one building then straight into another which everyone knew was a good 2 minute walk away. I mean, it looked fine, it was edited well and it worked. If people who weren't familiar with the area watched it, it would've made perfect sense. We decided to have some comical interludes within our chase for example a scene where George and I unite through the medium of dance and everything was okay. It was a fleeting friendship. This provided some variation within the film itself and changed up the pace which meant the viewers weren't getting bored and they had a nice bit of comic relief before getting straight back into the drama of the chase.
 The ending: We decided to have a sad ending where the world just got darker and darker for me. Unable to find my beloved chutney I resort to showing passers by a recent photo of it asking if they had seen it- Unfortunately with no luck. And when I thought things could get no worse, a youth, a hoodlum, a delinquent if you will, decides to push me on the floor. Talk about kicking a man when they're down. All this equates to a highly emotional ending which the viewers can connect to on a deeper level.
 All in all this was a fun task which I CLEARLY didn't take seriously. Even so, the final film actually turned out really well and got a brilliant response from our peers.