Sunday, February 5, 2012

"The first step binds one to the second."

Hopefully this is true.
My name's Kim. I'm 18 (for 17 more days), 5' 7", and here comes the kicker - - - 247 pounds.
I'm tired of it.
I've always struggled with my weight. When I was little I was the chubby kid. All of my classmates made fun of me in grade school and even though they slowed on the ridicule as we all matured, I still feel like they're laughing at me. That on top of an already low self image is what's tearing me apart.
I feel ugly.
I feel useless.
I feel helpless.
I want to get over this. So I'm taking that first step. I feel like if I commit myself to this blog, to sharing my struggle, all of the ups and downs, that I will stick it through. I've lost weight before, I've "felt better before", but I wasn't healthy about it. That's probably why I'm even heavier now.. I want to do better this time. So that's what I'm going to try to do.This will be a place for me to mark my successes, no matter how small, and to voice my disappointments.
Let's see where this goes.