Selasa, 30 Oktober 2007

Loneliness, A Death Sentence?

I have heard that some people die of a broken heart. Yet, it doesn't have to be like that. We do not have to settle and be a victim of our circumstances. We have the power to change it. Our physical body is a mirror of what we are inwardly. In fact, all our circumstances are. When we see things going wrong, It is a signal that something inside our very being is not right.

God did not create us to suffer, not physically, emotionally, or mentally. Our suffering originates from our thinking, our beliefs. If you study Quantum physics you learn that the physical world is not physical at all. The desk I am sitting at which appears to be solid, is really not solid, because molecules do not connect. We physical beings, are really not physical at all, for the same reason, our molecules do not connect. Therefore, we are living in an illusion.

The truth is, we are beings of energy, from our minds to our bodies. Our bodies and circumstances reflect the state of our minds. Whatever our life circumstances are now, we have created it. I will give you a perfect example with a man who had a dream. He had a dream to be able to research natural health full time. He had a dream to help people full time. This was and still is his passion. When I first met this man, he was in a total mess. He did not know where his next meal was coming from and whether he would have a roof over his head the next day. Yet, he never let go of that dream. He obtained employement as a counselor for a boys' facility and worked there for a time. In his spare time he never foresook the love of his life, researching natural health alternatives so people could have quality of life. He did not let go of that dream. One day as if by magic, a lifelong friend who owns a natural health business. asked if he would join him in his quest for helping people with natural supplements. He told him that he would be able to continue his research and help people live longer and happier. My friend realized his dream.

Where did my friend's dream start? It was a thought. It was something he desired. The secret is, he never gave up. He held on to that dream and it manifested itself into his reality now. Quantum Physics, it's as simple as that. All we need do is understand and harness it.

Have you heard the following two statements? "Thoughts are things." "Watch out what you pray for." In the scripture Jesus tells us,

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Mark 11:23-25

Prayer is not a "maybe" thing. This scripture does not say,

What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and then maybe ye shall have them.

Jesus inequivocally states "ye shall have them."

We tend to complicate our lives so much, when life is really quite simple. Our churches will teach us that God is a parent and when we don't receive an answer to our prayer it is because God will keep it from us for our own good. They say, God always answers prayer. Sometimes it is yes an sometimes it is no.

I submit this is false teaching and gives us the excuse to continue in our insecurity and misery. No, on the other hand, God made us in his image and likeness. Think about it. He made us with the same power of creation that he has.

When we were children, in total innocence we belived. Maybe I should say in the "wisest" innocence. We could do anything. We had the largest of dreams, the most magnificent of goals. And one day someone said, "You can't do that." and gave you every reason in the world why you couldn't. They popped your bubble and you "believed" them.

We are all born with the need to be loved and accepted. This need if not used correctly will sabotage our lives. We must make sure that we don't let this "need" turn into "insecurity." Many times children will never realize their dreams because people will laugh and ridicule them. They will become different and isolated. Too often the child will give up their dream for the need to be loved and accepted. An adult will too.

All is not lost. We never really lose that dream, it is always in our grasp. All we have to do is "believe" we can do it. The truth is, we have control over our lives. We are the ones that make the decision.

If there is something that you don't like in your life, you have the power to change it. No matter what it is. Visualize the circumstance you want. Get into it. Feel the emotion. This is the key: FEEL THE EMOTION. The emotion behind the thought is what will lead you to that future.

This can work with all aspects of life but, because of the subject, I will deal with "loneliness."

However you got in this situation, you do not have to stay in it. Chances are you are here because you merely reacted to outside circumstances without taking control. You gave up on your dream with thoughts such as "It's not possible." If you think that something is impossible that is exactly what you will manifest. All that it takes to be happy is a mere shift in the way you think. "it is possible." Every time you notice a negative thought, immediately replace it with a positive one.

You don't have to "force" yourself to go out and become involved in situations that make you uncomfortable. Visualize what you want in life. Who would you like to be? What personality traits would you like to possess? Visualize yourself as that person. Act like that person. You will become that person. The key word is "believe." What would you like to do in life? If you could do anything in the world, what would you do? Visualize, dream. feel the emotion and it will manifest itself. Thought will change circumstances. You will feel the impulses to want to do these things. Go out and do them.

One thing that we must realize. We are all born with the need to be loved and accepted. That means that we are all the same. Nobody is inferior to anybody else. That self assured positive person you see that has it altogether has that very same need. Once we realize this, it puts everything in a different perspective. There's more of an "we are all equal" feeling and you look at people in a different light.

First step. Look at where you are now. Take personal responsibility for this, good or bad. If you start blaming people or circumstances, STOP. Remember, it all starts with a thought. We create our own reality.

The only exception to the rule are chidren. Unfortunately, they may be stuck in an abusive situation that they can do nothing about. However, it is not a lifelong sentence for them either. They too can break out of this bondage. It all starts with a prayer, it starts with a thought. And the rest will manifest.
by Luella May

God is Agape Love

Relationships are everything...simply because they are all that exist. Nothing has meaning until you decide how it relates to you or how you relate to it. It is the process of making these associations that will determine the outcome of our experiences in life.

We are creatures of love that have thrust ourselves into what appears to be a world of hate. We once knew there was only one form of love, but now the influence of fear and separation has provided us with the perception that love can exist on several levels. The current levels of love are:

EROS LOVE - known as 'erotic love', is based on strong romantic feelings towards another.

PHILOS LOVE - a love based on friendship between two people who share a mutual, 'give-and take' relationship.

AGAPE LOVE - unconditional love that is always giving and impossible to take or be a taker. It devotes total commitment to seek your highest best no matter how anyone may respond. This form of love is totally selfless and does not change whether the love given is returned or not. This is the original and only true form of love.

The description of 'Agape Love' that is accepted by most beliefs as the love that God provides, is identical to how his love is described throughout "A Course in Miracles", which is founded upon the primary principle that God's love for us has never allowed him to even begin to see us differently, regardless of what we may have done or believe we have done. The Course is repeatedly clear how God never takes and only gives, which is the how creation works since God creates by extending he also extended himself into what has come to be known as us, the Son of God.

God never takes...and since we are created in his likeness...with his same method of thinking and being, our true selves (not these ego shrouded human shells) also know this is true. We inherently know that it is never better to take or require that somebody give. Giving is natural and never includes loss of any kind. True giving is like creation in that you do not lose what you give, but you extend that thing and it grows larger as you give it, or share sharing a story or experience.

True giving is rarely experienced on a physical level since we perceive the thing as missing once it is given. On a physical level, you believe you have less after you give or that you have more when you receive. As you can see, this physical world has nothing to do with agape love since this world is based upon taking and having more or upon losing and having less. Agape love is based upon giving through sharing and knowing you already have everything and have nothing to lose. Agape love acknowledges that we are all connected and can only move that thing amongst ourselves, but never outside, so we never lose it. Everything is simply shared.

In a spiritual reality, only thoughts of agape love exist. Nothing else can exist there since everything is in harmony. There is no thought of less or loss or sacrifice since all needs are met before they even exist. This is where the mind of our God exists and it is from here where he teaches us and speaks to us. Every thought or idea that has truly originated from the mind of God, originated from his center of Agape Love.

Since we are no longer centered in agape love, the issue we have while forming relationships is that we tend to severely limit the capacity of the relationship to what we can get from the other or what we think the other wants to take from us. This form of relationship stems from "philos" love which indicates you share a like mindedness (eg. if you agree with me, I will love you). A philos love relationship is a mutual, "give-and take" relationship which ends the moment one side either does not get what they want or is asked for something they do not wish to give.

Our confusion on the purpose of love relationships is often then applied to how we think God relates to us, where we imagine that God only loves us when we please him, or that God will only walk with us if we acknowledge him, or that God will only extend his hand and carry us back to him in heaven if we agree with what we think he demands from us. In doing this, we have created a philos love relationship with God which is totally at odds with his agape love since agape love only gives and never takes and is void of any necessary condition. Agape love asks for nothing and gives everything....simply because we are the children of agape love.

Having built walls between ourselves and our creator, we have distanced ourselves from sensing God's love and the world we see around us is a reflection of living without real love. This environment breeds calamity and destruction since that is the result of life based upon fear instead of love. If accepting perfect love can cast out fear, then likewise, accepting fear removes our ability to sense perfect love.

Fortunately, our creator views any problem or tragic moment as an opportunity to reach into our hearts and provide reason for change. No matter what loss appears to have occurred, he is not angry or upset at who we think is at fault because he knows nothing has been lost. Since material things have no eternal value, they do not matter at all to him. In addition, any person you believe has died, is still safe in spirit form, and since God exists spiritually, he does not sense the loss of this being and therefore has no reason to be upset at anyone. His only thought is to help us see that life can be happier... life can be fuller... it is better to be kind... it is better to be loving, and then our time down here will become a focus on preparing ourselves to return to our creator. Regardless of what happens here, He has not and never will lose one of us because we are created eternal spirits, just like him. Jesus proved when he rose again that you can kill the body, but the spirit remains, untouched and unaffected by anything that happens while here in this physical world.

- Agape love is seeing the answer and sharing that with whoever is seeing or experiencing the problem.

- Agape love is never judgmental and is eternally patient with any thing that must be learned.

- Agape love is totally without demands or requirements.

- Agape love is total truth in that it does not change, no matter what appears to change around it.

- Agape love knows not of time since time does not exist in heaven.

- Agape love is unconditional forgiveness for any event because agape love transcends the concept of needing forgiveness in that it knows we are simply misguided and therefore our actions are not held against us in the first place.

Like frightened children running through a dark forest, we act irrationally and do things out of fear and panic. Agape love knows this and seeks only to help us resolve our fears so that we can see clearly once again and return to full communication with our creator.

Nothing physical matters. Nothing can be lost. Nothing can be taken. Nothing needs to be given. In our true form, we know this, but right now we can only recite the words...but we don't really believe them...and that's why we are here. We are in a place where we believe we have been removed from agape love and have written books about a god who does not behave as though he is agape love, but this is not so. The closest our reality can be described here is to think of this as a collective dream on a universal scale. We, the Son of God, attempted to perform something separate from our creator and this is not possible, so instead, this action created a place... a dream, where Gods agape love does not seem to exist...and this is a horrific thought and thus our lives have been horrific.

God has sent the Holy Spirit to help awaken us and to help us see that this world is upside down and totally backwards in thinking. This world teaches taking. God teaches giving. This world teaches sacrifice and guilt. God teaches you have nothing to lose so there is nothing to sacrifice and therefore nothing to make others feel guilty about. This world teaches that fear is necessary to survive, but God teaches that love casts out fear and that we will only truly live when we cast out our fear and embrace agape love once again.

Every lesson, teaching or guideline that ever truly came from God, can only originate from the unchangeable spirit of his unconditional love and endless patience, and his truths, or love, can speak of nothing else. We do know the truth when we hear it because God created us in his image, therefore, we too are agape love. Once we learn to really embrace this, we will remember who we really are and then we'll wake up to see our creator right where he always has been....everywhere...above us, beside us, below us, within us. Everywhere.

David Nelmes

Women and Sexual Health

Good sexual health isn't just about sexual intercourse. Women should know that sexual health encompasses many other aspects like understanding how your body works, knowing what turns you on and what puts you off, accepting your sexual desires and sexual orientation, choosing a form of sexual expression that you are comfortable with, and knowing how to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and unwanted pregnancies.

Women should understand that sexual health begins with accepting your sexuality. Our earliest perceptions of sex are inculcated in childhood by our parents' and society's attitude towards it. Until recently, talking about sex was taboo. So, children, especially females perceive that sex is not a good thing. They hear the disapproving voices discussing homosexuality and they subconsciously register that as well. These false ideas infiltrate into adulthood and can be a mental hurdle to good sexual health. It could lead to feelings of shame or guilt when indulging in sexual activities, a reluctance to fully explore sexual potential, or a negative approach to sex. Your sexuality is an integral part of who you are. By accepting your desires, women can positively enhance their sexual experiences and create a healthier self-image.

As a women and an individual, you should never indulge in anything you are uncomfortable with, especially when it comes to sex. Putting up with sexual activities that hurt, embarrass or humiliate is just plain wrong. If you know what you want from a sexual relationship, and you understand what excites you and gives you pleasure and what doesn't, it empowers you to control your sexuality and choose a form of sexual expression that you are comfortable with.

Good sexual health also means protecting yourself from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Women can talk to a trusted gynecologist regarding any fear, doubts and inhibitions they may have. Learning about the various types of STDs and how to prevent them, knowing how to determine if you have one, and what to do if you are infected, is a very important aspect of sexual health. Women should have complete knowledge about STD's to prevent them from any heath risk.

Sexual health is as important as physical or mental well-being. Women can better the quality of their life by fully exploring and understanding their sexuality.

by tania hackner

Shine by Dressing for Success

Dress for Success. Is that irrelevant in today's business world? How much importance do we place on "dressing up"' for work? Well I think in some instances - not enough.

What message does your image send? Do you feel confident in the way you present visually through what you wear? It seems that there is still a lot of confusion in the work place about how we should dress. I read a posting recently on small business website Flying Solo which detailed one guy's dilemma about what to wear to a client interview and possible photo shoot. To wear a tie or not to? Well the reaction from the comments posted were varied, from "I wear a funny bowtie to break the ice"' to "my best suit"' to "who cares?"'

How well do you understand the image you put across? Image is created by a lot of different ingredients acting together. Physical appearance, dress, voice, manner, the views you express or the fact you don't express any and the way you react to the people around you. These impressions are made instantly. Images are so powerful because however little you may like it they do say something true about your personality. It's no accident that you dress, talk and behave the way you do.

So what is your visual appearance like? Do you grab the first thing you see in the morning or put some thought into what is the most appropriate outfit for that day? Having an extensive wardrobe of all the latest fashions isn't really necessary. Establishing your own image and a strong sense of individual personality and style is the key. You may only need a few quality, signature pieces that reflect your individual style and that you can mix and match. You don't have to look different every day, you just need to look good and look professional.

Let's look at the scenario of work from home.

Get up and get dressed! Ditch the pj's and trackie daks. Put on something smart and comfortable. I've often read that it helps to have a separate work place in your home, a dedicated office phone line. Well it's the same with your personal brand. To be making calls, sending emails and acting in a professional way to run your business, means dressing in a professional way too. Now I don't mean you need a shirt and tie or a corporate outfit but choose clothes that make you feel like you're working. You must look smart not only in the eyes of the people you're around but your own as well.

Going out to meet a client? Dress appropriately for the occasion. Do your research. You wouldn't go to a client meeting without knowing something about the company. Find out how the boss dresses, that's a start, or the code of dress in that organisation and take it up a notch. After all you're there to win the client's business and that won't happen if you dress inappropriately or look like a slob.

Think about what they're looking for. If you're in finance, law or other professional services they want you to look like a credible, successful business person. You might be in IT or a creative service. Your potential client wouldn't expect to see you in a 3 piece suit. However does that mean you need to wear jeans and scruffy sneakers? Think about it, plan it out. You are part of the package that you're presenting to the client. People shouldn't judge us by our outward appearances, but of course they do.

I know a number of professional speakers, it's the industry I'm in. Let me share an example of two men, both $10,000 speakers. One works mostly with creatives yet has invested time and money into developing his image, finding the right cut to suit his body shape, wearing flattering colours, and choosing smart casual outfits. He looks like a $10,000 speaker. Another with a great reputation for the work he does with leading entrepreneurs still chooses to wear the tried (or maybe tired) and trusted jeans and black jacket. Mmmmm.

This scenario should be considered also by those that work in a slightly more casual workplace environment or have to endure casual work days. Jeans just don't cut it. They are what you wear when you are out and about at weekends or going out with friends at night.

Your appearance does label you; therefore it is crucial to get the right label! If your appearance shows that you care, people will recognise this. If you look like a slob, they begin to question your professionalism. It's not trivial to concentrate on your outward appearance. When you carefully select your wardrobe and create your look and personal style, you propel yourself forward by having a unique self brand.

Let's take a look at the corporate workplace.

Each workplace usually sets its own standards. However in the corporate environment there is an underlying code of dressing which is smart and professional. Suits have been the most acceptable form of dress in most industries with a trend today toward more casual wear particularly in IT and advertising and similar industries. Men have it easier than women in the matter of image. They at least have an example to follow. If everyone in the office wears suits there's no question they will do the same.

I think if you have one good working outfit for every day of the week that is all you really need. The idea is to mix and match and choose good, quality pieces. You can update with shirts, ties and accessories. What your clients or bosses want is someone who looks speaks and acts like they think someone in that position should speak or act. I think a woman or man who dresses smartly, elegantly and looks neat has a clear image of his or herself and what they are presenting to the outside world.

What do you think?
Sue Currie

The Dangers of Overeating and Poor Self-Image

Most women are conscious about physical appearance and spend a lot of time meticulously curling their hair, polishing their nails, or doing their make-up. Aside from being current about the latest trends in fashion and lifestyle, many women are also spending huge amounts of time and money to lose weight. They try out the latest diet fads in their seemingly endless effort to shed of those unwanted pounds.

Unfortunately, the obsession with weight loss has also posed a very serious health risk on women who have swayed too far in their crash diets and "miracle weight loss programs." The glitter and glamor of Hollywood made Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie icons among twenty-somethings and even adult women. Their stick-like figures have been idealized as bodies that every teenager should grow into. In fact, many teenagers do not grow into these idealized body shapes...they shrink into it. Gone are the days when being sexy was about having the right curves and bulges. Today, sexiness is seen as being the same as becoming deathly pale and famished.

To make matters worse, the obsession with weight loss and having that super-thin, super model body has resulted in the increase of the number of cases of eating disorders. Bulimia is one such health risk that is characterized by excessive eating (binging) which is immediately followed by purging or vomiting. Almost 80 percent of bulimia nervosa patients are female. A patient with bulimia is scared of gaining weight yet still has an uncontrollable urge to binge on food. After eating all they want, they try to get rid of the calories by using unhealthy methods such as vomiting, use of water pills, use of laxatives, fasting, and/or by doing extreme exercises. These women think that vomiting is actually a method of weight control. Without knowing it, many women already have full-blown eating disorders.

Seeing women suffer from this kind of eating disorder has the opened eyes of many people. They have seen different women suffering from bulimia, especially by means of the media. In very graphic videos, people have learned about the path of self-destruction taken by many women who have lost control over their desire to lose weight. The self-destruction that comes in the form of binge eating and vomiting are not to be seen as simple problems of eating. At a deeper level, this problem is caused by insecurity and emotional distress. But aside from the emotional and psychological torment of having bulimia, women patients also have to contend with the not having the right amount of potassium and other important nutrients which are necessary to maintain a healthy body.

Women suffering from bulimia nervosa need professional help. The support of family and friends is crucial in assisting them in the process of accepting their psychological disorder. The next step is to help the patient accept treatment from a psychiatrist and a nutritionist. Counseling plays a central role in treating bulimics. After proper counseling, then the patient will rely on a nutritionist-dietitian who can provide a proper diet plan and monitor the progress of the patient.

More than just eating the right kind of food in the right amounts, many women today need to be empowered and helped especially in terms of accepting themselves. A healthy self-image is necessary to achieve happiness and confidence. But surely, starving one's self to death or overeating only to vomit everything are actions that no woman should ever have to suffer from.

by kristine

Your Style Your Fashion

Fashion refers to the kinds of clothing that are in a desirable style at a particular time. Every woman has her own sense of style and therefore she'll tend to purchase ladies handbags that reflect that. Every woman has had the experience of knowing that she's carrying exactly what she needs in her bag and being able to produce it with a flourish, but you may not have known that the experience goes back so far.


Clothing, coverings and garments, intended to be worn on the human body, have so many different forms that here, in this city, you will find more variety than almost anywhere. Clothing most obviously defines a social role in the case of uniforms, such as those worn by police officers and nurses, and garments worn by clergy or members of religious orders. Fashion - well that refers to the type of clothing that is in style at a particular time. The earliest garments were made of leather and other nonfabrics, rather than of cloth, but these nonfabric garments are included in the category of clothing. A young woman would look odd if she wore the clothing that her grandmother had worn when young. It is not always easy to tell the difference between basic clothing and fashionable clothing. Especially today, fashion designers often use inexpensive and functional items of clothing as inspiration. Blue jeans, for instance, originated as functional work clothing for miners and farmers.

Reliable evidence about everyday clothing from the past can be hard to obtain because most publications and images concern the fashions of the wealthy. Furthermore, clothing that has survived from the past tends not to be typical of what was worn in daily life. Even fewer examples of ordinary men's clothing have been saved. Images, such as paintings, prints, and photographs, do provide considerable evidence of the history of everyday clothing. These sources indicate that although everyday clothing does not usually change as rapidly as fashionable dress, it does change constantly. Since prehistoric times, people in almost all societies have worn some kind of clothing.


The supermodel is the creation of a media eager to promote a familiar and beautiful face. A supermodel mingled publicly with the rich and famous. A supermodel's fame allowed her to take control of her career, market herself, and earn higher fees. Cindy Crawford, one of the top supermodels of the 1980s, branched out into commercials and films. In the late 1990s, opinion-makers began trumpeting the fall of the supermodel, observing that many star actresses had reembraced traditional glamour and were winning the best modeling assignments. Models became supermodels for a number of reasons. In this regard, many viewed supermodels not so much as individuals but as images.

Gorgeous colors and rich textures create a powerful image of beauty and power on a woman. Clothing with a designer label tends to be relatively expensive, so it may function as an outward sign of a person's economic standing.

by trishia lopez

Looks Do Matter in the Non-Verbal Communications of an Interview

We have always heard it said that "looks don't matter" or "it's what's inside that counts". Well although this may be true, when walking in to an interview environment the first rule is looks do matter.

Research shows that the overwhelming majority of communication done between individuals, especially ones meeting for the first time, is done through non-verbal cues. Non-verbal communication is very broad in nature ranging from appearance, attitude, how one carries oneself, smile, body language, eye contact, breathing patterns, laugh, voice and speech patterns. The list goes one but we will just focus on those relevant to participating in a stellar interview.

When meeting someone who may become your potential boss, the hiring manager, or an influential assistant, an appropriate, positive first impression is vital. Basic assumptions like good hygiene should be a given, clean shaven - clean clothes - clean body.

However, clothing style, hair style, outerwear, shoes, even umbrellas, bags, briefcases and purses should be appropriate to the position you are interviewing for. Nothing will hurt your chances more than walking into an interview with flip-flops, a wrinkled shirt, an old stain on the tie, or a hand bag with glitter across the side. You want to make the right impression that says you are serious about the interview, you want the job, and you are a right fit for the company.

Looking into the dress code of a company you are interviewing with is a great way to find out the right clothes for the job. Dress codes vary so it is definitely something to check into. High style is fine, even looked for in some industries but keep it conservative for the interview. Nothing should be worn that is too short, too tight, or too stylish; it might intimidate or present you as over or under qualified. After you land the job then you can get decide how far to expand the wardrobe.

Aside from your clothes, other areas to keep in check during interview preparation include items carried like a bag, purse and even umbrella. Make sure your entire ensemble is in line with the professional image you are trying to convey. Come to the interview prepared with a notepad, quality pen, additional copies of your resume and all other pertinent documentation. Poise yourself to portray the professional you are and one who is self-confident, prepared, and able to handle the job.

Other interview non-verbal communication skills to sharpen include; presenting a firm handshake, making and maintaining eye contact, walking confidently and displaying pleasant attitude are all ways to benefit your first impression. Work at finding something to "connect" you and the employer. Look around the office, does he enjoy deep sea diving, chess, or golf like you - mention it! This will help to break the ice and bring emotional connections into the picture - and help you be remembered.

Like everything in life, you have to work for anything that is worth having. If this job is worth having then go for it! Make it happen - you know you are right for the job, the only thing you have to do is convince the employer. The right looks and preparation is the key!!

by Kris Plantrich