Latest Wool Trading News - June 2024

AWI Market Intelligence Report on Season production by micron

The first seven months of the 2023/24 selling season saw the EMI in AUD increase by 4% from 1126ac/clean kg to be 1171ac/clean kg by 1 February 2024. Season production by micron Australian Wool Testing Authority (AWTA) key test data at the midpoint of the season indicates there has been a significant change to the micron distribution of the national clip during this season compared to the micron distribution a... Read More

Mixed Performances in the Luxury Sector

AWI Global Strategic Advisor Peter Ackroyd reports on mixed performances at the luxury end of the market. Mr Ackroyd is a former President of the International Wool Textile Organisation and is Chief Operating Officer of the Campaign for Wool. The Loro Piana Record Bale Award has once again been presented to Rob, Pamela and Bradley Sandlant from ‘Pyrenees Park’ in Victoria, this year for a record-breaking 10.2 mic... Read More

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Nanjing Wool Market Conference  23 – 25 September 2024

The 35th Nanjing Wool Market Conference (NWMC) will be held from  23 –  25 September 2024, and organized by Nanjing Wool Market. As China’s leading and longest-running conference on wool, NWMC draws people of all factions of the textile industry worldwide, providing ideas, advice and networking opportunities important to business executives, policymakers, and researchers.  Location: Meshang Resort Hotel in Puyuan... Read More

Australian Wool Market AWI Commentary 30 May 2024

Some signs of positive change to sentiment were seen at this week’s Australian wool auctions. All types on offer came under increased buying pressure with the major local traders heading back to dominance on the auction purchasing lists. All buying sectors were involved, with the atmosphere in sale rooms more buoyant than seen for the last month or so. Slightly better foreign exchange (forex) rates definitely ass... Read More


Market dearer. North Island only selling today with an offering of 5,660 bales.  The selection consisted of 63% crossbred shears generally average colour and a smaller selection of good colour shears 75/150mm, 8% good to average colour fleece, 16% mainly average colour lambs, 2-3 inch, with a limited selection of good colour, 11% associated oddments, and 2% miscellaneous.  Very strong competition from China and Indi... Read More

Benetton appoints new CEO

Italian executive Claudio Sforza has been chosen as chief executive of loss-making clothing group Benetton, replacing outgoing Massimo Renon, two sources close to the matter said on Tuesday. Italy’s Benetton family is readying plans to address mounting losses at the fashion retailer, as the group known for its colourful jumpers and provocative advertising has struggled in recent years to keep up with growing comp... Read More

IMF upgrades China’s 2024, 2025 GDP growth forecasts but warns of risks ahead

BEIJING: China’s economy is set to grow 5% this year, after a “strong” first quarter, the International Monetary Fund said on Wednesday, upgrading its earlier forecast of 4.6% expansion though it expects slower growth in the years ahead. The global lender’s new projections come as Beijing steps up efforts to shore up an uneven recovery in the world’s second-biggest economy, which has stumbled in the face of a pro... Read More

Former chief executive of Australian Wool Innovation Stuart McCullough departs

Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) advises that the role of Chief Marketing & Innovation Officer (CMIO) held by Stuart McCullough has been made redundant. AWI made this announcement in April. The role of CMIO was created in October 2021 to oversee a major restructure of AWI’s overseas operations, harnessing Mr McCullough’s extensive experience in the international markets of the wool industry. Due to changed fin... Read More

Australian university research create graphite for batteries using wool and hair

This month ABC Rural published an article about a research project at Charles Sturt University whereby researchers say they have found a way to heat and compress hair and wool and turn it into graphite, paving the way for Australia to become a key producer of lithium batteries for storing renewable energy. The ABC Rural article says: the Charles Sturt University research team has unlocked the power of human hair ... Read More

UK Brands Championing British wool

In an era of mass production and globalised supply chains there is a growing appreciation for products that embrace tradition, sustainability, and localism. The article below about British wool supply chain highlights some notable UK brands that not only source local British wool but also champion traceability and transparency in their products. The legacy of British wool is steeped in history. For centuries wool... Read More

Strategies for the US textile recycling industry

A new report from Fashion for Good reveals a €1.5 billion opportunity for fibre-to-fibre recycling in the USA. Launched in January 2023, the organisation’s Sorting for Circularity USA project aims to provide crucial insights for strategic decision-making to advance circularity in the fashion value chain. It has brought together partners adidas, Inditex, Target and Levi Strauss with external partners H&M Group, Lu... Read More

Merino Reaches an Apex in India with Andamen

Luxury Indian menswear brand Andamen last year introduced an extra fine Merino wool collection into its product range for the first time, thanks to a collaboration with The Woolmark Company, and the brand is now working on further Merino wool collections. Based in northern India, Andamen was founded with the aim of standing out in the world of fashion as an Indian luxury brand that embodies sophistication and exc... Read More

Italian textile machinery at ITM Istanbul

For textile machinery manufacturers Turkey is a major trading partner, given the importance of its textile and garment industry on a global scale. With regards to Italy’s textile machinery sector, Turkey ranks second among foreign markets, with Italian textile machinery exports in 2023 amounting to a value of 183 million euros. The relevance of Turkish market for Italian machinery manufacturers justifies their si... Read More

New Puffin Insulating Packaging 100% British Wool

Puffin Packaging is making waves in the industry with its latest innovation. A certified 100% British wool cold chain packaging product, this ground breaking achievement underscores Puffin’s dedication to sustainability and cutting-edge solutions in packaging. At the heart of this achievement lies a collaborative effort between Puffin Packaging, University of Huddersfield, and British Wool. Through a Knowledge... Read More