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Brandeis University Press is pleased to announce the Fall 2024 catalog, for new titles.

Click to download and explore our forthcoming titles! We extend an invitation to book reviewers who are interested in our books.

To request a review copy, please contact  

Also, check out our previous catalogs here.


Publishers of Critically Acclaimed, Award-Winning Books

Brandeis University Press publishes peer-reviewed, critically acclaimed, award-winning books for scholars, students and engaged readers.

Our books cover diverse subjects and perspectives relating to art, politics, culture, history, gender, religion, philosophy, language and literature. Our goal is to illuminate subjects of all stripes with intelligence, curiosity and care.

New Brandeis University Press Editions of UPNE Books

"Brandeis University Press, through its publishing program,
is an important part of the our institutional mission."
Lisa Lynch

Provost, Brandeis University (2014-2020)