Beware the Traps of Sin

There are traps of sin that all of us can fall into because we are humans with desires of the flesh, but there are traps of sin that are very effective on you personally. If you want to follow Jesus in obedience, you must beware those traps.

Travis Agnew

I’m a disciple of Jesus, husband to Amanda, dad to the Agnew 3, and Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC.

I hope the resources on this site can help your personal discipleship.

How to Know If You Love Money Too Much

Money is a gift from God, but if it is not kept in the right position, it will take the place of God in our lives. In our society that treasures the riches of this world in an unhealthy way, disciples of Jesus must refocus their values.

Waypoint (May 2024)

Rocky Creek, we have another edition of Waypoint to remind us that even if we’re not there yet, we are getting there. It’s been an exciting few months to start 2024.

Processing Politics

Knowing that power corrupts on an individual level, we understand that political positions can wield an endangering level of corruption. As we process politics, we must keep them subservient to God’s rule and reign over our lives.

Power Corrupts and Injustice Continues

Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:3 – As long as people have authority over others, injustice will be rampant. Political and financial influences govern our society, and these structures reveal how people often take advantage of others.

Make your personalized discipleship plan, and start growing again!

Pick a reasonable plan, and study the message that can change your life.

This resource can help a couple prepare for a godly marriage.

God Does Love You That Much

When Jesus prayed to our Heavenly Father, it was not the first time Scripture referred to God in such fathering terms. In God’s character, we discover the type of compassionate care we desperately need.

Treating Prayer Like Your Phone

Our phones give us constant access to anyone or anything at any time, and they often distract us from the people around us. We are so prone to checking our phones throughout the day, but what if we treated the opportunity of prayer like that?

Family Ministry Considerations

We organize our next-generation ministries under one umbrella because we do not want to silo individual efforts away from others. While some of our approaches vary due to the ages, the overall strategy is the same and unified.

Decreasing Debt

Dissatisfaction leads to unnecessary purchases and increasing debt. Discover God’s principles for decreasing debt and living in financial freedom.

No Amount of Stuff Will Ever Satisfy

Ecclesiastes 2:1-26 – We can experience pleasures, obtain possessions, and intensify pursuits, and still feel empty inside. Even if we have all this world tries to offer, we will not find satisfaction here.

What to Do with That Selfish Person in Your Life

We all know the cringeworthy moments that can happen when a selfish person lacks self-awareness and says and does things that cause others pain. It is difficult to know how to help them redirect their attention away from themselves, but we must try.

Jesus Didn’t Flinch

Jesus’ sacrifice would be amazing if He had gone through it while unprepared, but the amazing thing is that He knew about it and didn’t run from it. Jesus didn’t flinch when it came to securing our redemption.

Why Life Often Seems Pointless

Ecclesiastes 1:1-18 – Even when King Solomon had everything, he felt it was all for nothing. No matter how personally successful you are, you will reach a place where you question the meaning of life’s pursuits. 

You Lack One Thing

Each of us has that one thing that really has us. It is difficult to follow Jesus closely if you delight in something more than Him.

How to Avoid Youthful Passions

At some point, we will all realize that we have never graduated from the childish way of thinking, that we ought to have what we want and ought to have it right now. This quest for immediate gratification is not from Christ and must be combatted in our lives.

Slow to Anger

Not many of us would describe ourselves as slow to anger because people and situations can unnerve us quickly. We should stand in grateful awe of the God who could lose His cool with us and doesn’t.

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