Tech Fest

Share Your Innovations at 3D Tech Fest

Learn more about the 2024 Alvanon 3D Tech Fest and how it intends to shed light on fashion’s biggest challenge, physical versus digital.

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Denim Trends
Consumers Won’t Be Shoehorned into Denim Trends
Younger generations resist imposed denim trends, valuing individuality and sustainability. Read on to learn more about engaging with consumers.
Wayfair Store
Field Report: The New Wayfair Store
The Wayfair Store in Wilmette, IL marks its serious foray into physical retail, hinting at an omnichannel future for the home furnishings sector.
Tapestry Capri acquisition
TRR’s Take on the Tapestry Capri Acquisition
FTC sues to block Tapestry Capri acquisition, fearing reduced competition. Experts argue it misunderstands the diverse, competitive luxury handbag market.

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Retail Unwrapped

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influencer retail
Me-tailing Is the New DTC
"Me-tailing" is the new DTC that is revolutionizing retail driven by influencers and personalized experiences. Legacy stores struggle as consumers flock to online influencers.
Paris Retail Still Has That Je Ne Sais Quoi
Learn more about paris retail and the four Parisian grandes dames stores that are impressive, memorable, and experiential adventures.
Exploring the Ozempic Economy
In exploring the Ozempic Economy, whispers in early 2023 circulated in rarefied circles about the power of Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, ...
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Tapestry Capri acquisition

TRR’s Take on the Tapestry Capri Acquisition

FTC sues to block Tapestry Capri acquisition, fearing reduced competition. Experts argue it misunderstands the diverse, competitive luxury handbag market.
Diet Culture Shift

Micro-dosing to Malnutrition: A Diet Culture Shift

Explore the latest diet culture shift and its impact on health and the economy. Uncover future food industry prospects and regulatory urgencies.
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From Our Partners

Digital Fashion Design

Digital Fashion Design and Sustainability

If there’s one key word coming out of fashion in 2024, it’s “sustainable.” And while there are many conflicting ideas ...
World Retail Congress 2024

Postcards from Paris: Reflections on World Retail Congress 2024

World Retail Congress 2024 convened leaders addressing AI's impact, geopolitical challenges, and the pivotal shift towards customer-centric strategies.


Robots in Retail
Humanoid robots in retail are set to transform customer experiences and streamline operations, with widespread adoption on the horizon.
Seoul Shopping
Is eComm Killing Seoul Shopping?
Seoul shopping struggles as digital shopping rises. Korean ecommerce faces tough competition from Chinese giants like Alibaba and Temu.
luxurybrands 2 1
Will GenAI Reshape Luxury Brands?
GenAI is set to transform luxury brands by integrating advanced tech. To stay relevant, brands must innovate using big data, AI, and focus on enhancing ...


Marcus Lemonis

Beyond’s Marcus Lemonis Calls Previous Management “Idiots”

Anytime a new CEO takes over a company there are usually polite – if often curt – words about the ...
Gap's Decline

The Saga of Gap’s Decline and Fall

Zac Posen's arrival at Gap sparks hope for a turnaround, echoing legendary fashion partnerships. Can the Dickson-Posen duo impact Gap's Decline?


Wayfair Store
Field Report: The New Wayfair Store
The Wayfair Store in Wilmette, IL marks its serious foray into physical retail, hinting at an omnichannel future for the home furnishings sector.
Second Hand
ThredUp and Vestiaire Lead in Second Hand
Learn more about how ThredUp & Vestiaire are leading the second-hand market, focusing on luxury & sustainability.
Failure of Pirch
What the Failure of Pirch Says About Experiential Retailing
The failure of Pirch prompts industry introspection. Costly leases and limited merchandise hurt sales. A cautionary tale: trendy retail without substance.
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