The World Renowned Recovery Solution for all Anxiety Disorders

Used by over 450,000 people since 1997 - GAD7 Tested - Rated as the best recovery outcomes in mental health recovery provision.

Since 1997, The Linden Method has been helping people all over the world to remove chronic anxiety disorders with fast, proven, lasting results.

Charles Linden - Director - Linden Tree Education

Charles Linden - Director - Linden Tree Education

Our Recovery Community will Provide you With More than You Will Ever Need in Order to Recover & Thrive

You will have immediate access to:

  • Simple instructions for removal of all anxiety disorders

  • Unlimited support by our team of qualified recovery instructors and psychologists

  • Live recovery Q&A sessions in which you can ask any questions and get live, immediate answers

  • Interaction with all our clients (if you want to) in our live chats and community living-room

  • programs and resources to address any physical or psychological symptoms

  • Life-coaching to use throughout your life

  • Anti-anxiety diets, advice about medications and supplements and more

  • Audios to boost confidence, beat insomnia, to empower you and more

  • Everything you could ever need in order to overcome anxiety disorders fast


Do you experience any of these?


Physical Experiences

·       Racing heart, palpitations

·       Faintness, dizziness

·       Breathing problems

·       Tight throat, lump in throat

·       Dry eyes or mouth

·       Neck pain, facial numbness

·       Auditory noises/disturbances

·       Weakness in legs

·       Panic / anxiety attacks

·       IBS or urgency too use the bathroom

·       Hormone menstrual cycle issues

·       Inappropriate sexual responses

·       Weaknesses – Numbness

·       Pins and needles in limbs

·       Feeling of tight band around the head

·       Lethargy and decreased drive

Mental Experiences

  • Sleeplessness

  • Derealization, unreality

  • Depersonalization, dissociation,

  • Overthinking, racing mind

  • OCD - Obsessive thoughts, repetitive behaviours

  • Obsessing about health / health anxiety

  • Pure O - HOCD, POCD, ROCD

  • Agoraphobia, monophobia

  • Fear of dying, fear of fainting

  • Fear of contamination or germs

  • Emetophobia (fear of vomit)

  • School-phobia

  • Decreased libido

  • Eating disorders - anorexia, bulimia

  • PTSD

  • Low self-esteem

  • Perfectionism

  • Weird or scary thoughts



Experiencing any number of the above means that your fear responses are activating when they should not - this is commonly referred to as anxiety disorder and means that your mind and body are creating inappropriate physical and mental responses when a risk is not present. The solution to all of the above is the same for every person and is contained inside the simple guidance we provide.


Anxiety is not a mental illness, it is ‘fear disorder’ and with the right knowledge and tools, it can be removed simply and quickly.

We will give you that simple instruction in the next five minutes!



97% of people who’ve done The Linden Method no longer experience anxiety. 3% who joined, didn't access the tools. (Government NHS testing)


Fast & Lasting Results

You will feel the difference within minutess. Clients report almost immediate reduction in symptoms.

Easy To Implement

Children as young as seven and people as old as 84 use The Linden Method with ease - it is designed to be simple for anyone to use.

Complete Anxiety Recovery.

The Linden Method is the complete anxiety recovery solution designed to be used by everyone regardless of age, severity of symptoms, or length of time suffered.

Immediate access to implement the method via our community portal, in-person workshops or immersive Anxiety Recovery Retreats enable you to recover using whichever learning style suits you best.

The Linden Method is tested using government trial specifications and demonstrated 100% recovery effectiveness in those who did it.

Recovery is inevitable and simple… when you know how.

What’s Inside The Linden Method?

  • Simple instructions for removal of all anxiety disorders

  • Unlimited support by our team of qualified recovery instructors and psychologists

  • Live recovery Q&A sessions in which you can ask any questions and get live, immediate answers

  • Interaction with all our clients (if you want to) in our live chats and community living-room

  • programs and resources to address any physical or psychological symptoms

  • Life-coaching to use throughout your life

  • Anti-anxiety diets, advice about medications and supplements and more

  • Audios to boost confidence, beat insomnia, to empower you and more

  • Everything you could ever need in order to overcome anxiety disorders fast

The mind’s neurology is easily manipulated through scientific, structured instruction.

We will reframe your understanding of your anxiety disorders.

We will prove to you that you are not physically or mentally ill.
You will be equipped with the formula that removes
your anxiety disorder completely.


As seen and heard in & on

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Instagram @the_real_charleslinden