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Saturday 8 June 2024 Dublin: 13°C
Fine Gael apologises for using Cork kids' rap song in campaign video without permission
Some (very) early indications in the EU election results as ballot sorting begins
Sorting and counting will get started in centres across the country this morning.
Sorting and counting will get started in centres across the country this morning.
Results won't be known until later this afternoon and evening.
Counting to get underway in the European elections tomorrow.
Family of man missing off Co Galway coast ask people to take part in shore line search
UN adds Israel to blacklist for waging war that harms children
Slovakia and Italy to vote today as bumper EU elections continue across the continent
World Ocean Day: At 10 times the size of Ireland, the sea is our climate solution
Jack O’Donovan Trá
These are the key stats to help you understand who's winning and losing in the local elections
Michael Healy-Rae paid over €150,000 for housing Ukrainian refugees in first quarter of year
Five big political questions we'll see answered as the local results come rolling in
It’s all over bar the counting.
7th June 2024
The votes have all been cast, but when will we know the results?
Munster see off Ospreys to book place in URC semi-finals
Sergeant denies asking gardaí to step outside room just prior to alleged assault of suspect
Polling stations close as turnout in local and European elections reach 50%
Turnout rates reached above 50% in some parts of the country.
Key moments from the BBC’s seven-way General Election debate
Man (60s) dies following fatal road incident in Waterford
Danish Prime Minister 'hit' by a man in Copenhagen Square
Irish peacekeeper Pte Seán Rooney murder trial postponed until February 2025 - local media
Minimal deployment of gardaí to election count centres planned
Ireland mixed relay team win gold medal at European Athletics Championships
The time is a new national record, championship record, and just over a second outside the world record.
Here's What Happened Today: Friday
Sinn Féin calls for more taxpayer funding for road safety quango after it seeks to hike NCT fees
Investigations launched after more than 300 fish dead in Co Donegal river
Josip Štrok: Man charged in relation to the murder of a Croatian man in Clondalkin
Ryanair's Michael O'Leary to discuss impact of Dublin passenger cap with TDs next week
Royal Air Force assists Irish Coast Guard off the Cork coast this morning in rescue operation
'Dangerous sexual predator' jailed for seven years after kidnapping and assaulting a woman
A mix of personal stories and opinions on the stories of the day.
Parading ambassadors in front of TV cameras in Israel was unacceptable
Simon Harris TD
Should recognition come before or after peace?
Dr Gëzim Visoka
Ireland needs helicopter emergency medicine – it’s the difference between life and death
Dr Brian Burns
Our sex ed class was delivered by a local church member — she was a disaster
Margaret Lynch
The Explainer: How does Ireland's system of voting work?
Search intensifies on Greek island as divers look for missing TV doctor Michael Mosley
Taylor Swift inches closer to Dublin with revamped Eras Tour as she lands for last stops before Ireland
'Ordinary decent citizen' giving evidence in court subjected to 'psychic assault'
Student appears before Galway court charged with stalking and harassing a politician
Over 120 birds rescued from ‘deplorable’ hoarding situation in the midlands
Naval vessels recycled rather than sold due to concerns the ships could end up with a ‘warlord’
20 years of legal migrant voting in Ireland but conspiracies about it are being shared online
Rishi Sunak apologises for leaving international D-Day ceremony for election TV interview
Man wielding a knife 'screamed' at Ukrainian family to 'move out' of Dublin home, court hears
Elections 2024: The seeds of an Irish 'Stop the Steal' campaign are being sown
Ciarán O’Connor
Search operation resumes for man missing off Galway coast