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Articles on all aspects of beauty: beauty treatments, beauty care, beauty product reviews; related areas: health, fitness and fashion; and a salon directory of beauty salons in the UK.

woman worried about wrinkles

Facial taping for wrinkles

A new beauty trend to fight the signs of age

girl on beach in the sun

Post-holiday skin rescue plan

Help your skin recover from exposure to sun and sea

featured articles continued
More featured articles
Woman on beach with summer hair look

Extend your summer look through winter

Look hot and sexy when it's cold and dark

middle-aged woman with wrinkles

Non surgical facial treatments

Look great without the expense and risk of surgery

older woman smiling

Makeup for mature women

Products and principles to make older skin look great

woman straightening hair with a flat iron

Hair straightening - a guide to flat irons

Flatten those waves for the look you want

woman applying skin cream

Acne products - how do they work?

A quick survey of acne treatments

Beauty - who sets the standards?

We women push size zero standards on ourselves

Beauty through the ages - what comes next?

A look at where current beauty trends may go in the 21st century

How to look fashionable on a tight budget

You already have the clothes you can't afford to buy!

Beauty through the ages - the Wild Sixties

A time of hippies and Twiggy, bell-bottoms and mini-skirts

Hair curling - a guide

Your hair curling options from bobby pins to hair rollers


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Editor's choice

Beauty supplements and wrinkle prevention

Prevent ageing - use diet supplements for young-looking skin

Beauty through the ages - the new millenium

Choice is everywhere, from hairstyles to fragrances

Summer skin tips

Skincare products and advice for healthy summer skin

Top Stories

Jewelry classics that never go out of style

Build a collection you can wear forever

Beauty through the ages - Ancient Egypt

A history of beauty, looking at the clothing, cosmetics and styles of the Ancient Egyptians

Choosing the right exercise program

Walking, aerobics, weights - so much to pick from
