كلمة مدير مدرسة السلطانGreeting from Mr.Nigel

Planning a
school visit?

We are thinkers... 

We think carefully and show initiative.

We make good decisions and
we are problem solvers.

We are balanced... 

We look after our minds and bodies

We try to stay healthy and happy.

We are caring... 

We encourage others..

We include everyone in all activities
and discussions and
create a positive and
supportive environment.

We are
open minded... 

We appreciate our culture

and the views, values and
traditions of others.

We are risk takers... 

We challenge ourselves.

We are confident to try out new things.

Latest News

اليوم الوطني العماني / National Day of Oman

Tree Day / يوم الشجرة

دعم جمعية مرضى السرطان العمانية – Omani Cancer Patients

زيارة سعادة طاهر بن سالم العمري الرئيس التنفيذي للبنك المركزي العُماني لمدرسة السلطان

مبنى روضة مدرسة السلطان | The Sultan’s School KG1 building

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Song Maahadi Sultan's School | نشيد معهدي مدرسة السلطان

Welcome to the website of The Sultan's School, a unique educational institute located on one of the world's largest school campuses, in a truly stunning part of the world.

“Established in 1977, under the sponsorship of the late Sultan Qaboos bin Said bin Taymur, (may Allah rest his soul in peace),, the Sultan’s School provides a high quality education which allows our students to enter the world’s leading universities.”

Read the message from our principal