Superstitions About Witches and Broomsticks

We celebrate Halloween with some curious history about witches and their brooms First About Their BroomsWell, it isn't too far away from Halloween when thoughts can turn to witches and goblins . My thoughts, of course, turn to the witch's props the broom to be more specific. You'd think the superstitions surrounding brooms would have lots to do with witches, but that just goes to show that sometimes what we think would be logical just doesn't apply.

Did You Know About the Symbolism of the Bell?

There is a mysticism surrounding the bell that far transcend its mundane use as a WWW of getting attention in the schoolroom, for example. The sound of the bell is universally accepted as a way of communicating with the spirits, or as a herald for the arrival of a supernatural, holy power. The analogy of the bell occurs in language too, used to symbolize something of sacred origin.

Playing Card Symbolism Revealed: The Secret Identity of the King of Diamonds

Is there any secret, esoteric symbolism in our common playing cards?  Occult significance is known to be found in tarot cards.  Standard playing cards are a poor symbolic cousin compared to the tarot.  Yet, I believe there exists unrecognized symbolism hidden in plain sight in our everyday playing card.

How To Use The Magick Squares

If thou shalt perfectly observe these rules, all the followingSymbols i.e., Magick Squares and an infinitude of others will be granted unto thee by the Holy Guardian Angel thou thus living for the Honour and Glory of the True and only God, for thine own good, and that of thy neighbors. Let the Fear of God be ever before the eyes and the heart of him who shall possess this Divine Wisdom and Sacred Magic.

Astrological Meaning Of Moles On Your Body

A moles means a permanent small dark spot on the human body as defined in the English dictionary. Moles are found on many parts of the body and can be of honey colour, red, black and sometimes wheatish and pale in colour. It is nature's creation and has a definite meaning. Since ancient days moles are used as identification marks. The ancient civilisations considered moles as significators of fate, and showed the personality of a person.

Awakening the Crystal Children

The Group was the first to identify and label the Children of Crystal Vibration in a channel in May of 1997. Here they spoke of their attributes and said if you can make the planet safe for them, they will come . In November of 1998 the Group spoke further about the Crystal Children in a live channel at Sudbury, Ontario.

Open Yourself to Abundance & Blessings of the Universe

Blessings are abundant in the universe. The angels want you to take time to see the blessings all around you and be grateful. This is the key to opening yourself up to the abundant gifts that the universe has to give. Each moment is a blessing waiting to be acknowledged. When you take time to observe and appreciate them you'll begin to notice more blessings in your life. In fact, you'll come to understand that the blessings in your life are infinite.

Predictions By Twitching Of Body Parts In Astrology

In life we come across many unusual things, like twitching or throbbing of body parts, various call sounds of birds, moles on the body, mysterious sounds, knocks, movements of pictures,dreams, etc. All such incidents are known as Omens and they are unintentional, sudden and unplanned. Any unnatural and preplanned action is not an omen. According to the great sage Varahamihira Omens are indications of past deed, good or bad, that are about to bear fruits. A true Astrologer can never brush away...

The Truth About White Buffalo Calf Woman

The Long Awaited Truth About White Buffalo Calf Woman Legends, like most history, are often corrupted and embellished by the conquerors. Whatever the means of conquest may have been, the stories about the victories are usually cleaned up for later generations to make them more palatable. Those who remember are very confused by what is being circulated today about the story and teachings of White Buffalo Calf Woman.

Saffron Spells For Money

SAFFLOWER Mix with jinx incense to cause destruction to an enemy, (Note Not recommended). Gay men rub this on the insides of their knees to attract exciting sexual encounters. SAFFRON Aphrodisiac, healing, love, happiness, wind raising, lust and strength. Burn, wear, or carry for healing and strengthening psychic awareness. Commonly used in love magick, healing spells, and to control the weather. Wash hands with water and saffron or keep saffron sachets in your home to bring happiness. Also...

Passionflower In Spells

NARCISSUS Calms vibrations and promotes harmony, tranquility, and peace of mind. Also known as Dafft Down Lily, Asphodel, Fleur de Coucou, Goose Leek, Porillon, and Lent Lily. NEROLI Good for joy, happiness, confidence, and overcoming emotional blockages. Soothes, relaxes, and uplifts the spirit. Instills confidence and courage when carried or worn. NETTLE Magickal uses includes dispelling darkness and fear, strengthening the will, and aiding in the ability to handle emergencies.

Rule To Find the Sidereal Time at Birth

To the Sidereal Time at noon previous to birth given in the ephemeris , we add 1 A correction of 10 seconds for every 15 degrees of longitude the birthplace is west of Greenwich. 2 The interval between the previous noon and the True Local Time of birth. 3 Correction of 10 seconds for every hour of that interval. The sum of these is the Sidereal Time at birth but sometimes the sum is more than 24 hours, and as that is the ultimate length of a day.

The Four Elements in Your Dreams: Dreaming About Air

Dream Symbols The Earth Elements In Your DreamsPart One in a Series Dreaming About Air Have you ever seen an old story written in its original Old English or Middle English Most likely, you couldn't read a word of it. Well, imagine that your superconscious mind speaks in Old English and that your subconscious mind speaks in Middle English.

Ouija Board Dos and Don'ts

Global Psychics has received quite a few letters over the past few months concerning the use of Ouija boards. I have included two consecutive letters from one of our website visitors attesting to the angst the Ouija board can cause. Ouija boards are not toys. They are not to be played with. They are a magical tool, and like any tool, can do as much harm as good. The Ouija board has a rather colorful, if not checkered past.

Spirits Stuck In Limbo

The other night I was in my living room and there was knocking on the walls and then the t.v went out and the knocking on the walls was like coming from all over the room. And then I was on the phone with my friend and I heard a LOUD scream and my friend heard it too. It was one of the saddest and scariest screams I have heard. Then that night I was watching t.v again and it went out and it was black and off and that scream came from it again.

Spiritual Healing

What is Spiritual Healing All About Spiritual healing practitioners help us to invoke self-healing, often in most powerful and remarkable ways medical intuitives and energy workers are not yet fully understood, recognized or accepted but we believe that as we evolve, we will discover that they belong on every medical team.

Crows And Scarecrows Occult Meaning

Let us consider the humble scarecrow. On the surface there wouldn't seem to be any occultmeaning behind the scarecrow. It was a farmer's tool from agrarian times, used to literally scare away crows and other birds from their crops. What more could there be, outside of an occasional literary purpose? Today they are decorations for Halloween and Thanksgiving.

Yucca Root Magic

YARROW FLOWER Uses include healing, handfasting, and weddings, and divination. Draws love. Carry in a sachet or in an amulet to banish negativity, ward off fear, and promotes courage, confidence, and psychic opening. Frequently used in marriage charms and love sachets. Said to keep newly married couple happy for seven (7) years by keeping their love alive and preventing upsetting influences from entering the relationship. Place in a yellow flannel bag with a piece of parchment on which you have...

The Spirits of the Dolmens Strive to be Heard

The Spirits of the Dolmens Strive to be HeardDolmens The Spiritual approach We as humans inhabiting this wondrous world are curious folk. We all want to know the answers of why, how and where when relating to our origins. The centuries and millennia have passed as is the natural way of things. Great civilizations have arisen, prospered and disappeared leaving after themselves only the basic ruins of ancient settlements.

The Symbolism of Mount Abiegnus

Between the Purification and Consecration stages of the Ceremony comes the ascent and descent of Mount Abiegnus. The symbolism can be explored more fully in Rosicrucian and Golden Dawn documents what follows is an explanation of its use in these Ceremonies. 1 Mount Abiegnus. This is the mountain of Initiation said to be climbed by Rosicrucian Adepts. The same symbolism of ascent of a mountain occurs in Alchemical works and other places in Western Occultism. In the Judaeo-Christian tradition,...

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

Enochian Magick

A typical Magick Circle is shown in Figure 4. The four triangles outside the circle represent the four Watchtowers. When conducting magical operations on the Watchtowers, sit or stand in a green circle in general, green is appropraite for most operations. However, the color to use should correspond with the magical operation in which it is used and face the appropriate triangle as follows Fire is a red BITOM in the South Earth is a black NANTA in the North Water is a blue HKOMA in the West Air...

Jabamiah 70th Kabbalah Angel

Kabbalah Angels Names

Incorrectly listed as verse 19 or Psalm 113 in the original - PV. 38 On this subject see the Enchiridion of Pope Leo, page 4. decade and to the angel called Isro, under the influence of the Sun. He rules over the following days 17th May, 28th July, 8th October, 19th December, 1st March. The favorable time begins at 7 20pm till 7 40pm one must pronounce the name of the angel with his attributes, and the 3rd verse of Psalm 113 From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's...

Were the Clintonville, Wisconsin mystery booms repeats of the Nuremberg and Basel “UFO” sky battles?

On March 18 around 9:30 PM Central time, on a warm Sunday evening, the mystery booms of Clintonville, Wisconsin began.  On March 19 the Clintonville police and fire department began to investigate for gas leaks or broken water lines.  Nothing was found. These sounds were described as sonic booms, heavy doors slamming, thunder or explosions. They were loud enough to awaken people from their beds and send people into the streets trying to see what was going on.

Saturnian Gnosis

Demiurge Saturnus

These astrophysical phenomena are seen as the outward manifestations of the War in Heaven. The Luciferian Principle is understood as an expelled spark of the divine which has struggled through the darkness of matter, where this principle manifests itself as crystalline structure and as light. It struggled its way further through the kingdoms of plants and animals, and eventually emerged in humankind where the spark was liberated. Although generally ignorant of its true home and origin, this...

Angelic Gematria

This paper is concerned with four methods or techniques which can be used by those familiar to your system. The methods are known as Angelic Gematria by this I mean the development of a gematria method from our angelic-languages computer paper, where A 5 and Z 30, so that for every possible throw of five pieces of dice, there is a corresponding letter of the English alphabet. Method 2 would be the use of a simplified Enochian computer for receiving words from the spirit world. This method...

The Fourteenth Name is Ziukkinna

Giveth excellent knowledge concerning the movements of the stars and the meanings thereof, of which the Chaldaens possessed this same knowledge in abundance. The Word is GIBBILANNU and the Seal is this This Power bestoweth Riches of all kinds, and can tell where treasury is hidden. Knower of the Secrets of the Earth. His Word is GIGGIMAGANPA and his Seal is this This Power can give life to what is already dead, but for a short time only. He is the Lord of the Amulet and the Talisman. His Word...

The Ummo Case: Aliens Living Among Us?

The Ummo case is one of the most well known cases of sustained and systematic contact with an alleged alien species. The case which started back in the 1950s has been mostly investigated by Spanish researchers as it seems to primarily involve contact between Spanish citizens and the aliens from planet Ummo. Those that had close encounters or communicated with them speak of human-like aliens with a well built body and Nordic characteristics.

The Knights Templars Of Aquarius

The Order of the Knights Templares of Aquarius has been founded to help combat the present state of World Chaos. This has been brought about by Man's desire for Power over his fellows, either collectively as a nation, or merely as an individual, and his consequent sole desire being the amassing of wealth by the cornering of markets, raw materials, etc. Its main objective is the regeneration of spirituality throughout the world. Those entrusted with the task of helping to spread the OSIRIAN...

The Septenary

THE Septenary is the great biblical number. It is the key of the Creation in the books of Moses and the symbol of all religion. Moses left five books, and the Law is complete in two testaments. The Bible is not a history, it is a collection of poems, a book of allegories and images. Adam and Eve are only the primitive types of humanity the tempter serpent is time which tests the Tree of Knowledge is 'right' the expiation by toil is duty. Cain and Abel represent the flesh and the spirit, force...

An Advanced Healing Ritual

Consecrate a circle. Hold your Talisman of OLAF in your right hand and your Pantacle in your left hand. Face the Watchtower of Earth. STEP 2. The Physical Vibration. Vibrate the four great secret Holy Names and the four words of the Magick Square STEP 3. The Subtle Vibration. Leave your physical body and repeat STEP 2 in your Body of Light STEP 4. The Visualization. Clearly visualize the patient or yourself if this ritual is conducted for your own healing Magick before...

Recovering Your Psychic Abilities

Childhood Trauma Can Shut Down Natural Psychic AbilityI just found your site and it is absolutely wonderful I was reading the Tips on how to turn your psychic abilities back on and it pushed me to write to you. When I was a very little girl (I'm 28 now) I was very intuitive. It was well known in my family and no one thought it strange. I was able to tell who was about to ring the phone, find lost items, communicate with beings and animals.

The Teddy Bear as an Occult Talisman

Let us consider the humble teddy bear.  At first glance the teddy bear appears to be merely a popular child’s toy.  Yet, I will suggest there is occult significance, even a talismanic purpose behind the teddy bear.  I will suggest the teddy bear is a talisman that both comforts us during suffering, but might even delay suffering.

Spiritual Significance of Dimes

Photo credit kdurril on flickr After my grandma passed away, my mom (her daughter) began finding dimes everywhere she went. Mom believed that her seeing the dimes was Gram's way of reaching out and letting her know she's okay and still with us in spirit. I also found a couple of dimes in the wake of Gram's death and was sure that was her way of hugging me after her physical body no longer could. A couple of years later dimes started speaking to me in different ways.

Genie Invocation, Jinn Summoning, Binding Djinn

When it comes to Genie Invocation, we always talk about Aladdin Genie or Genie Lamp, Genie Bottle or Genie Ring. But all this is in movies or fairy tales. If you want to summon a genie or some also say jinn or djinn then this is possible but only with the help of proper invocation. Yes Jinns are real and if you want to mater the jinn or genie then you have to do the invocation.

Egyptian Gods: Heka

Heka or also known as Hike was the Egyptian God of Magic and Medicine. For ancient Egyptians, though the magic and the medicine were one and the same. Heka' is the Egyptian word for magic. According to Coffin text, Heka was used for the practice of magical ritual. Literally Heka means activating the Ka, the aspect of the soul which embodied personality.

Physiognomy Of Women

Chiromancy or physiognomy are two distinct sciences. Chiromancy means reading one's fate through lines or palmistry. Physiognomy means reading one's character by face and appearance. Physiognomy is said to have originated in India. It spread to Iran, Rome, and France. Later, this science was taken up by America and Britain. All countries have made further research into this part of science. It is believed that the body of a woman consists of 32 parts. Beauty is nature's gift and is admired by...

Ritual For The Knowledge And Conversation Of Your Holy Guardian Angel

And then shall you f i r s t be able t o put to the test . how well and worthily you shall have laboured in the quest of the Wisdom of the Lord since you shall see your Guardian Angel appear unto you in unequalled beauty who also will converse with yyou, and speak in words so full of affection and of goodness, and with such sweetness, that no human tongue could express the same . In one word, you shall be received by him with such affection that this description which I here give unto you shall...

An Enochian Hexagram Ritual

Use the following ritual in your magical operations for banishing or invoking, or make modifications to it as you will. It is an Enochian adaptation of the Golden Dawn's Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram and is normallyperformed alter the Pentagram Ritual. STEP 1. Stand with your feet together, your left arm clown at your side and your right arm across your body holding your wand or other weapon upright in front of you. STEP 2. Turn to the East and say IVITDT Ee-veh-eeteh-deh-teh while tracing the...

Enochian Pyramid Ritual

This ritual is designed for the experienced magician. Beginners are advised to carefully study the ritual, its symbolic meanings and gematric correspondences before practicing it. It simulates the initiatory processes that are encountered in the 18th Aethyr, ZEN, and will invoke the strong masculine current that pervades the Vault of Zen. All Enochian names and phrases must be vibrated properly during the execution of this ritual. PART 1. Preparation. Wear your black robe. Charge your Talismans...

Magical Operations Of The Vrelp

Now the grade of a Magister teacheth the Mystery of Sorrow, and the grade of a Magus the Mystery of Change, and the grade of Ipsissimus the Mystery of Selflessness, which is called also the Mystery of Pan. Let the Magus then contemplate each in turn, raising it to the ultimate power of Infinity. Wherein Sorrow is Joy, and Change is Stability, and Selflessness is Self The VRELP Var-el-peh , the mystical Seer of Enochian Magick, is one who aspires to become a Magus. A Magus is one who has...

The Great Crosses

Free Enochian Spells

The most important tem on each Angelic Tablet is the Great Cross whose shaft descends from top to bottom and whose bar crosses the Tablet in the centre. This Cross comprises 36 squares, and has a double vertical line which is called linea Dei Patris Fitiique,'the Line of God the Father and the Son, and 'Linea Spiritus Sancti,' the Line of the Holy Spirit, crossing this horizontally, and containing one rank of letters. The 'Linea Spiritus Sancti' is always the seventh fine or rank of letters...

The Holy Guardian Angel

It should never be forgotten for a single moment that the central and essential work of the Magicians is the attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel anything apart from this course is a side issue and unless so reguarded may lead to the complete ruin of the whole work of the Magician. Aleister Crowley, Magick Without Tears The Term Holy Guardian Angel was adopted by Crowley from the Golden Dawn, particularly from S.L. MacGregor Mathers' translation of The Sacred...

Table Of Contents

The Goals of Enochian Magick 11 Our World According to Enochian Magick 13 Man According to Enochian Magick 17 The Primary Magical Operations 30 General Watchtower Forces and Characteristics 41 The Effects of Multiple Letters in a Square 46 Names of Archangels, Angels and Demons 51 The Major Magical Instruments amp Weapons 53 Enochian Words for Magical Instruments 58 Development of the Subtle Body 78 Three Primary Methods of Invocation 84 A Successful Invocation Evocation An Enochian Invocation...

The Goals Of Enochian Magick

The first step is the separation of what we call, for convenience the astral body from the physical body. As our experiments proceed, we find that our astral body itself can be divided into grosser and subtler components. In this way we become aware of the existence of what we can, for convenience, the Holy Guardian Angel, ami the more we realize the implications of the theory of the existence of such a being, the clearer it becomes that our supreme task is to put ourselves into intimate...

Aleister Crowley Magick Without Tears

The first Aethyr, LIL, and all the inconceivable realms above the first Aethyr are without sex, which is to say that masculinity and femininity do not exist as separate qualities in those sublime regions. However, below LIL each subplane downward into the physical plane is charged with forces that are either masculine or feminine or combinations of both. Masculinity and femininity are two sides of a duality. Your Great Work is to unite all dualities. The union of microcosm and macrocosm, the...

The Sunsavior

Alfabeto Arabo

Cosmologically, then, all the Dragons and Serpents conquered by their Slayers are, in their origin, the turbulent confused principles in Chaos, brought to order by the Sun-gods or 'creative' powers. A sun-savior in Enochian Magick is called an ARSOE (Ahrah-soh-eh). The sun-savior is equivalent to the Hindu avatar, the Buddhist Bodhisattva and the Hanged Man of the Tarot. It is a manifestation of solar forces and energies in human form. Tradition holds that the sun-savior embodies himself...

Comments On Liber Lxxxiv vel Chanokh

THE TITLE LIBER LXXXIV The original title first published in Equinox Vol. I Nos. VII amp VIII was A Brief Abstract Of The Symbolic Representation Of The Universe Derived By Dr. John Dee Through The Skrying Of Sir Edward Kelly. LXXXIV 84 is the Qabalistic numeration for Chanokh, the Hebrew spelling of Enoch. Note When originally published the title did not bear the number. Crowley assigned the number 84 when the Syllabus of the Official Instructions of A.'. A.'. was published in The Blue...

Addmonal Notes On Vovin

the earliest Initiates and Adepts, or the Wise Men, for whom it is claimed that they were initiated into the mysteries of nature by the UNIVERSAL MIND, represented by the highest angels, were named the Serpents of Wisdom and Dragons . . The VOVIN is very similar to the VRELP, but there is one major distinction. The VRELP is largely an expression of the solar current while the VOVIN is largely an expression of the lunar current. The VRELP uses the masculine current for his work The VOVIN works...

The Five Elements

Symbols The Five Elements

The earth is an element, and whatever is produced from it. So is the water and all produced there from. So then that is an element which produces. Andan element is a mother, and there are four of them, air, Eire, water, earth. From there four matrices everything in the whole world is produced. Figure 1 shows that the cosmic elements of Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit are not to be taken as chemical elements but as quantifiers of density. Physical matter is the grossest or most dense cosmic...

The Formulas Of Enochian Magick

Help Nature and work on with her and Nature will regard thee as one of her creatures and make obeisance. And she will open wide before thee the portals of her secret chambers, layy bare before thy gaze the treasures hidden in the very depths of her pure virgin bosom. H.P. Blavatsky. The Voice of the Silence Magical formulas are an expression of natural motion. They establish procedures for action ways of doing something in the world. The best formulas, and among the most powerful, are those...

Enochian Tarot

Then there are the Elemental Tablets of Sir Edward Kelly and Dr. John Dee. From these you can extract a square to perform almost any conceivable operation, if you understand the virtue of the various symbols which they manifest. They are actually an expansion of the Tarot. Aleister Crowley, Magick Without Tears The thirty Aethyrs and the Qabalistic Tree of Life are both maps of the same subtle regions. Although they vary in details, they constitute a structuring of the subtle planes and...

Our World According To Enochian Magick

Enochian Magick

The first step in Magick is travel beyond the world of the senses. Aleister Crowley, Magick Without Tears The magical system presented by Sir John Dee, court astrologer to Queen Elizabeth 1, views the physical world as only the lowest in a graduated series of cosmic planes. There are many invisible worlds surrounding this Earth. The reason they are invisible is because they are composed of matter that is so tenuous that our eyes cannot see it. There are many degrees of matter's density. The...

Sigillum Aemeth

Enochian Ensigns

Origins of the Magick The Dee Diaries_ 1 Period one The Heptarchia Mystica _3 Equipment Ring, Lamen, and Holy Table_3 Equipment The Ensigns of Creation _6 The Heptarchic Hierarchy The 49 Good Angels_7 The Kings, Princes, and their ministers _8 Period two Liber Loagaeth and the Angelic Alphabet_11 Usage The Church of Satan and the Temple of Set_28 Relation ofEnochian to the Necronomicon_30 Relation ofEnochian to the biblical Book of Enoch _30 Enochian magick and the apocalypse _30 Appendix A The...

The Major Magical Instruments And Weapons

Let theAdeptbe armed with his MagickRood jandpro THE TEMPLE. As a magician, your temple is your universe. Enochian Magcck does not recognize only one universe but a myriad of universes, one for each man. As our thinking tends to be similar to that of others, so our universes tend to overlap. As thinking Le., our inner subjective universe tends to be dissimilar, so our universes tend toward isolation. This fact is dearly seen in the third Aethyr, ZOM, where you can become a true Magus, the...

Magical Theorem

A major theorem of Enochian Magick is that every man and every woman is inherently a star. Although this theorem is stated in Crowley's Book of the Law, the idea is a very old one. In ancient Egypt, for example, the highest and most spiritual component of man was the khabs, which together with the khu, constituted the spiritual body of man similar in dehnition to the atinan of Vedanta. The Egyptian word khabs also translates as star. As stars travel through...

The Thirty Aethyrs

Enochian Words Power

Andan Angel cometh forth, and he taketh me aside into a little chamber in one of the nine towers. This chamber is furnished with maps of many mystical sities. There is a table, and a strange lamp, that gines light by jettingfour columns of vortex rings of luminous smoke. And he points to the map of the Aethyrs, that are arranged as a flaming Sword, so that the thirty Aethyrs go into the ten Sephiroth. And the first nine are infinitely holy. Aleister Crowley, The Vision and the Voice, the 9th...

The Formula Enochian Magic Table

Enochian Ritual of Magical Elixir 331 Enochian Ritual for Invisibility 339 Ritual for Evoking the Watchtower Deities A QR 345 Enochian Precipitation Ritual 351 Enochian Ritual of the Abyss 356 Enochian Death Ritual 362 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Our World According to Enochian Magick 15 Figure 2. The Lower Five Cosmic Planes 18 Figure 3. The Major Magical Weapons 56 Figure 4. Typical Circle for Conducting Enochian Magick 62 Figure 5. Sample Talisman for Figure 7. Tracing the Pentagram 97 Figure...

Aleister Crowley

The Book of the Unveiling of the Sangraal Sex Magick has many variations and expessions. In conjunction with Enochian Magick there are three major degrees. These three degrees are identical to the three taught in Tibetan Tantra as follows 1. KARMAMUDRA. The three degrees are all called 'madras' which can mean symbolic positions you may already be familiar with the mudras as hand positions used in meditations . This is the first and lowest stage. It is Magick using an external partner. Any...

Special Dawns Matos Spells And Magic

The 91 Parts of the Earth on the Great Table The 91 Parts of the Earth on the Great Table In addition to its regular hierarchies, the Great Table contains the names and sigils of the 91 Parts of the Earth as imposed by God of Liber Scientiae. Where the angelic hierarchies described previously are derived from the Tablets by following uniform divisions, the names of the Parts are derived in such a way that each covers a uniquely-shaped area. The natures of the Parts are equally heterogeneous...

Constructing Sigils With Planetary Cameas

Demon Sigil Magick

Magical squares, or cameas, are often used as a basis for the construction of individual sigils. In fact, the traditional sigils for planetary spirits and demons have been cabbalistically construed with the help of these cameas. Since this technique belongs to yet another important branch of sigil magic and is relatively unknown, it shall be covered here. The following explanations are based on Israel Regardie's excellent bookHow to Make and Use Talismans, which contains a very clear summary,...

Watchtower Pyramids

Cardboard Pyramid

And the Angel sayeth Verily is the Pyramid a Temple of Initiation. Verily also is it a tomb. AleisterCrowley, The Vision and the Voice Enochian Magic explains the specific procedures used to convert each Watchtower Square into a truncated pyramid. Figure 15, Appendix A, shows the results of converting the Tablet of Union Squares finto truncated pyramids. Figures 16 to 31 show the pyramids of the four Watchtowers. These, or similar diagrams, can be used to focus your mirad when skrying the...

The Structure of the Watchtower Hierarchies

On Wednesday June 20, 1584, Edward Kelly had a vision that would significantly effect the angelic magikal system that he and John Dee were receiving. In the days that followed it would be analyzed and explained, and ultimately it would produce the Terrestrial system of Watchtower magic that was to profoundly influence not only their own work but eventually the whole course of the Western Hermetic Tradition. The student of Enochian magic would do well to make themselves familiar with the pages...

Names Of Power

It may be conceded in any case that the long strings of formidable words which roar and moan through so many conjurations have a real effect in exalting the consciousness of the magician to the proper pitch-that they should do so is no more extraordinary than music of any kind should do so. Aleister Crowley,Magick in Theory and Practice These are the words to be spoken for one who arrives at the tenth pylon In a very loud voice, one must cry out an earnest request using the terrible Names of...

The Astral Wind

If you project regularly into the real-time zone, from time to time you will come across a mystifying phenomenon that I call the astral wind. The astral wind, one of the most awesomely powerful natural forces in the universe, is most dramatic and noticeable when experienced during a conscious real-time projection. It is caused, I believe, by what I call the akashic pulse. I am sure some projectors will recognize the following scenario, through clearly remembered projections, dream fragments, or...

Kundalini Spirit Jeh Az Kali

He found in the darkness the creation of beasts and serpents, thus mingled with the following elements Smoke Spirit, Astral plane material hunger. Shoulders Eagle and Twin Serpents. Druj Nasu, Push, Azhi Dahaka twin attributions between Smoke and Storm , Vayu Unseen Daeva of Willed Future or created destiny . Fire Wish Desire Lust. Head - Lion. Az,Aeshma Khashm, Rishk, Padmoz Storm Wind, air, hungering spirits. Change and Progression. Body - Dragon. Chishmak, Apaosha, Spenjaghri,...

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

The actual meaning of this phrase has taken volumes to explain, but roughly it concerns the uniting of the conscious Self, a process of individuation which culminates in a rite called Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel the Angel signifying the pure, evolved Self. Yet, there are many terrors on the Way to the Self, and an Abyss to cross before victory can be declared. Demons, vampires, psychic leeches, ghastly forms accost the aspiring magician from every angle, from every...

Instantaneous Travel

It is generally accepted today that if you can visualize a destination, you can project yourself there at the speed of thought. This method works reasonably well, but can be a bit of a hit-or-miss affair while traveling in real time. The accuracy of this method depends on whether you have actually been to your target destination, and how well you can image it in your mind's eye. If a projector has not personally seen the destination, instant projection will usually take that projector straight...

OBE and Reality Fluctuations

There are no simple explanations for the underlying causes of the reality fluctuations that plague real-time projectors shortly after their exit out of body. I wish there were it would make my work that much easier. In most cases, especially with new projectors, reality starts to fluctuate only a couple of minutes after the exit. Reality fluctuations are more noticeable during real-time projections, especially inside projectors' own houses, as the details of this area are well known. Several...

Astral Plane and Tube Type Structures

As you advance in your ability to get about in the real-time zone, and around the first levels of the astral planes, you will begin to see definite structures at the start of astral-plane projections. These structures mark the entrances to different astral planes and subplanes, and can be used for astral-plane navigation. The geometry, colors, and patterns of an astral-plane entrance structure, I believe, represent its internal subplanes, realms, and kingdoms in an abstract visual way....

Finding Astral Entrance Structures

Many projectors, though able to operate well in the real-time zone, seem unable to deliberately enter the astral planes. They may occasionally slip into astral realms spontaneously, but they are unable to perceive any type of astral entrance structure at all, which makes astral navigation extremely difficult. Perceiving some type of entrance structure (either tube-type or plane-type) is necessary for projectors to explore and return to specific astral regions, or to find their way into higher...

Projecting to Akashic Records

Direct Projection The sooner you project to the akashic records after your exit, the better, as projection time is always limited. After the exit out of body, move at least twenty feet away from the physical body and stop. Imagine the library scenario strongly. Hold the intention of visiting the akashic records firmly in mind. Feel yourself moving toward the imagined destination and feel it moving toward you. Alternatively, project into the astral planes in the usual way, while holding the...

Yatukih Sorcery

Absorption - In workings centered around Trshna, or Thirst, the sorcerer visualizes his or her own circle, through stimulation of the Kundalini through the Chakras , does the spiral serpent power begin devouring energy. This may represent works of Abhichara or Black Magick, the hunger of devouring the energy of an enemy or the sexual interplay of spirit between two individuals. Adamu - Meaning red and refers to the menstrual cycle. Adamu as red also holds connections to the color of Typhon-Set...

Elder Gods Tecnique Magic Spells

Hearken, and Remember In the Name of ANU, Remember In the Name of ENLIL, Remember In the Name of ENKI, Remember When on High the Heavens had not been named, The Earth had not been named, And Naught existed but the Seas of ABSU, The Ancient One, And MUMMU TIAMAT, the Ancient One Who bore them all, Their Waters as One Water. At this time, before the ELDER GODS had been brought forth, Uncalled by Name, Their destinies unknown and undetermined, Then it was that the Gods were formed within the...

Of the Sleep of ISHTAR

Yet ISHTAR Queen of Heaven Bright Light of Nights Mistress of the Gods Set her mind in that direction From Above she set her mind, To Below she set her mind From the Heavens she set forth To the Abyss ISHTAR, Queen of Heavens, she set her mind ISHTAR, Daughter of SIN, she set forth To the Black Earth, the Land of CUTHA To the House of No Return she set her foot Where bowls of clay are heaped upon the alter Where sleeps the dread CUTHALU ISHTAR set forth. The Watcher Stood fast. The Watcher...

The Seven Gates here follow

Fun Boarder For Kids

THIS IS THE FIRST GATE THE GATE OF NANNA, CALLED SIN THIS IS THE THIRD GATE, OF INANNA CALLED ISHTAR THIS IS THE FOURTH GATE, OF SHAMMASH, CALLED UDDU THIS IS THE SIXTH GATE, OF LORD MARDUK THIS IS THE SEVENTH GATE, OF NINIB, CALLED ADAR And the Ritual of the Walking must follow the formulae herein described First, thou must observe the moon of purification. In this time, thou mayest not eat meat for the space of seven days preceding the last day of the moon, and for the space of three days...

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards

I am reviewing an old and unusual set of divinatory cards.  They are not tarot cards, nor do they belong to traditional cartomancy.  They are the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards.  The Gypsy Witch cards have been around for a long time. They were first published in 1904 and have been around ever since, and predate many of our better known tarot decks such as the famous Rider-Waite deck which was first published in 1909.

The Magical Trance Activating the Sigils

The following can be applied equally to the word and the pictorial method. Within limits, the various techniques are pertinent to the mantrical spell method as well, but this mode shall be explained separately in more detail in a later chapter. .Recommendation for a lightning-charging for people who are always in a hurry Having finished the sigil with much effort, go to bed with it. Masturbate and, during sexual climax, concentrate on the graphic sigil. If you have a well-trained imagination,...

The Mantrical Spell Method

Png Spells And Magic

The mantrical spell method basically employs acoustic sigils. The principle of constructing mantrical sigils is quite simple the sentence of desire is transformed into a mantra devoid of any obvious sense or meaning. This may be done most easily by writing down the sentence of desire in a quasi-phonetic manner, i.e., words as spoken. This may demand some ingenuity, but any magician needs this, and, here again, practice alone makes for refinement. Let us take an example from Liber Null p. 21...

Becoming a New Hermeticist

N essence, the New Hermetics is a system for getting in touch with cosmic, universal consciousness, and eventually experiencing tran scendental, ecstatic union with this consciousness. By this I mean a personal and transformational link with the source of consciousness, the creative intelligence that forms the universe. Throughout history, this has been called union with God However, the New Hermetics is not based on any particular theory about religion, or the nature of God or the universe....

But How Does It Work

Sigil Magick That Works

You may have noticed that in previous explanations I frequently referred to the unconscious into which sigils are implanted, after which they start working like good fairies. The unconscious makes sure that sigils will flesh (to use Spare's own term). Regarding this incarnation, we must never forget that the sigils themselves play nothing but a secondary part in the overall process of magic. Spare even goes so far as to state that each evolutionary step has been an unconscious, literally...

Sigil Magick

Sigilisation is one of the simplest and most effective forms of results magick used by contemporary magicians. Once you have grasped the basic principles of sigilisation and experimented with some of the most popular methods of casting sigils, you can go on to experimenting with forms of sigil magick which are unique to you. The core Sigilisation process can be divided into six stages, which I will explain using the acronym S.P.L.I.F.F. S - Specify Intent P - Pathways available L - Link intent...

Other Methods

Willed concentration involves gradually building up the appropriate emotion while standing still through the use of breathing exercises and the alternate contraction and relaxation of muscles. Deep breaths are taken and the muscles of the arms, legs and back contracted imagine with the inward breath that energy (of the appropriate type - love, hate and so on) is being drawn into the body. The breath is then exhaled slowly and the muscles relaxed. This continues for at least a quarter of an hour...

Brotherhood Of Saturn Ritiuals

Space in an informal order and go to their rightful and alloted places. F.W. Very well Seat yourselves, my brothers and sisters Now the entry music begins perhaps In these Holy Halls from Mozart's Magic Flute or another kind of music corresponding to the character of the evening's work. After a short pause the F.W. gives three knocks of the hammer as he proceeds My brothers and sisters Cross your arms over your chests and close your eyes Slip away from the anxiety and cares of the workaday...

The Left Handed Path

The LHP is essentially internal magick because such magick means the use, by the individual, of the Dark Pathways that link the seven spheres of the Tree of Wyrd. There are no light pathways since the pathways by nature imply a flow of energy and such flow can only be directional. Directional energy means Change, in the causal -the emergence of Chaos through a 'gate'. For a long time, the nature of the LHP has been misunderstood. The traditional definition as magick used for personal...

Sigils Methods 2 Matos Spells And Magic

However, it is important that in the end the sigil is as simple as possible with the various letters recognizable even with slight difficulty . The artistic quality of the sigil is irrelevant, but for simple psychological reasons it should be obvious that you should not just scribble or doodle it in haste. You should strive to make it to the best of your abilities. The finished sigil, which in the beginning will probably take a few attempts to construe, will then be fixated. You may draw it on...

Vazotas Testanar

The characters should be graven on the outer side of the Ring. The characters should be graven on the inner side of the Ring. The characters should be graven on the inner side of the Ring. XIII. Endows the possessor with every virtue and talent, as-well as with the desire to do good. All substances of evil quality can be rendered excellent by means of it. For the first advantage, it is sufficient to raise up the talisman, having the ring upon the first joint of the third finger of the right...

Chapter Four Kether The Crown of Coherent Light

As we have already noted, one of the primary doctrines of Magick is that that which is above is like unto that which is below, also stated variously as the heaven is in the earth, but after an earthly manner and that the earth is in the heaven, but after a heavenly manner, or Kabbalistically as Malkuth is in Kether, and Kether is in Malkuth, but after another manner. This doctrine of trans-resonance, as given in Kabbalah as an intimate and ultimate identity between Malkuth and Kether, can be...

Mambo Houngan

Voodoo Sacrifice

These Voodoo practitioners (also known as babalawos, santeros and obeah men) are a combination of healer, priest, mediator and even policeman. Houngans serve both the loas and their communities. In GURPS Voodoo, their supernatural abilities are very real, and their rituals and powers allow them to perform incredible feats, from causing deadly accidents to curing injuries and disease. In many places across the Caribbean and in the U.S., Voodoo priests are respected Their constant travels around...

How The Sphinx Came To Washington

Aurum Solis Temple

Fox, Past Grand Historian and Grand Archivist As a historian and the son of a historian, much of my formative inspiration and training occurred naturally at home, long before graduate school. There, almost nightly at the dinner table, my father apprised us by example and Sometimes, they electrified the past into life, so as to instill an educated passion for history among imaginative students or readers. Other times, when historians failed to kindle even a weak spark, they had to...

Principles of Chaos Magick

Whilst magical systems usually base themselves around a model or map of the spiritual physical universe, such as the Tree of Life which can sometimes described as a cosmic filofax , Chaos Magick is based on a very few 'Core Principles' which generally underlie its approach to magick they are not universal axioms however, so feel free to swap 'em around . 1. The avoidance of Dogmatism. Chaos Magicians strive to avoid falling into dogmatism unless expressing dogmatism is part of a temporary...

Belief A Key to Magick

Chaos Magic

One aspect of Chaos Magick that seems to upset some people is the Chaos Magician's (or Chaoist, if you like) occasional fondness for working with images culled from non-historical sources, such as invoking H.P Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos beings, mapping the Rocky Horror Show onto the Tree of Life, slamming through the astral void in an X-Wing fighter, and 'channeling' communications from gods that didn't exist five minutes ago. So you might see why using this sort of thing as a basis for serious...

The Eighth Name is Namtillaku

A most secret and potent Lord, he hath knowledge to raise the dead and converse with the spirits of the Abyss, unbeknownst to their Queen. No soul passes into Death but that he is aware. His word is BANUTUKUKUTUKKU and his Seal is thus Dispenses wisdom and knowledge in all things. Giveth excellent counsel and teaches the science of metals. His word is BAKAKALAMU and his Seal

Pentagram Spell Ritual Open Portal

This is a streamlined version of the ritual that may be used to banish or invoke any element. See Chapter 9 for the banishing and invoking pentagrams of the elements. . 2. Perform Qabalistic Cross (points 5 - 10 from the Lesser Pentagram Ritual, p. 24, see chapter 4.Consecration). 3. Facing East, draw Active Equilibrating Pentagram (either banishing or invoking, depending on the intent of the 4. Make sign of Portal. For Active elements (air and fire), extend the hands in front of you, palms...

Mana Rating Dial

By default, the Time Unit for your Mana Rating above should be in Hours. This is for an average fantasy world such as one modeled after D amp D where magic users are common and powerful . However, more typical fantasy settings, such as what you find in novels or movies, should be less. In a superheroic magic setting such as in Anime Fantasy , mages may be able to cast even earth-shattering spells very quickly. MR is measured in minutes that is, with MR 5 you recharge 5 MP in one minute . This...

Bartzabel Sigil

If the question be of the astrological nature of Venus - that is to say concerned with love, music, pleasure, luxury, doves, etc. If the question be of the astrological nature of Luna - that is to say concerned with travelling, fishing, childbirth, reproduction, gynaecology, etc. If the question be of the astrological nature of Sol - that is to say concerned with music, feasting, success, power, rulership over others, etc. i If the question be of the astrological nature of Mars - that is to say...

Enochian Tablet Opening Ritual

* Origin Opera Amorum, BaphoNet-At-Night -> (718) 499-9277 (1 1Q7 666.Q) More Y,n ECHOMAIL A N P C E R - + L I M G K U To Helen Msg 70, 05-Sep-90 21 56 20 09-17-1987 Sun in Virgo Moon in Cancer ENOCHIAN RITUAL CONSECRATION OF MAGICKAL INSTRUMENTS 1. Stand at Altar facing East, announce PROKOL, O PROKOL, PROFANY BALASTY OMPEDA 2. Perform the Enochian Pentagram Banishing Ritual an Hexagram Banishing More Y,n Ritual, using either Fire Wand, Air Dagger or thumd wand. 3. Perform a Ritual Opening...

Crystal Skulls: The Mitchell-Hedges And Other Crystal Skulls

Picture, if you will an expedition into the jungles of Central America . It is the last few days of the year 1923. Leading the expedition is a striking figure right out of an Indiana Jones film. It is Albert Frederick Mitchell-Hedges and his adopted daughter, Anna. They are hacking their way through the jungle towards the lost Mayan city of Lubaantun in British Honduras, now called Belize . Out of the dense undergrowth and the towering ceiba trees emerge the ruins of a lost city.

Psychic Teens

Teens, young men and women from all over the world write in with questions about developing their psychic abilities .Here we've presented the best of the questions and answers If you have a story of a psychic teen, or an entire community of magical kids, email us . Amazingly Sensitive Teens To live life you need to listen to your intuition no matter what. I'm not saying to not listen to your feeling to stay in bed but to listen to what is right.

Superstitions About the Peacock and Their Feathers

Peacock Feathers for Protection The peacock is considered to be a bird of protection and safe guarding. This bird is also valued as a protection for the psychic self. There has been lore that writes that to have a peacock feather within the home this helps to safe guard any of the energy in the environment. I personally have always had peacock feathers in my home, even when I was a child in my room. I also know that some native people also use the peacock feathers in fans and some crafting.

Magic of Becoming Invisible

In many fairy tales the story goes that a sorcerer has made himself invisible, or that there is a peculiar ring that makes people invisible if they twist it round their finger. Many books describe talismans and gems granting the bearer the gift of invisibility and giving instructions in this line too. But nothing of this kind is reliable nor of any use for real practice. On the other hand, based on the universal laws and on what we have learned up to now, we shall try to prove that making...

The History of Psychism, Our Beliefs About Being Psychic - and Some Personal Insights to Our Team

What should people know about psychics and being psychic Hi, I am a student who is only 13 years old but is in great need of help. I am doing a report about psychics for school. And I would really appreciate It if you could give me some insight on what I should include in it. What do you think is the most important stuff about psychics you think people should know about It would really help me alot And if u can get back to me as soon as possible it would REALLY help me alot And your site has...

The occult significance of the historical King Solomon

There has been a recent excavation in Jerusalem dating back 3,000 years to the era of King Solomon. This excavation, a wall, seems to support the Bible’s account concerning the historical reality of King Solomon.  Solomon was reputed to have been the builder of the original Jewish temple. Some scholars regard the Bible’s version of this history as myth and Solomon as legend. But behind legend often lies a version of truth.

If psychic ability exists why can’t anyone predict winning lottery numbers?

Here is a common question.  If psychic abilities such as precognition are reality why can’t anyone seem to pick winning lottery numbers?  If psychic precognition is true, predicting winning lottery numbers should be commonplace.  Why isn’t it happening?  Skeptics roll their eyes, sigh, and say it’s because precognition doesn’t exist. 

Factory Ghosts, Knocking Spirits and Poltergeists

Knockers, Kobolds, Master Hammerlings, Brownies, Dwarves…these are working spirits. Knocking spirits. Folklore is filled with these entities that labor. The fairy Knocker was said to make knocking sounds in empty mine shafts. The Knocker’s knock often foretold of a mine cave-ins…or did they cause it? Was it the natural warning sound of the earth shifting before a collapse…or a clairaudient premonition of an impending disaster? Or subterranean spirits?

The Hydrogen Group

Fihuras Para Cortar Para Ninos Anos

WE come now to the more detailed study of the elements, and shall consider the atoms in their groups according to the Periodic classification, using the pendulum diagram. As has already been pointed out, the Anu group themselves into seven definite forms or types, though each chemical atom is surrounded by a sphere wall of the surrounding material, forming a sphere of influence. There are a few exceptions which are ovoid in shape. Into the seven types the Anu are packed in a beautiful and...

Coping With The Holidays As An Empath

The holidays are a stressful time for all of us. Juggling your time between holiday parties, shopping, baking, and beating yourself up over eating your weight in sweets is tough For empaths, the holidays present even more of a challenge emotions vacillate between highs and lows and much of the time, those emotions aren't even ours. We can feel the joys, pain and sorrows of those around us. One trip to the mall can leave you feeling drained for days.

Bulgarian Tarot cards

A few years ago I had the chance to travel to Eastern Europe.  I was there for a short time, but it felt like I really was a world away from the United States where I live.  The culture, the lifestyle is so different.  In the U.S. everybody drives everywhere and we really don’t see people walking on the streets.  In Europe…everybody is walking.  It feels like a more social society and not so isolated like life in the U.S. can seem. 

Personal Redemption: ReInventing Ourselves

There's a strange and wonderful phenomenon peculiar to the human condition known as personal redemption. We've all seen examples of children coming from abusive and dysfunctional homes, only to become ideal parents. We've seen career criminals turning their lives around and becoming positive role models, making a real difference in their communities. We've even seen stories of folks who came from abject poverty to become very successful in legitimate businesses.

Why are soulmate relationships so painful?

Think of your one who got away for a moment. The one person you love, even after all these years. Even if they don't deserve' that love or never really earned it. Think about the one who hurt you the most, who left you feeling like your heart had been stomped on, spit on and then rolled over by a dozen Mack Trucks. Who left you for dead (or might as well have), but taught you so much about yourself in the process.