Everyday Great Value On Vegetable seeds, Flower Seeds, and Garden Supplies.

Why choose SimplySeed?

We believe our seeds to be amongst the very best available. Our team continually updates our range with the best varieties and we carefully follow the latest trends to ensure that we are offering you exactly that you want from season to season.

However we also know that it isn't just about the seed, it is about the final product  - the tastiest vegetables or the most beautiful and abundant flowers. We pick the best.... so you don't have to!

BeakyBites - Bird Food Range

What to sow in June?....

Beetroot Boltardy
Beetroot Boltardy

Beetroot Boltardy is the most popular variety for early and.....

Average Contents : 350 seeds

Calabrese Marathon
Calabrese Marathon

Marathon produces deep well formed heads with excellent.....

Average Packet Contents : 35 seeds

Carrot Resistafly
Carrot Resistafly

Resistafly is a hybrid nantes type with good tolerance of Carrot.....

Av. Packet Contents : 500 seeds

Courgette Sure Thing
Courgette Sure Thing

Courgette Sure Thing is a prolific parthenocarpic.....

Packet Content: 10 Seeds

French Bean Montano
French Bean Montano

High yields of good quality beans, very good variety.....

Growth Habit - Dwarf / Bush.

Average Contents : 40 seeds


A very prolific cropper, which will reform after cutting.....

Average Contents : 350 seeds

Runner Bean Moonlight
Runner Bean Moonlight

Moonlight is a UK breeding success, having the potential of self pollination.....

Av. Packet Contents : 25 seeds

Growth Habit : Climbing

Salad Leaves Mesclun Mixed
Salad Leaves Mesclun Mixed

Mix of Lettuce varieties suitable for use as a cut and come.....

Average Contents : 1.5g, approx 1000 seeds

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Selecting The Right Seeds.

Choosing the right seeds for your needs is an important step in ensuring that you get the most out of your efforts. Taking some time researching before selecting your desired flower and veg seeds can help ensure success when planting your garden this season!

 For veg seeds, think about what types of vegetables you'd like to grow and then choose varieties that your will actually use in the kitchen. F1 seeds tend to produce a bigger harvest and the extra cost can be justified for those growing in smaller areas or containers.

Once you know what you'd like to grow, it's time to buy! Starting a garden with the perfect variety of seed is easy, and in no time at all, your outdoor space will be full of colour and life. 

Additionally, if you're looking for long-lasting flowers blooms throughout the summer, select varieties with staggered bloom times so that there are always flowers present in your garden.

Benefits Of Growing Your Own Plants from Seed.

Growing your own from seed is a great way to enjoy fresh and nutritious food while also getting some outdoor exercise. 

Not only can you save money by purchasing flower and vegetable seeds, but you can also have the satisfaction of growing and harvesting your own crops. Furthermore, you will gain a better appreciation for where your food comes from and the effort that goes into producing it.

You don't need to be an expert gardener to successfully grow your own flowers or vegetables either. With some basic knowledge and a little patience, anyone can reap the benefits of this rewarding hobby. Whether it's for yourself or for others, growing healthy plants from scratch will leave you with a sense of accomplishment unlike anything else!

Buying Seeds Online.

Whether you're looking for vegetable or flower seeds, there is a huge range of options available to choose from. With so many varieties and types of seeds, it's important to know what to look for when you buy them.

For those who are just getting started with growing their own, it's important to do some research and buy quality products from reliable suppliers. At SimplySeed, all our seeds will give you the best chance of success in your garden. We've selected the best new varieties that have proved themselves time after time under UK growing conditions.

Why Grow Your Own?

Growing your own is a great way to save money and get the freshest vegetables and fruits. With a little bit of research, you can select the best varieties for your garden that are sure to produce the most delicious results. Reading our gardening blogs and learning to plant them properly will ensure a successful harvest. The benefits of growing your own vegs include having access to fresh, healthy foods without preservatives or chemicals.

Overall, growing your own from seed is both rewarding and practical! Not only do you get access to fresh produce, it’s also an opportunity to reduce food miles and get outdoors in the fresh air. With a little bit of knowledge and effort, you can enjoy all the benefits that come with growing your own!