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Sadguna Vaibhava – Splendor of Virtues
Virtues from Gurumayi for Birthday Bliss

Sadguna Vaibhava
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In my meditation on today's virtue, Abundance (which is Abondance in French), I could see the endless blessings of my life scrolling before my mind’s eye. I was filled with gratitude when these words arose from within: “Between my Guru and me, a-bond-dances, like a Shiva Nataraj, suffused with ecstatic love.”

Quebec, Canada

I have been experiencing blessings and love in abundance since the culmination of Baba’s month merged into the scintillating dawn of Gurumayi’s Birthday Bliss. At midnight I began to experience wordless changes within, a transformation into deep contentment. I understood that my Guru has given me everything in abundance, so it’s time to explore the abundant treasures within.

Bhandara, India

What a delightful moment it was for me to open up the Siddha Yoga path website this morning. It was great seeing and feeling the joy and celebration that seemed to be included in today’s virtue, Abundance. It is such a blessing to be on this grace-filled path. I am filled with love and gratitude.

Cologne, Germany

My outlook on abundance has changed ever since I began to walk the Siddha Yoga path. I have come to realize that abundance is not about having more of everything. Instead, abundance is about finding the happiness with whatever I am blessed with. My cup need not overflow, but Gurumayi makes sure that it is always full.
I am ever grateful that, particularly during these challenging times, I have a job in the health sector that serves people, and which in turn helps me to take care of my own family’s needs. Moreover, my family and I are blessed to have Gurumayi’s grace and protection, and I am thankful for the peace that chanting and contemplation of God bring to my home. This is the abundance in my life and I cannot ask for more.

Hosur, India

I am experiencing abundance within myself as I engage with the multitude of gifts on the Siddha Yoga path website during this month of Birthday Bliss. There’s so much still to discover, and already I am feeling fulfilled. May this month be abundant with bliss for all. My heart is filled with gratitude for Gurumayi’s grace and love and for her birth in this world.

California, United States

How I look forward to seeing the virtues displayed here on the Siddha Yoga path website! For Gurumayi’s Birthday Month, I’ll make sure to visit the website every day and see what virtue I can practice and keep in mind for the rest of the day.

Los BaƱos, Philippines

In my younger years, I thought of abundance mainly in the sense of monetary wealth. Now that I’m older and on the Siddha Yoga path, I experience abundance as including so much more—the abundance of family and friends, the abundance of spiritual and worldly knowledge, and the abundance of Shri Guru’s love and protection in my life!

St. Laurent, Canada

As I thought about the virtue of abundance today, I began reflecting on how I’ve changed since beginning on the path of Siddha Yoga. Early on, longtime feelings of being poor, both financially and spiritually, began to shift for me during a meditation in which the goddess Mahalakshmi appeared standing before me. I felt blessed. Gradually, my financial situation improved as I continued daily with the Siddha Yoga practices.
Then I began to experience abundance in body, mind, and soul. I felt expansion in my being, more freedom in my thinking and ways of interacting with the world. I now realize that abundance was always present and available to me; however, I had to learn to open my being to fully receive this beautiful virtue.

California, United States

Knowing that as soon as I wake up, there’s a new virtue to be discovered and considered has made every single day of this month shine with Gurumayi’s grace.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Delicate pink heart-shaped petals of roses
Bright purples of allium flowers
Bees buzzing, chanting
A squirrel dances on the thin edge of a fence,
showing off its balancing act
Abundance of joy
Abundance of life
Abundance of Guru’s grace
I give thanks for this blessed life!
I give thanks for this blessed day!
I give thanks for this blessed moment!

London, United Kingdom