Preeti:-9871415229, 9953134619

Welcome to Shree Ji Shree

Astrology Services in Delhi

Shree Ji Shree is a very dedicated Tarot Astro consultancy. If you are worried about your Health, Finance, Career, Business, Marriage, Love Life, and Evil Eye, we can guide you with our Psychic and Intuitive Readings.

Our office in Central Delhi (Karol Bagh) we are available on online sessions in India and out of India. You can contact us on WhatsApp or Facebook calls, also take telephone sessions. For appointment, Call on number. Read more..


Tarot Card Reading

What is Tarot Reading?
Tarot is mystical device for Divination (the practice of seeking knowledge of future or the unknown by supernatural means) it provides a key to understanding universal truths... Read More.

Angel Reading

Angels are connection between Heaven and Earth. It is a spiritual channel between GOD and MAN. The Angels were there to solve every problem, happy to comfort, guide, motivate, heal, inspire, and enlighten you. Angels, Gu... Read More.

Crystal Healing

Healing means bringing your mind, body, and spirit into harmony and facilitating evolution of the soul. Crystal and Gem Stones are one of the oldest forms of healing and have always been used for protection.

... Read More.


Astrology is all about the Stars and Planets. They have both positive and negative effect on lives of humans. The power of Astrology combined with Knowledge and Skills gives positive benefits to people’s lives.
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In Numerology, each number has own power, strength or weakness. The study of numbers beyond their numeric value especially mystical, occult or hidden meaning of numbers, only expert Numerologist can reveal the facts and can... Read More.

Relationship & Marriage Counseling

Help people married, living together or single resolve conflicts and improve their relationships through counselling, and you can make thoughtful decisions about rebuilding and strengthening your relationship.... Read More.

Call for Appointment :
Preeti:-9871415229, 9953134619