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Next Three Events:

Bicycle and Walking tours, Public Talks, plus Bay Cruises!

Download our new Spring 2024 calendar as a pdf here.

Saturday, June 15, Noon-3:45 pm

Island Hopping! Treasure Island Walk

Ferry to and from Treasure Island together!

Treasure Island is San Francisco’s newest neighborhood! Ferry over with us to take a look at what’s happening in the middle of the Bay. We take you along newly planted paths reviving remnant habitat on Yerba Buena Island and along Clipper Cove. Get up close to the new constructions, which are juxtaposed against original structures from the island’s founding in 1938. Walk along the shoreline with the best view of SF’s skyline and get oriented to the Golden Gate International Exposition and more at the Treasure Island Museum. Ferry back with us, or stay for drinks and/or food at one of the many new bars, winery, distillery, or restaurants.

Tours are FREE, but each participant pays their own round trip ferry passage. Attendance limited. RSVP required to

This is a free event, but we gladly accept donations. donate now!

Rescheduled after rainout:

Saturday, June 22, 11-4:45 pm

Island Hopping!
Mare Island: A Century and a Half of Naval History on the Bay

by BICYCLE! Ferry to and from Vallejo together!

Join us for a bicycling tour of Mare Island, the nation's first naval station and shipbuilding yard on the West Coast which began operations in 1854. On a 4-mile slow loop of the island, we will discover the rich history attached to each site: the Historic Core with the building ways where over 500 ships were built and the original Dry Dock constructed in the late 1800s; St. Peter's Chapel with its 25 Tiffany stained glass windows; Old 84, the Navy's first land-based prison built in 1863; the "Pink Palace," which was the site of CIA work during the Cold War; the Naval Cemetery located in the Preserve; Alden Park with its many naval artifacts, and more. It's a fascinating ride through 143 years of history!

Tours are FREE, but each participant pays their own round trip ferry passage. Attendance limited. RSVP required to

This is a free event, but we gladly accept donations. donate now!

Friday, July 5, 7:30 pm

90th Anniversary of Big Strike

at 518 Valencia Street

On the 90th anniversary of "Bloody Thursday," July 5, 1934, labor historians and ILWU veterans will discuss the history and legacy of the longshore union in San Francisco's politics. Featuring Gifford Hartman, Chris Carlsson, and others TBA. Co-hosted by Left by the Bay.

This is a free event, but we gladly accept donations. donate now!

Explore Shaping San Francisco:

Ecology Emerges poster art by Mona Caron

Ecology Emerges

Discussions and reflections on the history of Bay Area ecological activism, based on oral histories documenting the past 50 years.

Ecology Emerges is an oral history gathering project to explore the past 50 years of ecological activism in the Bay Area and the role that individual and institutional memories play in the development, policy proposals, and interrelationships that together make up the existing networks of ecological politics.  We document the living ecological activist movement, in their own words, but also in a larger context of urban growth and globalization.

Read more…

Oral Histories

Oral Histories

Shaping San Francisco, as part of our ongoing work, sits down with people who have stories to tell and conducts oral history interviews.

Check them out here.

"Editor's Pick Tour" from

Comprised of over 1,400 pages, and 2,500 historical photos, the wiki-based archive is the product of hundreds of contributors, regular people who were compelled by the chance to investigate some piece of this City's past.

See the latest highlights…