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The following patents has been granted: 8,527,140; 9,152,609; 9,846,174

What it does

Driver evaluation - RideMetric turns your smartphone into a personalized driving coach, helping you drive safer by cutting down on risky habits such as as speeding and harsh braking. A separate metric tracks fuel efficiency; most drivers can save up to 10% on gas by eliminating unnecessary driving behaviors.

Location metrics - Detailed information is stored for every trip you take, such as start and end points and route taken. You can also find out where you parked your car or if any nearby spaces have recently been vacated by RideMetric users.

Anti-texting features - Text messaging creates a crash risk 23 times worse than driving while not distracted. RideMetric encourages users not to text through a reminder screen and also provides the option to send an auto-response message when texts are received.

View driving history - SignUp to use our new WAP service so that you can view driving history and statistics of yourself and your group, Furthermore create new groups for your team or family and Invite drivers to join your group.

Customize your APP - Good news for developers, now you can use our SDK to customize your APP.