VOCABULARY: Ever heard of “trading sardines”


*** begin quote ***

In 1896, the discovery of gold in Canada’s Yukon territory launched an era now known as the Yukon-Klondike gold rush.

Over the next two years, 100,000 miners flooded into the area in search of the next big gold strike. 

But it was far from easy… 

The trek was treacherous… The competition was fierce… And the weather was glacial.

During the winter of 1896–1897, the water around Alaska’s ports froze solid, which forced shipping to shut down completely.

The result was a major food shortage—and skyrocketing prices for the little amount of available supplies.

In the most isolated regions of Alaska, a single can of sardines—which cost $0.10 in New York—sold for many times that amount. And thanks to the demand from starving miners, the price kept rising.

Legend has it that one miner, desperate for a meal, bought a can for $100.

But when he went to open it, the fish was rotten.

He tracked down the seller, demanding his money back.

The seller was confused—asking the buyer why he would open the can in the first place.

He told the miner, “Those are trading sardines, not eating sardines.”

This piece of market lore is a commonly cited metaphor for speculative trading, where an asset can keep rising… and traders—suffering from FOMO (fear of missing out)—keep bidding the price higher. Meanwhile, the asset is—from a practical standpoint—worthless.

*** end quote ***

HEALTH: What is the impact of blood supply contamination?


Researchers Call for Urgent Action to Address Mass Contamination of Blood Supply
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
May 27, 2024 

*** begin quote ***

Story at-a-glance

  •     Japanese researchers warn of the risks of using blood from mRNA COVID vaccine recipients, highlighting potential deadly effects and the need for urgent action to secure the global blood supply
  •     Blood contaminated with prion-like structures from the spike protein raises the risk of inducing fatal neurodegenerative diseases in recipients. The potential transmission of harmful proteins through exosomes (“shedding”) and the risk of autoimmune diseases due to the vaccines’ mechanism and components like lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are other major concerns
  •     Proposals for managing blood collection include rigorous donor interviews, deferral periods, and a suite of tests to ensure the safety of blood products
  •     The researchers advocate for comprehensive testing of both jabbed and unjabbed individuals to assess the safety of blood products and suggest discarding blood products contaminated with spike proteins or modified mRNA until effective removal methods have been developed
  •     They call for suspending all gene-based “vaccines” and conducting a rigorous harm-benefit assessment in light of the serious health injuries reported. They also urge countries and organizations to take concrete steps to address and mitigate the already identified risks

*** end quote ***

Looks like we have not heard the end of the impact of the COVID MRNA “vaccine”.  Reminds me of thalidomide where there were terrible second generation birth defects from pregnant women who too the drug.  When will humanity learn not to conduct mass experiments with untested “stuff”.  That can be drugs, diets, or even “ideas” like memes.  I see a big correlation between AIDS, thalidomide, and “socialism / communism”.  All giant society wide experiments with terrible impacts.



VOCABULARY: The hikikomori, aka moden day recluse


A shrinking life: Why some Asian youth withdraw from the world

By Jessie Yeung, Sophie Jeong, Carlotta Dotto, Woojin Lee, Kenneth Uzquiano and Saki Toi

Published May 25, 2024

*** begin quote ***

Like many hikikomori, he would sleep all day and wake at dusk. Then at night, when his family went to bed, he spent hours scrolling on his phone.

*** end quote ***

Like Howard Hughes?


TECHNOLOGY: When to we own what we purchase


Samsung Requires Independent Repair Shops to Share Customer Data, Snitch on People Who Use Aftermarket Parts, Leaked Contract Shows
Jason Koebler
May 23, 2024 at 9:19 AM

*** begin quote ***

The contract requires repair shops to “immediately disassemble” devices that have parts “not purchased from Samsung.”

In exchange for selling them repair parts, Samsung requires independent repair shops to give Samsung the name, contact information, phone identifier, and customer complaint details of everyone who gets their phone repaired at these shops, according to a contract obtained by 404 Media. Stunningly, it also requires these nominally independent shops to “immediately disassemble” any phones that customers have brought them that have been previously repaired with aftermarket or third-party parts and to “immediately notify” Samsung that the customer has used third-party parts.

“Company shall immediately disassemble all products that are created or assembled out of, comprised of, or that contain any Service Parts not purchased from Samsung,” a section of the agreement reads. “And shall immediately notify Samsung in writing of the details and circumstances of any unauthorized use or misappropriation of any Service Part for any purpose other than pursuant to this Agreement. Samsung may terminate this Agreement if these terms are violated.”

*** end quote ***

Sorry but this seems to be a monopoly behavior.  At what point do we actually own things that we buy?  Not rent  Not license.  Not lease.  But “buy”.

I think that Samsung needs a lesson in free market capitalism.


NEWJERSEY: How does Gym Owner Defying Gov. Murphy get his rights, life, and stuff back?


New Jersey Court Throws Out 80 Charges Against Brave Gym Owner Defying Gov. Murphy’s Tyrannical Lockdown Orders: “Suck My D—k Phil Murphy”
by Jim Hᴏft May. 19, 2024 10:01 pm

*** begin quote ***

Ian Smith, co-owner of Atilis Gym in Bellmawr, New Jersey, has achieved a monumental victory. A New Jersey court has dismissed all 80 charges against him, charges that stemmed from his bold decision to reopen his gym in direct defiance of Democrat Governor Phil Murphy’s tyrannical COVID-19 lockdown orders.

The saga began in May 2020, when Smith reopened Atilis Gym, challenging the Murphy administration’s mandates, which he and his supporters argue are unconstitutional and detrimental to small businesses.

The confrontation escalated in July 2020 when police officers forcefully arrested Smith after he continually violated the state’s shutdown orders.

*** end quote ***

It’s not fair for the Taxpayers to have to reimburse him for his losses.  Murphy should be personally responsible!

Let’s really put some teeth in this ruling!


INTERESTING: COuld AI “solve” a backlog of unread cuneiform scripts


Expert Believes He Has Solved Archaeological Mystery Surrounding Ancient Assyrian Symbols
By Andy Corbley – May 16, 2024 

*** begin quote ***

Most of the time, Assyriologists, or people who study the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, are working on transcribing the various cuneiform scripts of tablets found during excavations in the 19th and 20th centuries, of which there are tens of thousands in museum collections that haven’t ever been read.

*** end quote ***

Here’s an unsolved trove of dikw (i.e., data, information, knowledge, wisdom) from the ancient world that’s ripe for study.  We’d probably learn more that ever comes for Tik Tok.

Hopefully someone turns AI loose on all the backlog.


POLITICAL: The New York judge seems to be unfair and should be retired


I was inside the court when the judge closed the Trump trial, and what I saw shocked me
Alan Dershowitz

*** begin quote ***

I have observed and participated in trials throughout the world. I have seen justice and injustice in China, Russia, Ukraine, England, France, Italy, Israel, as well as in nearly 40 of our 50 states.

But in my 60 years as a lawyer and law professor, I have never seen a spectacle such as the one I observed sitting in the front row of the courthouse yesterday.

The judge in Donald Trump’s trial was an absolute tyrant, though he appeared to the jury to be a benevolent despot. He seemed automatically to be ruling against the defendant at every turn.

Alan Dershowitz was allowed to stay in the courtroom during former President Donald Trump’s hush money trial while Judge Merchan scolded witness Robert Costello.

Many experienced lawyers raised their eyebrows when the judge excluded obviously relevant evidence when offered by the defense, while including irrelevant evidence offered by the prosecution.

*** end quote ***

When politics prevents fair trials, it’s time to “retire” the judges involved.

At the very least, don’t lawyers like Alan Dershowitz have an obligation to report the judge’s conduct to the Bar Association for an inquiry?



INTERESTING: Ever hear of the “Lunar Standstill”?


Rare lunar event may reveal Stonehenge’s link with the moon
By Katie Hunt, CNN
6 minute read
Published 1:16 PM EDT, Tue May 21, 2024

*** begin quote ***

To those gathering over the centuries at Stonehenge — the imposing prehistoric monument that has dominated Salisbury plain in southwest England for some 4,500 years — it was likely clear how the sun could have informed its design.

The central axis of the stone circle was, and still is, aligned with the sunrise at midsummer and sunset at midwinter, the stones dramatically framing the rising and setting sun when days were at their longest and shortest.

But do Stonehenge and potentially other megalithic monuments around the world also align with the moon?

The idea that Stonehenge was linked in some way to the moon gained ground in the 1960s. However, the concept hadn’t been systematically explored, said Clive Ruggles, professor emeritus of archaeoastronomy in the school of archaeology and ancient history at the University of Leicester.

This summer, archaeologists are using a little-known lunar phenomenon that happens every 18.6 years to investigate as part of their work in understanding why Stonehenge was built.

Lunar standstill

Like the sun, the moon rises in the east and set in the west. However, moonrise and moonset move from north to south and back again in the space of a month. The northern and southern extremes also change over a period of about 18 and a half years. The lunar standstill is when the northernmost and southernmost moonrise and moonset are farthest apart. 

*** end quote ***

In my old age, I’ve become more and more convinced that humanity has lost some dikw (i.e., data, information, knowledge, wisdom) along the way on the “road to progress”.  Some of what has been lost was NBD (no big deal) like beliefs in witches, “poisonous tomatoes”, and the “Divine Right of Kings”.  Some losses have been down right positive like superstitions, subsistence farming, and disease caused by spirits.  

I’ve never heard of the “Lunar Standstill” but obviously those primitive savages had.

What else did they know that we’ve lost?

We have a lot to be humble about.


TECHNOLOGY: Gooferment Skrules ban what they don’t understand


AI tutors are quietly changing how kids in the US study, and the leading apps are from China
Rita Liao
6:00 AM PDT • May 25, 2024

*** begin quote ***

Several public school districts in the U.S. have banned access to ChatGPT on school devices, but enforcing a ban on generative AI outright becomes challenging as soon as students leave school premises.

*** end quote ***

This story made me laugh.  

Typical of anything Gooferment’s “Let’s just ban it” approach to something new and strange.

Worked so well for the drug war and innumerable other Gooferment actions.

Guess they don’t know that humans are infinitely adaptable and equally hard to control. 

(A four year old has taught me that you can’t make someone do what they don’t want to do.  So you better find a better way to get them dressed.)


RANT: Once again Im forced to agree with Piers Morgan — trans athletes deserve tehir own category


It’s time to stop the unfair, unequal madness of trans athletes destroying women’s sports
By Piers Morgan
Published May 20, 2024
Updated May 20, 2024, 1:17 p.m. ET

*** begin quote ***

It was like watching Usain Bolt compete in the women’s 200 meters and annihilating current world champion Shericka Jackson.

He’s run it in 19.19 seconds, while Jackson’s fastest time is 21.41, over two seconds slower.

That’s not because Bolt is a “better” runner, it’s because he has a bigger, stronger, faster male biology, which is why the sexes are separated in athletics.

And that’s why it’s so unfair for trans athletes to compete against women.

World Athletics has already concluded this and barred them, but many lower-level US sports bodies have been shamefully slow to follow.


*** end quote ***

Sorry, but it is essential unfair to have men compete against women in athletics.

Unless we handicap them like in horse racing … 


As much as I hate to agree with Piers, when he is right, he is right.

Seems so simple.


VETERANS: Vets can”t seem to get “an official diagnosis” and the benefits they earned from a grateful nation


The sniper with one of the longest kills in Afghanistan has a message for Joe Biden
By Wills Robinson For Dailymail.com
Published: 12:58 EDT, 26 May 2024 | Updated: 13:39 EDT, 26 May 2024

*** begin quote ***

Sergeant Nicholas Ranstad was twenty minutes into a nap when his spotter woke him up.

Four Taliban fighters were 1.28 miles away from the hut where the Army specialist sniper was living in Kunar Province in northeastern Afghanistan.

If the insurgents had looked more carefully, they would have seen white marks on boulders beside them. Randstad, a 28-year-old Florida native, had been using them for target practice for weeks.

*** and ***

But what happened to Ranstad in the years that followed has become all too common among veterans from the War on Terror.

That story is one the Pentagon doesn’t want you to hear.

Eleven years after killing the Taliban fighter with a once-in-a-lifetime shot, he walked into the home of a friend, Marine veteran Sean Miller.

Like Ranstad, Miller was a fellow veteran who struggled with PTSD.

He had shot himself in the head.

Ranstad called 911 to report a suicide, but ended up being arrested and taken into custody because of the flurry of emotion he felt in the seconds that followed.

When he saw his friend’s body he was so upset he fired four rounds into the floor of the house.

He then ripped down the Marine flag outside Sean’s home and draped it over his body.

The responding officers read him his Miranda rights and he ended up in jail for several days before being released on a $10,000 bond.

He was charged with reckless use of a firearm and firing it inside a dwelling, and it took 13 months to clear his name.

Ranstad admits his reaction in that moment of rage wasn’t right, but the situation showed signs of a crisis that runs far deeper.

Now 45 years old, married for 18 years and with a child, he has been out of the military for six years.

He was honorably discharged because of his own battle with PTSD and the ongoing effects of a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Thousands of veterans suffer from TBIs during their service, but trying to get an official diagnosis for them is a struggle.

It means veterans cannot get full benefits – even if they suffer symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, confusion, frayed memory, bad balance, racing hearts, paranoia, depression and random eruptions of rage or tears.

Ranstad’s story and his interactions with Sean before his tragic death are a painful reminder of the shortfalls of veteran care across the United States.

*** end quote ***

Maybe the young boys and girls, who don’t make it home, are the “lucky ones”.

Instead of help, they get politicians and bureaucrats and “stolen valor”.

Sorry, but vets should be standing tall for their fellow vets and not tolerate this abuse.



VETERANS: A “national draft” should be perminanetly taken off the legislative radar


Feds Propose National Draft

# – # – # – # – # 

Yeah, I know it’s Alex Jones.  And, yes, he’s the nation’s stopped clock.  


I remember Charley Rangel introducing draft legislation annually as a an anti-poor anti-black reminder of the evils of a “draft”.

You’d think that the anti-slavery amendment would cover it, but obviously not.

And, vets especially should have strong opinions about “old men sending young men to die”.

It’s time that “We, The Sheeple” recognize that the MIC (military industrial conspiracy) uses “the military” as a cash cow.  And that it’s the ultimate “jobs” welfare program.

Time to put the squeeze on this boondoggle.

Yes, we need a small professional military to defend the nation if needed.  We don’t need the current monstrosity.

Remember the Dead Old White Guys were dead set against a Federal Army, but not a Navy.  Let’s return to their wisdom,

Anyone who has seen the movie Glory knows that in the Civil War (that was not so “civil” and more about Northern Aggression against the South) the army was raised by the States.  And that immigrants fresh off the boat enlisted for the wages.

Let’s return the “army” to the States and shrink the Federal Welfare rolls.

Start by ending any possibility of the draft.


VETERANS: This is a slap in the face for every vet, families of vets, and the image Ameircans have of their Gooferment


Catholic Knights of Columbus group sues Biden for banning them from holding traditional Memorial Day mass at Virginia cemetery because service is a ‘demonstration’

  •     The fraternity has held a service at the national cemetery every year since 1960
  •     But a policy change means the mass is now classified as a ‘demonstration’

By Dominic Yeatman For Dailymail.Com
Published: 20:32 EDT, 22 May 2024 | Updated: 00:46 EDT, 23 May 2024

*** begin quote ***

A Catholic fraternity is taking the White House to court after it was banned from holding an annual mass it has staged at a national cemetery for more than 60 years.

The Knights of Columbus has held a Memorial Day mass at the Poplar Grove National Cemetery in Virginia every year since 1960.

But it is claiming religious discrimination after the National Park Service (NPS) decided the religious service amounted to a ‘demonstration’ and decided to ban it on the Petersburg site.

*** end quote ***

And the USA has a “Catholic President”!


POLITICAL: I agree that people selected at random from the phone book would do a better job addressing the nation’s problems


(POLL) 54% say a random group of people could do better job than US Congress?

By Sharyl Attkisson | May 20, 2024

*** begin quote ***

Only one-in-five voters think members of Congress listen to their constituents, and a majority say a random collection of people would do a better job.

That’s according to the latest Rasmussen Reports.

The survey found that 54% of likely U.S. voters believe a group of people selected at random from the phone book would do a better job addressing the nation’s problems than the current Congress.

*** end quote ***

I’d suggest that we pick from the line at the unemployment office?


ECONOMICS: DJT needs to embrace the chainsaw revolution also


In Argentina, Milei’s exhilarating chainsaw revolution is underway
by Jeff Jacoby The Boston Globe
May 19, 2024

*** begin quote *** 

Through it all, Milei keeps “making the argument,” as Matthew Lynn wrote recently in The Telegraph. Underneath his brash style he is committed to serious economic and philosophical ideas —about free markets, individual liberty, and a smaller state. Like the economics professor he was for 20 years, he wants people to understand the case he makes for the efficacy of competition and the harms caused by overbearing governments. Everywhere politicians are addicted to subsidies, price controls, deficit spending, and corporate welfare. It is exhilarating to see a national leader who has a radically different vision and champions it unapologetically.

Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe.

*** end quote ***

One an only hope that this catches on with “We, The Sheeple”.  “Soft landing” might be possible if we get rid of all the mochers, parasitic politicians, and useless bureaucrats!


TINFOILHAT: Questioning was 9/11 a real “OPERATION NORTHWOODS”


A ‘KENNEDY’ vs a ‘BUSH’, what is the difference? Did one blink? If OPERATION NORTHWOODS was REAL, that the DoD, US government considered flying airplanes into buildings, civilian in 1962 to take out Fidel, against American and civilian targets, then did the DoD, US government actually do it for 911? John Kennedy told them fuck off when they gave him the plan for approval, we need to know when documents are unsealed, all discussions Bush had. 

Dr. Paul Alexander

May 18, 2024

*** begin quote ***

Is a Kennedy different to a Bush? Did one blink? Who did what? What actually happened on 911? We still do not know except that 3000 people died escaping the towers and that someone, some people, some entities, something, took down the towers…what? was it really the planes? the fuel? the fire? or explosives? what really happened? Trump said on 911 the planes could not. Operation Northwoods tells us to believe anything could have happened and approved by people you THINK are there to protect and serve your best interests, and things in your wildest dreams that you would have said NOWAY…I say, YES, way!!! 

*** end quote ***

I’m not sure that we will ever really “know” the truth.

The intact passport and WTC7 make me suspect that this is NOT what we are told it was.

The Gooferment is immoral, ineffective, and inefficient. As well as untrustworthy. 

Nothing I have seen or heard makes me think otherwise.


VOCABULARY: The precariat is one misfortune away from insolvency


Precarious: One Misfortune Away from Insolvency
By Charles Hugh Smith
May 16, 2024

*** begin quote ***

As a result, a significant percentage of households that are considered middle-class are one misfortune away from insolvency.

We can summarize the changes in our economy over the past two generations with one word: precarity, as life for the bottom 90% of American households has become far more precarious over the past 40 years, despite the rising GDP and “wealth” as measured in phantom capital.

This reality is expressed in the portmanteau word precariat, combining proletariat (someone whose livelihood comes from their labor) and precarious: outside of government employment, work has become far more precarious. Where it was still common 40 years ago to work for a company for much or most of one’s career and have a private-sector pension, now private-sector pensions have vanished, replaced by self-managed 401K funds, and private-sector work is characterized by a series of not just job changes but career changes.

*** end quote ***

I blame this phenomena on the Gooferment.  Specifically, the Federal Reserve System.

The Federal Reserve Bank is a misnomer. IT ain’t “federal”. It reserves nothing. And, it ain’t a “bank”. It is a private cartel of the elite banks run for their benefit and that of the entrenched politicians.

The Gooferment’s politicians and bureaucrats spend far more than we can afford and the Fed borrows and “prints”.

“Money is a matter of functions four, a medium, a measure, a standard, a store.” He repeated that four times like poetry. “Six Characters in Money: Portable – Durable – Divisible – Uniformity – Limited Supply – Acceptability.” — CHURCH 10●19●62 (Vol 1) 978-0-557-08387-9 page 110

Unfortunately, it is no longer a store of value and hasn’t been since the 1970’s or maybe 1913.

“The gold standard did not collapse. Governments abolished it in order to pave the way for inflation. The whole grim apparatus of oppression and coercion — policemen, customs guards, penal courts, prisons, in some countries even executioners — had to be put into action in order to destroy the gold standard. Solemn pledges were broken, retroactive laws were promulgated, provisions of constitutions and bills of rights were openly defied. And hosts of servile writers praised what the governments had done and hailed the dawn of the fiat-money millennium.” — Ludwig von Mises

Penny candy, Nickel cigars, Dime store comics, and Quarter a gallon gas.

Are all indicators of how much the value of the U$D has been devalued.

Remember that on payday, Election Day, or any other day.


NEWJERSEY: Say “no” to taxes for and due to illegal immigrants


Posted on May 15, 2024
Blue State Nowhere Near the Border Is Having to Shell Out Billions Due to Illegal Immigration, Report Finds
Jason Hopkins, Daily Caller, May 8, 2024

*** begin quote ***

A report conducted by a New Jersey lawmaker found that illegal immigrants are costing taxpayers well over $7 billion per year.

New Jersey Republican assemblyman Paul Kanitra released the “Report on the Cost of Illegal Aliens to New Jerseyans” on Tuesday, which gives a comprehensive breakdown of how many illegal immigrants are residing in the state, its costs to taxpayers, and the current state of the border crisis. 

Kanitra’s office estimated that, as of April 2024, there were roughly 894,000 illegal immigrants in New Jersey. Out of a state of just under 10 million, this would equate to nearly 1-in-1o New Jersey residents being an unlawful immigrant.

*** and ***

ltogether, Kanitra’s office concluded that New Jersey residents are paying $7.3 billion annually to cover the cost of illegal immigrants.

*** end quote ***

We can’t afford illegal immigration anymore than any place in the USA can.

Time to do a Nancy Regan and “Just say no”!


TECHNOLOGY: Comcast to begine the streaming content wars?

May 14, 2024 5:28am PT
Comcast to Launch Peacock, Netflix and Apple TV+ Bundle at a ‘Vastly Reduced Price’ 
*** begin quote ***
Get ready for the next cable-like streaming bundle: Comcast later this month will launch a three-way bundle — with Peacock, Netflix and Apple TV+ — offered at a deep discount, Comcast chief Brian Roberts said.
*** end quote ***
​Maybe time to inventory all the streaming services in prep for “better deals”.  I suspect that everyone will be scrambling to match so as not to be Comcast’s “lunch”.

ECONOMICS: Rescue from “hoodoo” over Utah canyon — free?


Crews rescue injured man trapped on hoodoo towering over Utah canyon
By: Jeff Tavss
Posted at 3:04 PM, May 10, 2024
and last updated 7:55 PM, May 10, 2024

*** begin quote ***

GRAND COUNTY, Utah — Utah search and rescue crews put their lives on the line in some of the most treacherous conditions around the state, often helping those who bite off a little more than they can chew.

Grand County Emergency Medical Services shared photos from an incredible rescue last Saturday that found a man stranded on a hoodoo towering thousands of feet in the air over the canyon below.

*** end quote ***

# – # – # – # – # 


Subby doesn’t subscribe to the notion that someone in danger should pay for their rescue, but, of course, there are exceptions 

# – # – # – # – # 

A rescue crew for 3 hours costs something.  Why should “rescues” be “free” except to the Taxpayer.

Maybe there should be a sliding scale for reimbursement based on “forseeability of requiring rescue” or total cost or some other factors.

One buys travel and medical insurance in connection with a cruise.  Why not something similar for venues like the Grand Canyon, National Parks, or ski slopes?

Maybe I’m a grinch but the Taxpayers should not be the stuckee.


POLITICAL: Gooferment “infringements” are a feature; not a bug


State Intervention and Anarchy
By Wanjiru Njoya Mises.org
May 17, 2024

*** begin quote ***

In Against the State, Lew Rockwell emphasizes that the assault on our liberties from the state is not merely “the product of temporary malfunctions. To the contrary, the state is by nature evil.” Rockwell shows that the state is founded on coercion and maintains its power by use of force.

In recent years, following the rise of environmentalism, public health “safetyism,” and the war against “hate,” state interventions have encroached even further into private and family life. Against the State shows that these interventions are not only coercive but also antihuman in prioritizing their goals above human life. A striking example of this was the lockdown policy of closing schools and playgrounds, on the basis that children are resilient and so there is no reason why the state should not keep them under house arrest for several months of their lives.

Another example is the prioritization of the needs of the socialized medicine behemoths such as the United Kingdom’s cultish National Health Service: the British journalist Sherelle Jacobs comments that “with NHS spending now more than that for education, transport, the Home Office and defense put together, Britain is arguably now merely a health service with a state attached.” Similarly, in Canada, private healthcare is banned, and citizens struggling to cope with life are offered state assistance in killing themselves.

*** end quote ***

As we all should know the Gooferment, its politicians and bureaucrats, as well as its accomplices (i.e., the media presstitures, the rich entitled, the celebrities, and the identiarians) are immoral, ineffective, and inefficient. As well as untrustworthy.

Hence, all we can do is be in what I’ll call “Always resist” mode.

There is no other way that to be a “stainless steel rat” a la James Bolivar diGriz, alias “Slippery Jim” and “The Stainless Steel Rat” — a fictional character and a series of comic science fiction novels written by Harry Harrison.

Just find your way thru the maze and never be fooled by the platitudes and preachings of these evil people.

Remember FDR’s “policies” lead to the improvishment of generations and millions of deaths in WW2 and beyond.

