Pristine Classical

The finest historic recorded music, remastered to award-winning acclaim

Pristine Classical

The finest historic recorded music, remastered to award-winning acclaim

Pristine Classical

The finest historic recorded music, remastered to award-winning acclaim

Pristine Classical

The finest historic recorded music, remastered to award-winning acclaim

Pristine Classical

The finest historic recorded music, remastered to award-winning acclaim

Most Recent Releases

FURTWÄNGLER conducts Richard Strauss

Wilhelm Furtwängler conducted a number of concerts with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra between 1939 and 1945 that were both broadcast live and recorded, many onto newly-developed tape recording technology - in unprecedented sound quality.

This release brings you three works by Richard Strauss, recorded live in 1942, 1943 and 1944: Don Juan, Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche, and the Symphonia Domestica, all in stunning Ambient Stereo XR-remastered sound quality.

We also mark the 215th anniversary of the death of Haydn, one of the greatest innovators in the history of classical music, with a special discount on all our recordings of his music.

PUCCINI Madama Butterfly

EMI recorded Madama Butterfly in September and October 1959 in Rome, reuniting the two stars of the 1956 recording of La Bohème, Victoria de los Angeles and Jussi Björling. This new Pristine stereo XR remastering brings you these legendary performances in a sound quality you won't believe!

Victoria de los Angeles is an ideal Butterfly. Her light and smooth tone is suitably youthful and infatuated yet it has plenty of power when needed. Björling’s singing is carefree, thoroughly Italiante in style, and commits to disc a Pinkerton that you want to listen to again and again.

We also celebrate the 90th anniversary of composer Gustav Holst with a special offer reduction on all his recordings this week.


This week at Pristine we unearth more treasures from the earliest recordings of the fabulous Budapest Quartet, including the world première of Beethoven's Grosse Fugue, included as a part of the original version of his 13th String Quartet.

Also included are Beethoven's first Rasumovsky Quartet, Schubert's Quartettsatz, and rare recordings of music by Dittersdorf, Smetana and Tchaikovsky.

Plus: this week we mark the 70th anniversary of the death of American pioneering composer Charles Ives in 1954, with a special discount on all our recordings of his music.

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Digital Music Collection

What the reviewers say

FURTWÄNGLER Wagner Ring Cycle: 4. Götterdämmerung (1950, La Scala) - PACO093

Flagstad pours it on—the quality of her voice and her stamina are remarkable

Fanfare magazine

KLEMPERER in Philadelphia, Vol. 1: Bach, Beethoven, Brahms (1962) - PASC465

This “Eroica” is one of Klemperer’s great statements of the work

Fanfare magazine

LEINSDORF Wagner: Die Walküre (1940, Met) - PACO125

Probably the most significant recording to come along since the recent Wagner bicentennial

The Washington Post

TOSCANINI All-Verdi Concert (1943) - PACO106

Never have I heard the entire broadcast in such excellent sound ... one of the greatest of all Toscanini concerts

Fanfare magazine