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  • Web Conferences

    Measuring Love in the Journey to End Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence – Session 3

    Session 3 in this series is only open to CDC RPE and DELTA AHEAD recipients and sub-recipients.  Our beliefs and values deeply influence actions, policies, and practices, which can be helpful – or harmful – to us, others, and our larger communities. As preventionists strive to incorporate health equity principles into all areas of their prevention practice, we must also work to challenge harmful cultural systemic and cultural norms within ourselves, beginning with how we see and value ourselves as human beings, as part of the work. The Measuring Love Series is designed to build knowledge and provide tools and …

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  • Podcasts

    Centering Love in the Journey to End Gender-Based Violence

    Listen to “Centering Love in the Journey to End Gender-Based Violence” on Spreaker. At the core of it all, under all of our evidence, terminology and funding structures: love is the key to ending sexual and intimate partner violence.  In a movement made almost entirely of survivors, we know healthy love will heal our communities and create a world free of violence. The question that remains is “How do we bring love into our-day-to-day, when so much about how our culture and work structures operate challenge the idea of radical love in and of itself?” Audrey Jordan and Shiree Teng …

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