Latest LinkedIn Blog Posts

Did You Make Either of These (Very Common) LinkedIn Profile Mistakes?

If you haven’t given serious thought to what location and industry you’ve selected on your LinkedIn profile, you’re probably leaving money on the table. Why? Because you aren’t coming up in the search list when your target audience uses them to search for someone like you. Most people haven’t given this choice a moment’s consideration since setting up their profiles many years ago. I suggest now is a good time to reconsider what you’ve selected…Continue Reading »

Got a Meeting? Then You Better Check the Person Out on LinkedIn

Way to go! You finally got that meeting or phone call set up with a person you’ve been looking forward to talking with. Whether it’s a sales call, job interview, donor information session, or just a casual coffee with someone who might be able to help you, you’ve taken the first step. But how can you best prepare for this important meeting? Go straight to the person’s LinkedIn profile. It’s a virtual goldmine of insights…Continue Reading »

Are These LinkedIn Mistakes Hurting Your Company?

When was the last time you updated your LinkedIn company page? One, two, five, ten years? When was the last time you checked to see what some of your most influential outward facing employees said about your company on their LinkedIn profiles? A long time ago, never? The answers to these questions may just lead you to the fact that you have been a bit delinquent in not making sure you put your best foot…Continue Reading »

Would Your Mom Be Proud of What You Are Doing on LinkedIn?

A few years back, my mom said, “I thought I taught you that bragging is not nice! I looked at your LinkedIn thing, and you’re tooting your horn all over the place.” (Yes, that is a picture of my mom and my sister and me!) Well, there definitely is a fine line between being real and authentic on your LinkedIn profile and appearing boastful or pretentious. However, it’s extremely important to clearly show people why…Continue Reading »

Check Out the FREE LinkedIn Interview Prep Feature

It’s always a good idea to check out the interviewer’s profile before your interview, but don’t stop there. Take full advantage of LinkedIn’s newest feature, Interview Prep—and you don’t even need a premium LinkedIn account to take advantage of the most important aspects of this feature. For each of the 26 most commonly asked job interview questions (e.g., Tell me about yourself, What is your greatest strength/weakness, Why should we hire you, etc.), LinkedIn provides the following…Continue Reading »

Here is Your FREE 2024 LinkedIn Game Plan for Success. Download Now!

Are you starting to put your game plan together for 2024? Is LinkedIn part of that plan? If not, it’s probably because you don’t know exactly what to do each week to get results. Well, it’s your lucky day. I created a LinkedIn Game Plan for Success: Your One-Hour Weekly Playbook for Results. It’s received rave reviews from my audiences, and I know you’re going to love it, too. Start following these steps now, and…Continue Reading »

The Critical Changes to Your LinkedIn Profile Skills Section Just Keep Coming!

LinkedIn’s Skills profile section has been rather confusing from its inception, but they’ve been improving it over the years. With the latest feature changes, you now have complete control over the section, which could have a significant impact on your business and career. Because LinkedIn has made over a dozen revisions to the Skills section over the eleven years of its existence, we can assume this section is fairly important in the overall scheme of…Continue Reading »

Check Out the Best Free LinkedIn Feature that Most People Haven’t Discovered Yet

Whether it’s a referral to an exciting new customer with big potential, a new supplier or vendor with a more effective solution, or a referral to your next great employer, referrals are not only highly effective, but it can be fun meeting your friends’ friends. However, it’s not easy to ask the open-ended question, “Who in your network could help me find a job, customer, etc.?” So, rather than putting all the pressure on your connection…Continue Reading »

LinkedIn Will Help You Make 2024 Your Best Year Ever

LinkedIn is loaded with features that will improve your chances of accomplishing your business and career goals, and frequently I’m asked which ones are the very best for all LinkedIn users. So, as we embark on a new year, it’s the perfect time to share my very best LinkedIn strategies that can help you make 2024 your best year ever. Note: Everything I’m sharing can be done with a free LinkedIn account.. . Leverage the relationships…Continue Reading »

Here Are Simple Ways to Increase the Number of People Who Check out Your LinkedIn Profile

Most people will agree that LinkedIn has established itself as one of the best marketing tools on the planet for business professionals, and part of your marketing strategy, whether marketing yourself and/or your products and services, should be to encourage marketing events or interactions with your target audience. One of the most important marketing events on LinkedIn is profile views. When someone views your profile, it’s like they walked into your store, ready to do…Continue Reading »