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Coalition partners intact

THE Government is intact and has assured the nation and the investors that the Vote of No Confidence (VONC) motion on foot that will be deliberated next week Wednesday should…

PM: Govt addressing inflation

PRIME Minister James Marape has called for the Opposition to work together with his government to ease the burden of ordinary Papua New Guineans.

National news

World news

Traffic lights to be re-designed

The universally known traffic light has not experienced a significant redesign in almost 100 years, ever since William Pott, a Detroit police officer, created the first three-section traffic light in…

Global botnet malware dismantled

Authorities in the United States have announced the dismantling of a global network of 19 million infected computers used to facilitate and cover up cybercrimes including fraud, identity theft and…

60-year-old beauty contestant

A 60-year-old woman saw her dreams of becoming the oldest Miss Universe contestant in history melt away in a haze of sequins and selfies Saturday at Argentina’s annual beauty pageant.…


Pawa Energy drink Footy clinic kick-off

Pawa Energy brand ambassador Alex Johnston and Rabbitohs teammates Sean Keppie, and Ben Lovett ran a footy clinic at LaSalle Technical Secondary in Port Moresby today May 31, 2024.

Johnston, Bunnies teammates in Pom

PNG International Alex Johnston and fellow South Sydney Rabbitohs teammates Sean Keppie and Benjamin Lovett yesterday arrived in Port Moresby.

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