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Stop Putting Brad Pitt In Things

George Clooney Can’t Redeem Brad Pitt — no matter how hard he tries

Hollywood makes me feel delusional and deranged on the daily. From the insane beauty standards it perpetuates to the startlingly low amount of representation, it’s a problematic industry. But perhaps its most toxic trait is propping up men who should not be idolized.

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TV Features

A Flop and a Featherington: Colin’s Cringe Carriage Confession and Other Reasons Bridgerton Season 3 Didn’t Hit

Anyone else disappointed by Bridgerton Season 3? You’re not the only one.

Against all odds, I went into Bridgerton Season 3 with an open mind. Perhaps it was Shondaland’s masterclass in marketing: a teasing trailer, sumptuous snippets, and the reveal of their always-miraculous Bridgerton leading man glow-ups.

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Nepotism - noun - the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives, friends, or associates, especially by gifting them jobs.

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